Chapter 210 Triumph
After the storm of magic climbed to the extreme, it finally stopped.The torn space rift shrank in the violent wind, and finally disappeared completely.

The light curtain dissipated, and the Lord of the Three Palaces also disappeared.The gushing magma finally subsided, leaving only the ground riddled with holes.Tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes around the world also stopped almost at the same time, and the earth finally survived its most painful moment.

However, Raven's white crow power seemed to be exhausted.When she flew back to the ground with Eric on her back, her uniform had changed back to her usual black.

Captain America looked at the two people who landed, glanced at Doctor Strange and asked, "How is it?"

"The aura of the Lord of the Three Houses has completely disappeared," said Doctor Strange. "I can't believe this—but they seem to have succeeded in destroying the demon."

"Where's the girl?" the captain asked.

"There is no threat anymore." Doctor Strange said, "Now her magic power has stabilized, and she can no longer feel the strong evil spirit. Now, she is just an ordinary little magician, and will not There is a threat of destruction of the world."

"Ha, well done, boy!" While they were talking, Thor had already stepped up to Eric and Ravan over there, saying, "The last blow just now was so impressive, it's almost Comparable to the almighty Odin! It is incredible for mortals!"

"Thank you, everyone has done a great job. We are the ones who saved this world together."

Eric said, let go of Raven, and walked in front of the Avengers.He glanced over everyone, and finally deliberately looked at the captain for a moment.

"Revan is not a demon." He said slowly, "Birth cannot determine her fate. She decides that she is a human being. A good person, she deserves the right to live as an ordinary girl on this earth."

Captain America looked him straight in the eyes for a moment, then smiled.

"Of course." He said, "I think she has already proved it for herself. We will tell Fury and let him withdraw the arrest warrant, and SHIELD will not come to her again. In addition, people in the world will also Everyone will know that you are the heroes of today."

"Maybe you could even consider joining the Avengers, the two of you," Tony suggested.

"Ha! That couldn't be better." Thor also said, "It is my honor to stand side by side with the brave warrior."

"Thank you, but still not." Eric shook his head and said, "Captain was right earlier, strictly speaking, I am not a hero. When saving the world and Raven are placed on both ends of the scale, I don't hesitate I chose her without hesitation. This is a selfish approach, but if I encounter such an option again, I will still choose it without hesitation."

After hearing this, Ruiwen glanced aside in embarrassment, but couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"So I'm not a hero, and I don't intend to be," he continued, "but that's who I am."

The captain smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"No, boy," he said, "in fact, you're a hero today."

"Okay, the battle is over, it's time to go home." Tony said, "Anyone want to go back and have a celebration party or something?"

"Of course," said Thor, "in Asgard, the celebration of triumph is also the most essential part."

Eric turned to Raven: "Go?"

"Yeah." Raven nodded, "If you want to go."

"Ha, I was surprisingly obedient today." Eric smiled and patted her head, "But this time I did a good job."

He did it on purpose because it was funny how Raven said "don't touch my head" angrily.

But unexpectedly, this time she didn't hide, but closed her eyes lightly, with a contented smile on her lips.

After everyone returned home, they briefly reported to Fu Rui, and the matter of Sangong finally came to an end.With Doctor Strange's guarantee, Fury did not feel embarrassed anymore, and immediately revoked the arrest warrants for Eric and Raven, and now they can finally return to the streets.

The two followed the Avengers back to the Avengers Building, and Tony planned to hold a celebration party on the top floor.

The plane landed on the tarmac, and just as he got off the plane and entered the corridor, Raven's footsteps suddenly stopped.

At that moment, some strange images seemed to flash across her mind.She seemed to see a fiery hell, everything in front of her eyes was burning, the scarlet giant climbed out of the fire, and the hot magma flowed down his body like a waterfall
She woke up suddenly.

"Revan?" Eric noticed a little strangeness in her, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, no, it's okay." Raven smiled slightly and shook his head.

Illusion, it should be.she thought so.

Maybe it's just that the fear that Sangong has planted in her heart for so many years is too deep-rooted, and it can't be lingered for a while.But the truth is, for the first time in so many years, she can't feel the invisible pressure of Sangong at all.Now she finally didn't need to control her emotional fluctuations to prevent the demons from stepping into this world.

Sannomiya had been completely wiped out, and she had never felt so relaxed in her life.Suddenly, she was free, able to live, make friends, and love like a normal person.

"Thank you, Eric," she said suddenly as she walked down the corridor.

"Ah?" Eric was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Don't always be so alien. Compared with this."

He smiled maliciously: ".I remember you said 'I like you' earlier? Does it still count now?"

Rui Wen was taken aback for a moment, and there seemed to be a faint blush on his pale face.

But beyond his expectation, Raven quickly said bluntly: "Well, it counts. I like you. I like you very much."

It was a completely unexpected reaction, but Eric choked and was too shocked to speak.He couldn't help but looked at Ruiwen carefully to make sure that he didn't save the wrong person.

Is this really what the tsundere little princess Ruiwen would say?
Raven didn't say any more, and with a slight smile, he quickened his pace and walked towards the hall of the Avengers.

somewhere unknown.

The flames were burning fiercely, like a concrete representation of monstrous anger.The scarlet giant sat cross-legged in the center of the flames, with ferocious and dangerous lights gleaming in its four eyes.

That was the Lord of the Three Palaces, but now he was covered in bruises.

"Eric Charlotte, and Raven." Sangong said in a low voice, the flames reflected in his yellow eyes, "I remember. One day, you will pay back for everything you did today !"

(End of this chapter)

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