Chapter 218 Trap
New York hospital.

Mary Jane didn't know how many times she tried to dial Peter's number, but there was still no reply.From Peter's Aunt May's emergency hospitalization to the present, she has called eleven times in two hours, but there is still no reply.Helpless, she had no choice but to send a text message and wait by Aunt Mei's hospital bed.

Aunt Mei closed her eyes tightly and lay unconscious on the hospital bed. The wrinkles on her face made her look particularly haggard.

Where the hell have you been, Peter?Mary couldn't help thinking.

She sat in front of the hospital bed for another half an hour or so, then got up to fetch water.As she walked towards the drinking fountain, she inadvertently noticed two more men in black suits disappearing at the end of the corridor.

Speaking of which, there are so many guys in black suits today, it doesn't feel right.Could it be that something happened?

After going to the bathroom along the way, she walked back along the corridor towards the ward.The moment she passed an old door at the corner, a powerful arm suddenly protruded out of it, pulled her in without any explanation, and the door closed with a "bang".

Mary was so frightened that she hurriedly wanted to yell, but her mouth was tightly covered by the other party.The man whispered in her ear, "Calm down, Mary, it's me."

An all-too-familiar voice.Mary froze for a moment and stopped struggling.


"It's me." Peter scratched his head and said.

Mary was overjoyed and threw herself into his arms: "It's really you! Why didn't you answer the phone? Do you know what happened to your aunt?"

"I know, but the situation is very complicated." Peter lowered his voice and said, "That's why I need your help."

After a few minutes.

Mary had found him a surgical gown from somewhere, but it seemed a size too big for his size.He put on a mask and hat and walked down the corridor imagining whether his image would look too out of place.

The journey went smoothly until he reached the corridor of Aunt May's ward.

At the end of the corridor, a man in a black suit turned his head suspiciously from a distance, and glanced at him, seeming suspicious.And Mary Jane rushed out from the side at this just the right time and grabbed Peter's arm.

"Dr. Peterson, come quickly!" She deliberately said loudly, "Mrs. Parker's condition has deteriorated again!"

As she spoke, she could not help but drag "Dr. Peterson" into the ward.The man in the black suit looked from a distance for a while, but finally he didn't care, turned around and continued to leave.

After successfully entering the ward, Peter couldn't help it when he saw Aunt Mei's haggard appearance on the hospital bed, and hurriedly tore off the mask and moved forward.

"Aunt Mei, it's me, can you hear me?"

"She hasn't regained consciousness, Peter," said Mary. "The doctor said it's best not to disturb her and let her rest for a while."

"It's all my fault, that's why it became like this." Peter blamed himself, "Why do bad things keep happening to me?"

Mary asked eagerly, "What's going on, Peter? What's going on?"

At this moment, the spider sensor in Peter's brain rang crazily without warning, and the strong sense of crisis all pointed to the door of the ward.As soon as he turned his head, the door was just pushed open, and a middle-aged woman with a friendly face and black-rimmed glasses appeared outside the door.Peter knew her, it was Mary's mother.

But why did Mary's mother trigger his spider sense?She should not be on the "Danger List".

"Mom?" Mary asked in surprise, "Didn't I tell you to wait at home and don't worry? I'm going to stay with Peter's aunt in the hospital tonight, so I might be back later."

"I know." The mother smiled lightly and patted her head, "You are such a considerate and good girl. But I am also worried about Mrs. Parker's condition, so I think I should come and visit in person."

"Thank you for your concern, Aunt Mary," said Peter, "but I think I'd better not stay here. I must go before someone finds out I'm here."

"I'll take you out." Mary's mother stood up. "Don't worry, I won't ask more about you. I know you're a good boy, Peter. You'll take care of it in the end, right?"

"Uh, thank you." Peter said, but the spider sense in his brain became more intense.

Is this thing out of order?
Putting aside his doubts for the time being, Peter put on his mask and hat again, followed Mary's mother out, and went straight to the elevator on this floor.The moment he entered the elevator door, the spider sensed like he was crazy, and the tingling almost made him restless.

"Take it easy, Peter," said Mary's mother. "Maybe there are a lot of things that you find very disturbing and disturbing now, but when you live long enough, you'll find that it's nothing. Ha, I You got into trouble a lot when you were your age, but that's all over now."

"Thank you, Auntie," Peter said politely.

"You're welcome, it's not just for you, Peter."

Having said that, her voice suddenly became weird, and the last half of the sentence turned into a man's voice in a very unsuitable manner.

"...More for myself."

With a soft sound, a small ball rolled and landed on the bright floor of the elevator, spewing out thick green smoke.Startled, Peter hurriedly held his breath, but it was completely useless in this confined space.The endless darkness swallowed his consciousness in just a few seconds, and he couldn't help but fell to the ground with a "plop", unconscious.

And Mary's mother bit the respirator the moment she dropped the ball.After confirming that Peter had completely fainted, she wiped her face with one hand and tore off the entire face—it was a realistic mask, revealing a bald, pale and ugly face.

He pressed the headset and said in a low voice: "This is Chameleon, the plan is going well, and the target has been confirmed to be comatose."


The elevator door opened, and the man in the black suit was already outside getting ready.They rushed the unconscious Peter into the van at the door, and then got into the van one after another.The man code-named "Chameleon" opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in. The driver's seat was Richard Fisk.

"Nice job, Chameleon," said Richard Fisk triumphantly. "Great Kim won't be very pleased."

After speaking, he stepped on the gas pedal, and the van drove away.

What this group of people didn't notice was that Eric was crouching on his black motorcycle at the corner of the street not far from the hospital, biting a hot hot dog.

"What a troublesome kid."

He stuffed the remaining half of the hot dog into his mouth, threw the packaging bag into the trash bin on one side, and started the motorcycle.The headlights of the car lit up like yellow eyes, and the black beast gave out a cheerful roar and chased after it.

(End of this chapter)

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