Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 207 The White Crow

Chapter 207 The White Crow
It wasn't until Sangong said it that Eric suddenly realized what Raven had left for him at the moment when his existence disappeared.

is her soul.

Raven has always had the ability to control the soul out of the body, and at the moment she transformed into Sangong to attack the entrance of this world, she released a part of her soul into Eric's body through contact, because of this he can Raven's presence has been sensed.

In addition, it seems that because there is an extra soul with extremely strong vitality in the body, after activating the awakening mode this time, Eric did not feel that his vitality was drained as quickly as before. It seems that the armor that controls the awakening mode is not It was exhausting.

Sure enough, Raven had no intention of giving up from the very beginning.She entrusted her last hope to Eric, and she always believed in his heart that he could perform miracles.

And that's exactly what he was going to do now.

Eric yelled, and pulled out the silver blade with one hand. The sword was covered with a layer of purple chaotic magic power.He swooped down, like a bullet flying straight towards the Lord of the Three Palaces, and the gust of wind blown by the long sword whizzed fiercely as if it had been dyed purple and black.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Without any reservations, it was directly charged to the limit output, and the long sword full of energy came with a magical sword wind.The afterimage flashed across, leaving a deep purple crack on the black horn on Sangong's head.With a loud "snap", when Eric's figure flew past his cheek, the horn was broken in two, and the upper half was thrown high into the air like a huge dead wood branch.

Little Ruiwen, who was watching the battle on the ground, said to himself in surprise: "He actually hurt Sangong?"

Only then did Sangong really get angry: "You are too arrogant, human!"

The last one was an earth-shattering roar, as if the whole world was trembling violently under his roar.There was lightning and thunder in the air for a moment, and cracks covered the ground instantly. After a while, hot pillars of fire shot out, shooting high into the air like a fountain of magma. The scene was like the end of the world.

Eric was flying past the side of the Sangong, and the two fire dragons suddenly caught up while he was still in the air.Their speed was almost invisible, Eric had no time to dodge, and his arms were firmly bound.The fire dragon's body turned into a hot chain that locked him tightly in the air. The high heat burned through the armor and made him grin his teeth, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

"It's unreasonable that my daughter would share her noble soul with a filthy and lowly human being." Sangong gritted his teeth, "But it doesn't matter, the Raven you knew has completely disappeared and will never exist again. And the last soul fragment she left with you will soon be reduced to ashes along with your fragile body. After turning into an undead, you will regret forever for going against the Lord of the Three Palaces!"

As soon as the voice fell, the flames that locked Eric's arms instantly covered his whole body, and the hellfire burned the armor violently. Although it had the double protection of the high magic resistance armor and the power left by Raven, the flames burned people's souls. It's like they're going to be wiped out.

"No," Eric gritted his teeth, but still didn't give up struggling, "She hasn't disappeared, and she won't disappear in the future! Even as a father, you don't know the real Raven at all! She has more than anyone else. People need tenacious perseverance, and a heart that is more gentle than anyone else, there is not even a single bit of resemblance to a demon like you!"

Sangong snorted coldly and stopped speaking, but the flames surrounding Eric became more intense.The burning pain irritated his nerves violently, but he still didn't give up.


Little Ruiwen finally couldn't bear it anymore, she put aside her fear, and shouted desperately, with crystal clear teardrops hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Sangong glanced at her and chuckled: "You have fulfilled your mission gloriously, child. But now, all you have left is an empty shell, which has completely lost its value. You are still alive only because I allowed it." , Now get the hell out of here, little girl, and don't force me to change my mind."

Raven clenched his fists tightly and lowered his head slightly.

After a while, she raised her head, her clear eyes were filled with incomparable firmness.


With a loud cry, the girl's body instantly released a dazzling white light, and she slowly floated up.

"What?" Sangong frowned slightly, obviously the current situation also exceeded his expectations.

At the same time, as if echoing each other from afar, Eric's whole body also shone with white light.The white light turned into a translucent crow behind the armor, and the spread wings easily broke away from the flames that bound Erik, and the flames scattered in the air.

Eric landed next to Raven from the air, and the white light ball had completely wrapped the little girl's body.In the dazzling light curtain, the outline of the girl's body seemed to grow up rapidly, and she turned back into a graceful girl again.When the white light dissipated, Revan appeared in front of Eric in white clothes, white boots, and a pure white cloak, and his appearance and body were completely restored to what Eric remembered.

And after the white light that exploded in the process splashed on Yamazo's armor, the armor also reacted quickly. The main color of the Alpha armor also instantly changed to a pure white color. The alloy silver-white wings quickly formed on the back and stretched spectacularly. The metal wings are like countless sharp blades, as if sprinkled with bits and pieces of crystal starlight.

Sangong was obviously a little frightened, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What trick is this playing again?"

In fact, not only him, but Eric himself was really surprised.

Raven's power is unfathomable, and in fact she only knows the tip of the iceberg of herself.Just now, the violent fluctuations in Raven's mood seemed to have disturbed the dormant power deep in her body, and it echoed with the part of Raven's soul that remained in Eric's body and completely awakened.Then this series of processes triggered the unique resonance ability of the Alpha-type Almajo armor, which closely linked the two souls together in a very special way.

Now, Eric can clearly feel Raven's presence, and he knows that Raven feels the same as him.There is also this kind of indescribable, unprecedented surging power that fills the armor, permeating all corners of the body.This is the strongest power the armor has obtained so far. It is an indescribable power that makes people feel omnipotent.

Armor of Amedro - Sage Raven Mode!
(End of this chapter)

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