Chapter 206 Soul
hell dimension.

The magma rolled and flowed below, and the high temperature evaporated white steam that slowly rose into the air.

Eric held the rocks on the edge of the cliff with one hand, and held Raven in his arms with the other, hanging from the edge of the cliff with one arm, and the broken stones kept falling towards the magma below.Eric lowered his head and looked down, only to see that the gatekeeper in the blue-gray armor that he faced earlier had been thrown into the lava by the impact of the explosion just now. It was so strong that even the power of the super mode of the Armored Armor could not be shaken. The solid armor was melted easily, which shows how terrifying the magma billowing below is.

But fortunately, Eric switched to super mode urgently, and finally caught Raven in time.He breathed a sigh of relief, switched back to the green light mode and flew back to the cliff with Revan, and finally removed the armor.

He gently placed Raven on the rock beside him, and then he sat down on the side.Since entering this dimension until now, he finally had a chance to catch his breath.

Little Raven sat next to him with his knees hugged, hesitated for a moment, and asked softly: "Eric, why...did you do this?"

Eric was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Sure enough, you still remember?"

"I remember some sporadic fragments." Raven lowered his head, and said, "I can probably see the bits and pieces of memories from the past. It's like a dream. But no matter what, it's all over."

"Not yet." Eric said, "As promised, I will come here to pick you up. Together, we still have a long, long way to go in the future."

Raven shook his head slightly.

"The Lord of the Three Palaces is invincible." She said in a low voice, "I still remember this, and there is no hope."

Eric smiled and patted her on the head again.

"Then maybe I can share some with you."

Raven raised his head, stared at him blankly for a moment, and said: "'s too late. The dimensional channel between the earth and here has been opened, and no one can close it. The Sangong has now descended on the earth. It's all over."

"Really?" Eric said, standing up on his knees. "Well, I guess that means our break is over. Come on, let's go back to Earth and give that guy a hard time." Sannomiya guy's ass."


The Avengers have done their best.They released everyone's full abilities towards Sangong, but the red giant didn't even pause.Sangong turned his head sideways, and randomly shot golden beams from his four eyes. The laser cut through the ground like a sharp blade, and the amazing air pressure exploded at the crack, knocking everyone to the ground.

A random move swept all the Avengers to pieces, and Sannomiya closed his eyes immediately, continuing to accumulate strength.

"Stand up, Avengers." Captain America gritted his teeth and struggled to get up from the smoky ground, "The enemy is in sight!"

"This is... motivating, Captain." Tony said, "But my armor doesn't seem to be motivated much, it can't hold on."

Not just Iron Man's armor, but everyone else.The Lord of the Three Palaces is really too strong, and the strength of the two sides is not in the same dimension at all.If it weren't for Sangong not paying attention to them at all, they would have killed them all in seconds like crushing insects.

A deathly depression permeated the team.Although no one said it, an aura called despair spread unknowingly.

Is there no hope?

No, it's not over yet.

The green light ball flashed out from the blood-red crack in the sky, and there was a faint black wave in the sacred green light.The ball of light drilled out of the crack with a dazzling trajectory, like a shooting star suddenly brushing past Sangong's cheek.Sangong let out a low growl of "Ah", his four eyes opened at the same time and locked firmly on the green light ball.

This is the first time that the Lord of the Three Palaces has suffered pain since his appearance.

The ball of light landed on the ground, and the Almajo Alpha armor in green light mode squatted to the ground. In her hand, the princess hugged the little Raven in white, tightly huddled in his arms in fear, and the suitcase of the awakening accessories lay quietly. side.

Eric put Raven gently on the ground and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, it will be resolved soon."

Sangong said displeased: "Insignificant human beings are not only stupid, but also arrogant."

"Really? Then let you see it." Eric said, and reached out to summon the awakening accessories, "The power of stupid and arrogant human beings!"

"Awakening, please complete."

The briefcase was quickly unfolded and put on, and the armor form was quickly switched. The invisible aura exploded, and the moment the awakened accessories were put on, Eric switched to the truth mode.

Sangong's four eyes flashed fiercely at the same time, astonishing energy burst out, rushing towards Eric.Eric put his feet together, jumped into the air, and within half a second of the time difference, the place where his feet were just now exploded, and the dust was raised nearly ten meters high.

Eric's figure flew towards Sangong like a bullet out of the chamber.Sannomiya raised his huge palm and swiped at a speed that didn't match the size, and a suffocating hurricane blew towards him.Eric moved in the air, turned sideways, and passed by Sangong's red arm dangerously and with great precision, his figure turned into an afterimage and flashed to Sangong's cheek.


Eric kicked up and hit Sannomiya's cheek with almost all his strength.The moment his kick hit, it was as if a purple-black fluctuation loomed and exploded on Sangong's face, causing him to let out a low moan.

Sangong turned around abruptly, but Eric had already used the strength of this kick to push his body back and jumped out, flipping back high in mid-air.It seems that Sangong has just begun to move a little bit. He raised his palm, and a mass of purple-red energy instantly condensed in his palm. With his light push, it turned into a sky full of light and shadow, flying like a dense rain curtain. Generally, it covers almost half of the sky.

Eric dashed from left to right in mid-air, his body speeding through the light curtains, and clusters of energy exploded around him. The flames were as gorgeous and gorgeous as lotus flowers burning in the sky, but at the same time they were extremely deadly.

Finally, Eric was caught.A purple beam hit his armor from the back, knocking him stiff.Taking advantage of this moment, all the light waves in the sky surrounded him from all directions, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.Eric, whose body was still in a stalemate, had no way to avoid it, so he could only turn around and raised his arms, defending with the simulated silver wristbands on his wrists.

The explosion engulfed the armored figure of Yamazo in an instant, and the scorching flames piled up like a demon with claws and claws, brutally swallowing Eric's entire body, and only a ball of flames that grew bigger and bigger was seen on the ground ball.

Sannomiya chuckled triumphantly.

But soon, his smile froze.

The flames dissipated, but the tiny metal figure remained unscathed.Eric shielded his body with both arms and wristbands, and his whole body was emitting a faint lavender breath. Behind him, he faintly spread his wings made of energy, which looked like a black crow in a hazy shape.

"Ruiwen!?" Sangong exclaimed in surprise, "Is it her soul in your body?"

(End of this chapter)

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