Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 197 Dimension Entrance

Chapter 197 Dimension Entrance
New York, Avengers Tower.

The Avengers rushed to Gotham after receiving the news, only to miss again.When they arrived, they received news that Eric and Raven had left again, and heard that a small crystal shard of unknown significance had been stolen from the Gotham branch.

They had no choice but to go home first.Now it can only rely on Doctor Strange for the time being, and Tony lent him an empty room.The doctor drew a huge golden magic circle on the expensive carpet in the room, and sat cross-legged in the center like an old monk, chanting some spells.

"Have you found anything yet, doctor?" When Tony opened the door and entered, the room was filled with a choking smell of smoke, which made him cough.

"Quiet." Doctor Strange said without looking back, "The dark atmosphere is getting stronger, and the devil is already very close to our dimension. The devil's claws are hanging above each of us now, and there are falling down every moment Danger."

Tony raised his eyebrows: "That sounds...really scary."

"The forces of darkness are growing, and the threat is growing." Doctor Strange said seriously, "Something must have happened."

The phone rang at this moment.Tony took out his custom-made smartphone and said, "Excuse me, take a call."

He exited the door and connected the phone: "Hello?"

"It's me, Eric."

Tony was startled: "Eric? Where are you now?"

"Underground of an abandoned library, I'll send the detailed address to your phone shortly." Eric's voice sounded extremely tired, reminiscent of the dying person in the movie, "River was taken away .The gate of dimension may be about to open, and the countdown to the destruction of the world has entered. I need the help of the Avengers."

"That's hell. You shouldn't."

"My responsibility, I will naturally take it." Eric said lightly, "But not now. Come here as soon as possible, bring Qiqi, we may not have much time left."

After speaking, Eric hung up the phone.The hand holding the phone hangs down weakly, and he sits with his back leaning against a black pillar full of spider webs, panting heavily.A huge magic circle was drawn on the ground in front of him, and he appeared in the center of the magic circle when he woke up.

When Raven hypnotized him, he was still in Azeroth, and he had already come here when he woke up.Therefore, Eric speculates that this place may be the entrance connecting the dimension they are in with other dimensions, and the passage to other dimensions may be opened through a specific method.

If this conjecture is true, the No. 1 choice who can open the dimensional channel is of course Doctor Strange, which is why he notified the Avengers.

Eric sat in the dark and waited quietly for a moment.Suddenly, a hole was pierced through the top of the cave, and the silver metal box flew towards Eric with a gorgeous tail flame, and landed steadily beside Eric.

Awakening accessory, the strongest strengthening device for Alpha armor.

Eric clenched his fists.

Raven, no matter what the price is, I will rescue you.Even at the cost of life—no, even at the cost of the world.

The actions of the Avengers were quite efficient, and they arrived at the scene in a short while.At this moment, Doctor Strange was already standing in the magic circle in the center of the cave, holding a small golden round magic circle in each hand, scanning around like a detector.

"So, you went to another dimension?" After hearing Eric's simple narration, Ant-Man was the first to ask, "Then you saw the enemy's body?"

"Almost." Eric pondered for a while, and said, "The Lord of the Three Palaces is indeed very strong. Although I don't want to say that, but with the known combat power on our planet, if he comes, no one will be able to stop him."

"You shouldn't have taken her away, kid." Captain America said in a low voice, "I know it's hard, but when you have the ability to influence the fate of the world, making the right choice often means choosing the hard one." One, and that is your responsibility."

"My responsibilities are limited to what I can do." Eric said lightly, "I'm sorry, Captain, I don't have the noble sentiments you have. Maybe you are heroes who can sacrifice everything you cherish to save the world, But I'm not. Raven is the most important person in the world to me, and putting the world on the other side of the scale doesn't change anything."

The captain shook his head: "In that case, you will never be qualified to be an Avenger."

"I've never thought about it that way, and I've never even labeled myself as a 'hero'." Eric said, "Maybe if it were you, you would sacrifice your important people to save more people who have never been seen before." People who met, but what about the result? You all know that things often backfire, and in the end the loss could be even more.”

"But at least we know we made the right choice," insisted the captain. "We kept our faith and that's what matters."

"For me, that's not the right choice." Eric lowered his head, stared at his hand, and said slowly, "If you can't even protect the most important person, you can save the world without her." What's the point of the world?"

"The discussion of life ends here, and we have made progress here." Doctor Strange interrupted the tense conversation between the two at the right time, and said, "Your guess is right, this is indeed a place with weak dimensional barriers. I have vaguely established a link with another dimension that exists in parallel, and I can feel its existence. I think I should be able to open a dimensional channel here and send us to the other dimension.”

"Azeroth, the birthplace of Revan, the holy land that has been captured." Eric said, "We were ambushed there, and Revan and Sangong were still there when I left."

"But I must remind you that if the Lord of the Three Houses is still there, we may not be able to compete with him." Doctor Strange said.

"But he has already got the raven." Banner said, "Even if we don't go, he may come over at any time, right? Let me say, instead of waiting for him to invade our world and then passively meet him."

".Why don't we take the initiative, that's the meaning of the Avengers. That's it." Tony said, the helmet's visor closed with a "click", "Avengers, get ready to travel to another world Is it gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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