Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 209 The final blow

Chapter 209 Final Blow

"My cursed daughter, and all the pathetic creatures in this dimension, you have offended the existence that shouldn't be offended." Sangong spread his arms, roaring through the sky, "and the price is the ultimate destruction !"

The world really seemed to become red hot, the flames seemed to engulf everything, and the whole world became red hot.More and more pillars of fire pierced the land and rose into the sky, which heralded the restless turmoil deep in the core of the earth, as if it was the desperate struggle of the earth itself.

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen." Eric said, "At least not today, not when we're here!"

The white light turned into a swirling airflow, blocking Eric and Raven like a high-speed rotating propeller, blowing away the flames and scalding storm.

Raven raised a plain white palm, and the dots of white light condensed towards her palm.The flying air seemed to be roaring, engulfed in white energy, and merged into the light in her palm, even though Zhou Za's red light was raging, it couldn't invade the sacred white domain.

Although Sangong is still arrogant and confident in his mouth, in fact, he has become jealous of Ruiwen in his heart.Seeing that she seemed to be brewing something, Dang even shot scarlet energy balls from four eyes and flew towards Raven.

But Raven didn't seem to see it, and didn't respond at all.

Eric stopped in front of her tacitly, and slapped his palms with his bare hands to scatter all the energy balls shot by Sangong.

"Small bugs!" Sangong roared angrily.

But in just a short while, Raven had already fully charged.She pushed her palms forward, and the palms seemed to spit out boundless white light.The heat wave was broken in an instant, the magma fire column was cut off in the middle, the red light was swallowed vulnerable, and the white light curtain swept away towards the Sangong.

Seeing that his magical power seemed to be suppressed, Sangong raised his head and let out a roar, Youruo made a last-ditch fight.The red light on the giant's body exploded, turning into a huge ball that wrapped his body in the center, expanding rapidly at an astonishing speed.The magic wave released by Raven violently bombarded the outer layer of the sphere, but it couldn't stop the rapid expansion of the sphere, it only slowed down its speed slightly.

She gritted her teeth lightly, and stepped back involuntarily, beads of sweat oozing from her forehead.

The fireball expanded rapidly, engulfing everything it touched.The rock engulfed in the fiery light disappeared instantly, as if it had been completely decomposed from the molecular level.When the sphere touched the ground, even the ground began to disintegrate rapidly, and the flames rapidly expanded underground.

Rui Wen gave a clear cry, and added more strength to his hand.She had tried her best to sprinkle white light on the flame, but she still couldn't stop its expansion.It seems that Sangong has really shown his trump card. If it is allowed to continue, the earth will be swallowed up by it in a short time.

Eric flew up at this moment.Silver wings spread out on the back of the armor, dragging a string of glittering particles along the flight path.He faced the rapidly growing fireball without fear, shouted loudly, and slammed his fist hard on the edge of the fireball.

Huge resistance came, and the flame itself was also repelling his entry.Eric roared loudly, and the white light on the armor rose so brightly that it was almost impossible to look directly at it.He stubbornly rushed in from the outer edge of the fireball, advancing against the flames.

The inside of the fireball is really not as hot as usual, just like what Eric experienced before, it is the fire of hell that can directly burn your soul.And this time he broke into it directly, much stronger than before.Although he has the resistance of the white chaotic magic power, he can still feel the heart-wrenching pain.The brilliance of the gorgeous wings behind the armor seems to have dimmed a lot under the baptism of flames, and almost all parts of the armor are repeating the process of continuous damage and rapid repair.

Finally, the huge silhouette of the Lord of the Three Palaces appeared in the center of the flames.The scarlet skin caught his eyes. The giant's figure was slightly arched, and his palms were facing each other flat on his chest. An extremely dangerous dark red light was brewing in the center of his palms, like a small black hole. Unfathomable.

Just by taking a look, Eric immediately made a judgment—that was Sangong's real killing move, and it was a hundred times more dangerous than the seemingly unstoppable expanding fireball outside.

Of course, the premise is that he can release it.

Without any hesitation, Eric rushed straight to meet him.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Energy quickly filled Eric's fist, and his whole body in the armor glowed with white light, as if transformed into a pure white bullet, flying away with a dazzling trajectory.


With one punch, with the power of the white crow from Ruiwen, it poured into the vortex brewing in Sangong's hands like a mountain and a sea.At that moment, it was as if the world opened up, and the earth-shattering loud noise exploded in the ears of the two of them. Eric felt that his brain seemed to be shocked for an instant, and it went blank for an instant.

"Are you crazy!?" Sangong yelled angrily, "Ahhh!!!"

He couldn't finish speaking, and the super magical energy brewing in his palm was out of control.The dark red fluctuations exploded uncontrollably, while in contrast, the rapidly expanding fireball outside instantly disintegrated, disintegrating and dissipating into the air.

The pressure on Raven's side suddenly dropped.She shouted loudly, and stretched her palms forward, the wave of white light roared out, easily tore through the flame's defense like cutting tofu, and penetrated deep into the interior.

Eric was in a daze, and his full-strength fist was still fixed between the palms of Sangong, and Sangong also kept the original movement motionless, desperately trying to suppress the energy in his palms.But it was all in vain, the astonishing magic power spread out, and even he himself was backlashed.The scene in front of Eric's eyes gradually became illusory, dissipating in the light like an illusion.In the haze, a holy and warm white light whizzed past him, stabbing into the dark red magic like a sharp knife, and slamming on Sangong.

All the strength in his body was finally released, and the sage raven mode was automatically released.Eric felt that his body was as heavy as lead. He threw his head back and fell, and Sangong's unwilling roar finally seemed to echo in his ears, but it was already very far away.

When he was about to fall powerlessly, he felt as if he had fallen into someone's arms lightly, and a light fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose.

He smiled lazily.

"According to the agreement, I did it." He said, rubbing against Ruiwen's arms.

"Yes, you did it." Raven responded calmly, and then paused for a while.

"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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