Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 215 Jin Bing's Chess Piece

Chapter 215 Jin Bing's Chess Piece

The coffee shop on the corner was surrounded by black cars in an instant.The middle-aged blond woman who led the team got out of the car first, and walked quickly into the coffee shop with a team of black suits.

"FBI!" They showed their IDs to everyone after entering the door, "Please cooperate with the search."

Under the surprised eyes of the surrounding guests, the black suits quickly swept across the entire coffee shop, even the kitchen and grocery room, but they didn't find Peter's half figure.

"Sir, it's this computer." An agent reported to the blonde woman in the lead, "The signal was sent from this computer just now."

The blond woman frowned, and said irritably, "Where did that bastard go?"

"Sir!" An agent guarding the door rushed in and shouted, "It's Spider-Man! It's just outside, just passed by."

The blond woman thought.Peter Parker is well known as Spider-Man's go-to photographer, and there's speculation that he has a pretty good relationship with Spider-Man himself.In fact, the FBI considered whether a high school student like Parker would steal state secrets because of Spider-Man's instigation when the case was opened for investigation, so it is also possible that Parker has already handed things over to Spider-Man.

"You two, continue to search for Parker." The blond woman ordered decisively, "Others, follow Spider-Man!"

So the black convoy set off again in a hurry, this time chasing the red and blue figure dangling with spider webs in the sky.But they weren't the first to try to drive after Spider-Man, and they certainly won't be the last.To deal with car chases, Spider-Man is already familiar with the road.He shuttled freely between buildings. Every time he leaped over a building, the convoy below had to speed up and circle around in a hurry before he could barely keep up, which seemed quite embarrassing.

A long string of tails followed Spider-Man for several more circles, until Spider-Man once again jumped over a building, a gigantic steel and iron frame roared up in front of him.The armed helicopter hovered and rose from the roof of the building, and the propellers set off a fierce hurricane, which made it difficult to open eyes.

"I have approved the permission to fire." The blond woman ordered the helicopter through the communication, "I will bear the consequences."

The permitted raptor showed its fangs without hesitation, and Gatling spit out a long string of flames "suddenly", and went straight at Spider-Man with his teeth and claws.

Fortunately, the spider sensor had already given an early warning. Spider-Man rolled sideways, flexibly and gracefully flipping across the roof, miraculously avoiding the dense barrage of shots.Bullet holes chased him all the way to the edge of the building, and Spider-Man jumped down.

The pilot of the helicopter jerked the joystick, directing the behemoth to lumber sideways and continue to chase Spider-Man.After Spider-Man fell to a height of about three floors in a free fall position, he raised his hand and a spider thread stuck to the opposite building, pulled his body in that direction, and then changed direction in the middle of the flight Another thread shot sideways, swerved and flew around a corner.

"Follow him!" the blond woman yelled, "Don't lose it!"

The helicopter pilot had tried his best, but the agility of this cumbersome guy was still not comparable to that of Spiderman.When it turned heavily and chased the corner, Spider-Man was gone.

And just at that moment, the view of the convoy below was blocked by the helicopter, and Spider-Man was also missing from the sight.

"Where did you go?"

The black locomotive jumped out from one side at this moment.Completely unprepared, the wildly shaped black motorcycle savagely crashed out of the side building, and the rider in the metal armor commanded the motorcycle to kill aggressively.The tires of the motorcycle crashed on the top of the car the blonde woman was riding on, causing the roof to sag and the windshield to shatter.

The black car had to brake suddenly, the body drifted violently, and the tires scraped the ground with a sharp and piercing sound.

Eric, who entered violently on a motorcycle, slid sideways from the roof of the car, and easily tore off the door of the car with one hand.Immediately afterwards, he reached into the car with his hand like electricity, grabbed the blond woman who was the leader, and with an astonishing force of arm strength, he threw her into the air nearly ten meters high.

At this moment, Spider-Man returned to everyone's field of vision again—just now he was stuck in the blind spot of everyone's field of vision, and had been stuck on the helicopter's chassis.The moment he saw Eric make a move, he jumped out, accurately caught the blonde woman in mid-air, and swayed sideways into an alley on one side without a trace.

The helicopter and the vehicles below were dumbfounded. It was an aisle that could only accommodate one person, and it was impossible for a plane or a car to chase it in.

After the goal was achieved, Eric also turned his head, gripped the handle of the motorcycle, slammed the accelerator and left with a roar.

Only then did the agents react, and hurriedly chased after him.But the performance of Tony's modified locomotive really left them eight roads away. Eric hung them around the streets and alleys for a few laps, and they lost their target again.

After a few minutes.

Eric jumped onto the rooftop of a building where Spider-Man and the blond agent were already waiting.Of course, the latter was tied into a rice dumpling by spider silk.

"Why did it take so long? I'm starting to feel sleepy." Spider-Man said.

Eric came straight up to the woman, who stared straight at the two of them.

"I'm a federal agent, you two idiots." She said viciously, "You helped Parker escape, and now you are all accomplices of traitors. Do you know how much trouble you got into?"

"Wilson Fisk, also known as 'Jin Bin'." Eric said lightly, "How long have you been working for him?"

The woman's expression changed suddenly, she stared at him in astonishment for a long time before she calmed down, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She was also surprised by Spider-Man, who was almost speechless: "Wait a minute, you said FBI agent, is that Fisk's subordinate?"

"Oh, I was just guessing before, but your expression just now answered me." Eric said, "Kim is not a suspicious guy, and he is in the FBI, the New York Police Department and even higher places. Put someone of his own. As far as I know about him, he will arrange for someone he trusts to deal with every time it involves himself, so I think since he wants to blame Parker, the leader of the team will most likely It should be his subordinate."

The woman felt a chill rise up her spine: "Who are you? Why do you know so much?"

"It doesn't matter what I know, what matters is what you know."

"If you know Kingpin, you know I'm not going to say anything. You know what happens to that."

"Of course, I understand. But you will say it." Eric said calmly, "You may persist for a long time, but in the will still explain everything."

(End of this chapter)

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