Chapter 216

As Eric predicted, after giving the woman a few "extreme bungee jumping" games at the height of the twenty-story building, she finally gave them what they wanted.And now, 10 minutes later, Eric and Spider-Man have arrived in front of the building with the words "Fisker Electronics Company".

According to the woman, the internal server of "Fiske Electronics Company" records all the daily information of almost all Fisker branches-of course, it is limited to company affairs.Generally speaking, information related to Fisk's criminal activities is relatively independent and will not be recorded in such a formal place.

But Peter's case was different this time.The unit he was recruited to is a formal enterprise of Fisker Corporation, so the contents of his bug-fixing USB flash drive were secretly overwritten, and there should be a record in Fisker Electronics' server—if it hasn't been erased now .

"Because it's just an electronics company, the security force is very general, and the general structural diagram of the building can be found online." Standing on the roof of the building directly opposite Fisk Electronics, Eric said while studying the collected information. He said, "It shouldn't be too difficult for the two of us to break in. Then the location of the main server is probably on the No.19 floor. We only need to find the work log of that day according to the corresponding date and the corresponding branch address where you work. Just copy the data down."

Peter pondered for a while, then suddenly asked: "I still think it's really good to do that just now?"

Eric was taken aback.

It seems that Peter is still brooding about the way he interrogated the woman with "extreme bungee jumping". Sure enough, even if he is Spider-Man, he is still a naive high school kid at heart.Just this level of guilt can make him feel guilty for a long time, and he doesn't know how he will feel if he knows the way Batman always interrogates prisoners.

Eric patted him on the shoulder: "It's a very tricky time, and that guy is fine, isn't he?"

"Well maybe, I just don't think it's right."

"In the future you will have a new definition of the concept of right and wrong, but don't think about it for now, focus on the mission. You still have a treason to clear, don't you?"

Peter sighed: "You are right. I really don't know what to do without your help this time."

The two said no more, and immediately started to act.Just as Eric said before, it's just an electronics company, and it's not very difficult to sneak into. Eric has also broken into places that are much more difficult to enter.They arrived at the No.19 floor without much effort, and found the large-screen computer at the central server terminal.

"Ha! I found it!" When he found the log of the specified date, Peter almost jumped up excitedly, "You are a genius, Eric! The national defense data is uploaded to the host computer on the factory side from here, like a virus It was secretly written into the USB flash drive. These are conclusive evidence, and it can also prove that Fisk deliberately set the blame!"

"Don't get excited, download the action quickly." Eric said, "It's been a little smooth so far, I have a bad feeling."

"Don't worry, if there is any danger, my spider sense will."

Before Peter finished speaking, the words stopped abruptly.The spider sensor went off suddenly, like an alarm clock with a broken switch.He rolled backwards completely by conditioned reflex instinct, and the electric current passed through in front of him, and violently impacted on the main computer, causing the console to crackle and crackle.

The guy who appeared behind them was a thin, bald guy in a tight black leather jacket.What makes him different is not the shiny bald head, but the golden electric light that overflows from his body.The electric current in the palms of his hands beat wildly, making a violent "crackling" sound, the sound was quite frightening.

Eric instantly remembered this guy - Electro, the classic villain of Spider-Man.As the name suggests, he has the ability to absorb, release electricity and fly. When his ability reaches its peak, the amount of electricity released is unpredictable, and he can electrify his body to shuttle between electrical conductors. He is a rather terrifying villain.

"No!" Spider-Man rushed to the computer, "He broke the computer, the data in it."

"You'll never get it," Electro sneered. "You want to clear that photographer friend of yours, Spider-Man? That's never going to happen."

"The hard disk may not be damaged yet. You try to restore the data and see if you can download it." Eric said lightly, and turned to the electric man, "I'll deal with him."

The moment the voice fell, he had already rushed forward, sprinted several meters away from the electric man, and brought him with him to break the railing and fall from the platform of the main computer.

The two wrestled and landed freely to the height of about one floor, and fell heavily on the metal floor, causing the ground to be slightly sunken.Eric quickly got up after rolling around, and stood facing the electric man.

The electric man frowned: "Why are you disturbing this troubled water? As long as you are willing to stop now, Jin can offer you any price."

"Oh? That sounds really tempting." Eric shrugged, "But I'm sorry, messing up the water is my greatest pleasure."

After speaking, he flew forward.The electric man closed his pupils, and released a large amount of electric current from his hands at the same time, hitting the chest of the armor like flowing water.The electric snake instantly covered the entire body of the Yamajo armor, and the tingling sensation penetrated the defense and acted on the nerves, making Eric feel weak all over.


The electro-optic man shouted loudly, and the current erupted again in an instant, causing Eric's body to fly into the air, and when he landed, he was covered in black smoke with a smell of burnt.

"So that's it." Eric got up on his knees, "Is there a little bit of two brushes? The voltage is still a little stronger than expected."

"I gave you a chance." Seeing that the trick worked, the electro-optical man became courageous in an instant, "Now, it's time for you to regret it."

After all, two more dazzling bolts of lightning came through the air, hitting the chest of the armor directly at the speed of light.

However, this time, he did not hit the target as he wished.On the contrary, Eric stood up unhurriedly under the violent current like a normal person.

"Complete super mode is online."

The super strong physical defense of the super mode easily blocked the electric shock. Eric slapped the electric current aside, humming: "But that's all."

The Electro-optic man was taken aback, but he still didn't believe in evil.He swung his hands together, and more intense lightning roared, roaring and impacting on the Yamazo armor.But Eric just walked forward step by step against the raging electric light, without being affected in the slightest.The jumping electric snake splashed onto the surrounding equipment, causing a burst of "crackling" explosions all around.

Electro-optic man clenched his teeth.His output has reached the limit, but he still can't stop the metal warrior in front of him.The other party just walked up to him without haste, and the electric current almost splashed back on him.

With a punch, a punch without any fanfare, just such a straight punch, Electro-Optical Man couldn't guard against it at all. He was blown upside down, shot through the wall and fell into the compartment room, smashing a series of equipment.

Eric squeezed his right wrist habitually.

Easily.Now you just need to go back and confirm whether Peter has successfully obtained the data, and then
The atmosphere is wrong.

When Eric turned his head, he saw the electric light that had just been thrown out, but now it floated up even more strangely.The light in his eyes seemed to have turned blue, and there was a cloud of blue lightning under his feet.

He glared at Eric savagely and spread his arms.


In an instant, all the electric current contained in everything around him rushed towards him!In an instant, he seemed to become a magnet that absorbs electricity, and all the currents contained in the surrounding electronic equipment, computers, circuits, and even the walls were all sucked around him.

In the blink of an eye, darkness covered the entire Fisk Building centered on the nineteenth floor.

He actually absorbed the electricity of the entire building!

(End of this chapter)

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