Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 199 The Devil's End

Chapter 199 The Devil's End

"I'll show my father what else I can do - I'm going to stop you here!"

Belliel stopped in front of Eric, declaring so.

"Get out of the way," Eric said coldly, and continued to move forward.

With a movement of Belial's arm, he crawled out along his arm like a spirit snake, and flew towards Eric.Eric's feet flicked, and he slid sideways at a super speed in the super speed mode, and his feet were extremely flexible to avoid the fire snake, trying to bypass Belliel and rush directly to the depths.

Unfortunately, things are of course not that easy.Right in front of Eric's sprint, a long column of fire exploded with a "boom", blocking him like a wall.Eric closed his pupils, and on one side of his body, before two of the fire pillars took shape, he flashed through the gap, like a gust of lightning.

However, the moment he passed through the gap between the flames, the flame spirit snake appeared in front of him at some point, and hit the armor on his chest unexpectedly.The violent impact with scorching heat hit the armor plate, sending Eric flying into the air, rolling twice and falling back to the ground.

Sure enough, in such a place so close to the Sangong, even Beliel was allocated stronger mana than before, and it would be much more difficult to deal with it.

"Why are you still struggling, human?" Belliel asked, he was truly puzzled, "You should have felt the boundless divine power of the great Sangong just now, right? Then you should also understand, even if it's just It's all very lucky to be alive and breathing now. Why make such a foolish attempt, try to go in and die? Raven, she was meant to be ours, and there's no point in your attempt."

"No, that's not right." Eric got up and said firmly and stubbornly, "She is not any of you 'things', and you will never understand why you are just a puppet like you."

Eric once said that his creed is to just "do what you can do" and not sacrifice yourself to be a hero.

But that's "nothing".

Rescuing Raven was not only a promise he made to Raven, but also a promise to himself.As a man, if there is a time when you have to fight even though you know your chances are slim, then this is the time, right?

This time it was not for others, not just for Raven, he was fighting for himself, so it was necessary to gamble everything.

"Awakening, please complete."

Without hesitation, Eric picked up the briefcase and activated the awakening mode.The metal suitcase unfolded quickly and covered the armor. The golden accessories fell in many places and fit into the armor plate, completing the final switch of the awakening mode.

Life is burning, and will is being consumed rapidly, but at the same time, what is poured into the body is an unparalleled powerful force.

Belliel instinctively felt something was wrong, he swiped his arm in the air, fierce flames shot out from his palm, and rushed to the door in front of Eric with a howl.

"Complete green light mode is online."

The sacred green light enveloped Eric's whole body in an instant, and the moment the flame touched the light curtain, it was washed away and disappeared.The dazzling beams of light shone into the depths of the tunnel, dispelling the darkness in every corner of the field of vision.

Amojo Alpha Armor - Awakening Green Light Mode.

"What trick?"

Belliel growled and covered the door with one arm, and threw fireballs at Eric one after another with the other hand.Eric did not dodge or dodge, and approached him slowly. The fireballs roared and exploded one after another on the green light protective layer on the outer layer of the armor, but did not hurt the armor at all.

Getting closer to a distance of less than one meter, Belliel shouted loudly, put his hands together, charged up and shot out the most powerful flame.However, Eric paused slightly, raised his right fist, and slammed up with a dazzling green light.In an instant, the light curtain splashed all over the sky, and the green light curtain forcibly hit the flame, turning its head in mid-air, and blasting towards Belial in the opposite direction.

Belliel dispelled the rebounded offensive in a panic, and took two steps back, while Eric had already approached him again.Eric raised his arm, and countless green light spots condensed in the palm of his right hand to form the shape of an axe, with sharp sawtooth on the blade.With one slash, a green band of light was drawn, and it slashed across Beliel's chest, causing him to back up again with a howl, leaving a deep scar on his chest.

Another slash of the ax came down, and this time Beliel flipped over on the spot dexterously, and the serrated edge slammed into the ground.Beliel got up quickly, and flames condensed on one paw again, as if preparing to counterattack.

But after all, he failed to get the chance to counterattack.The moment Eric struck the air with the axe, the forearm of the other hand was wrapped in by the green electric drill.The electric drill spun at high speed with a "buzzing" beep, and swung out with Eric's arm.The surging energy mixed in this drill bit instantly shattered Belial's hellfire, and he himself was also hit blood spatteringly, rolling far away.

"I warned you, get out." Eric pointed the ax at him, and said coldly, "It's too late to get out now, I don't want to waste any more energy on you."

Beliel got up, gnashing his teeth angrily.

"Don't bully people too much, human!"

He was already desperate, almost emptying his body and bursting out all his magic power.The flames formed a storm and swept along the passage, and a group of clones whose bodies were completely made of flames formed in front of Belial, all waving their scorching claws and rushing towards Eric.

This is a pointless struggle, the last desperate effort of a desperate tiger.

The electric drill armed on Eric's arm dissipated, and he threw the ax to one side.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The high concentration of green light energy gathers, as if it is coming from the atmosphere with Eric as the center.Amojo's armor was like a green sun, its light shining to the extreme.


With a loud shout, the armored body shot out.The green light condenses out of the wings, forming a jet engine, forming the shape of an Aegis Quin-jet fighter in a limited space, entraining Eric himself in the middle, and rushing forward with green flames.The army of Beliel's flame clone was instantly engulfed, and his flaming domain was crushed vulnerable. His body was swept into a sieve by the Gatling on the Quin-style fighter, and then violently collided with the fighter itself, and the whole body was covered in green. Light swallowed it in.

Eric rushed out from the dazzling light curtain and landed on the ground half squatting.When the light behind him faded away, the demon had no bones left.

Belliel finally got his wish and sacrificed everything for his father.

(End of this chapter)

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