Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 198 Entering Another World

Chapter 198 Entering Another World
The Occupied Holy Land, Azeroth.

For Sangong, this is also a very special one among the many dimensions.He traversed countless universes, destroying one world after another, but once suffered a disadvantage when he came to Azeroth.The monks here managed to seal him in a small magic spar. Although the time was almost short for the immortal Lord of the Three Palaces, it was already a great shame for him.For this reason, after he made a comeback and flattened Azeroth, he even established the Temple of Demons here as his symbol to avenge his shame, and at the same time, he also used Azeroth as a transit point for attacking the dimension where Revan resides. stand.

An army of scarlet demons surrounded Revan who had returned, and marched along the black corridor leading to the Demon Temple.Raven dressed in black was mixed among the fiery red demons, like a solitary black tulip surrounded by flames, which looked very dazzling.

"You really resisted for a long time, dear sister." Beliel, who was walking beside her, said triumphantly, "But until now, you still haven't been able to escape."

Raven glanced at him, and said in his usual indifferent tone: "It seems that even though you have followed father for so many years, you still don't know him at all, stupid brother."

Belliel was annoyed by her attitude, and was about to pounce angrily: "What did you say?"

To his surprise, Raven didn't intend to fight back at all, and he didn't even bother to talk to him.Seeing his movement, the hell demons around him rushed up spontaneously, subdued Belial in an instant, and pinned his arms so that he couldn't move.

"What!?" Belliel was startled, "How dare you resist me? Listen to my order and let go!"

"You really don't understand anything, brother." Raven said lightly, "Your task is to bring me back, and this is your only value. Now that you have completed this part, to father, you are already It's useless. The moment I decided to come back with you, our positions have changed—now I'm the boss."

She paused, and winked at the demons who restrained Belial: "Let him go."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head domineeringly and continued walking.The demons obediently let go of Beliel, bowed respectfully towards Revan's back, and continued to follow her without even glancing at Beliel.

Beliel's face was distorted with anger, and his teeth were gritted: "Raven."

Not long after that, a cloud of fog appeared outside the Devil's Palace.A magic circle hovered over the open space, with golden runes engraved around it.The Avengers, Doctor Strange, and Eric appeared in the center of the circle one after another.

"Are we there yet?" Ant-Man asked.

"The detector shows that the air composition here is the same as that on the earth, but the positioning device told me that this place is indeed outside the earth." Tony said, "and I don't think this eerie atmosphere is on the earth."

"This is Azeroth." Eric said, "I just left here, so I shouldn't admit my mistake."

Doctor Strange frowned: "Unimaginable majestic magic power is gathered in the building in front of me. I'm afraid this is where our enemy is located. Are you all ready?"

The voice fell, and before everyone could answer, the surrounding suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.With the crowd at the center, flames shot up from the blue-gray ground, one hell demon after another walked out of the flames, and instantly formed a huge army to surround everyone.

"Uh, can I still propose to wait for me to do a warm-up exercise first?" Tony said.

The captain looked around and shouted: "Avengers, attack!"

It has to be said that the ability of the Avengers to clean up miscellaneous fish in team battles is indeed top-notch.The Hulk Hulk was the first to rush into the enemy line, running over like a heavily armored tank.The phalanx of the red demon was extremely lively for a moment, and all the hell creatures that the green figure passed by were photographed flying all over the sky, and people turned their backs on their backs.

The shield thrown by the captain knocked down the two demons head-on, and he leaped forward to take over the round shield and zoomed in to fight the monsters.These monsters look terrifying, and their physical fitness may indeed be better than Captain America as a super soldier, but their fighting skills are really unsightly, and their pitifully low IQ may not even be as good as an ordinary human being.With his superb fighting skills, the captain instantly took the advantage, and he was still able to face multiple enemies at the same time with ease.

Ant-Man also quickly turned into a huge figure, sweeping across the enemy formation with the advantage of being tens of meters tall, stepping on the demons with one foot, and the formation was in chaos.Dr. Strange was suspended in the air, and chanted a long series of spells towards the gate of the Devil's Temple. A ball of golden lightning shot straight from his hand into the two magnificent gates. The ground began to open inward.

And of course the enemy won't just watch them succeed here quietly. More hell creatures seem to have been thrown into the battle endlessly, and there are more types than before.Groups of demons with long wings came out from all directions, covering the sky like locusts all over the sky.Two jet-black flying dragons flew at the front like the leader of a team. They roared loudly and spit out strange bloody flames from their mouths.

Iron Man and Thor soared into the sky one after another.Thor raised his warhammer high, and a thundercloud gathered under the gloomy dome of Azeroth in an instant.The roaring thunder and lightning crackled and crackled on the black dragon, causing them to scream angrily, aiming at Thor and rushing over.Relying on the super high mobility of the armor in the air, Iron Man rushed headlong into the demon phalanx flying in the air. He fired left and right with his palm cannon, and he rushed into the opponent's formation in disarray.

The black flying dragon walked close to Thor's body amidst the lightning and thunder, and entangled him like a poisonous snake.Thor hit the skull of one of them with a hammer hard, and the divine power almost caused the opponent's skull to collapse.But the other party howled miserably, but did not flinch, and continued to bite.

Thor struggled to get out of the encirclement of the two flying dragons, and praised: "These two creatures are really extraordinary, and they are comparable to the birds of Asgard."

"I can barely open an entrance, and I can't last long. The door is resisting me, and it is about to close!" Doctor Strange said while gritting his teeth, concentrating all his energy on his magic, and the electric current made by his magic sink has already The heavy door of the Devil's Temple was torn open, barely enough for one person to enter.

Iron Man swooped down from the sky, suspended in mid-air, stretched out his arms, and the arc reactor on his chest was operating at full power, a super beam burst out, and the fierce strafing instantly cleaned up Ai who was fighting among the demons. All the miscellaneous soldiers in front of Rick.

"Go, Eric!" Tony turned around and dealt with the flying demon chasing after him again, shouting.

Eric was surprised: "Tony."

"Since you are determined to save her, hurry up." Tony said loudly, "This place is for our Avengers."

Eric felt relieved: "Thank you very much."

After finishing speaking, he shouted loudly, and his armor instantly switched to the super speed mode. The briefcase carrying the awakening device rushed past the devil's tide before it closed like electricity, and flashed through the gap in the gate of the devil's palace. go in.

Almost as soon as he rushed in at a high speed, the door slammed shut.

Eric stopped and took a deep breath.But before he had time to move on, another figure stopped in front of him.


"Don't think about going any further, human being." Beliel said viciously, his eyes full of resentment, "I'll show my father what else I can do—I'm going to stop you here!"

(End of this chapter)

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