Chapter 219 Rescue
When Peter woke up from his coma, his body seemed to be surrounded by a circle of dazzling lights.He squinted his eyes, and vaguely saw that he was contained in a certain glass container, and the surrounding strong light made him think that he was a little white mouse locked in a glass jar.

"We meet again, Mr. Parker."

Gradually adapting to the light, Peter recognized the guy outside——Richard Fisk, the guy who introduced him to the job.There was now no doubt that this sanctimonious bastard was the culprit, or at least one of them.

Peter lay prone on the thick glass layer, gritted his teeth: "It's you."

"Yes, it's me." Little Fisk smiled, "Also, I saw Mr. Chameleon, it was he who made up your little girlfriend's mother and kidnapped you."

The white-faced guy standing straight beside him nodded slightly, as if to indicate that he was a chameleon.

"I have to say, you can run very well, Mr. Parker. As a high school student, your reaction exceeded my expectations. I thought you would be caught without a fight. But I guess you do have some friends who are very good at it." When Chad said this, he showed a smug expression, "But in the end, I was better."

"My friend has obtained evidence to prove my innocence." Peter stared at him through the glass, "You haven't won yet."

Little Fisk laughed out loud.

"No, young Mr. Parker, sure enough you don't know anything about the city itself," he said. We are not going to send you to prison, we have decided to execute you here. Tomorrow, the newspapers will publish the young Mr. Peter Parker who has been accused of treason and has absconded. There will be no trace."

"Do you think anyone would believe such absurd reports?"

"That's where you are naive, kid—it doesn't matter whether people believe it or not." Little Fisk continued, "And your so-called evidence? It's useless at all, and the court will never hold a trial. Peter Parker just fled overseas, and no one asked about him for decades to come."

Peter fell silent, staring at his face through the glass for a while.

Then, his expression changed, and he poured all his anger into one punch and slammed it on the glass.

"I'm going to kill you!" he yelled.

"Wow," Little Fisk was obviously a little frightened, he snapped his fingers, "kill him."

A layer of alloy iron sheet descended from the inside of the ring-shaped glass cover with a "squeak", even with Peter's arm strength, he couldn't shake it at all.The sound of heavy blows came out one after another from inside the iron skin, but it still didn't help.

"This kid has a lot of strength." Richard Fisk said, smiling slightly, "but it's meaningless."

The sound of the blow is getting smaller and smaller, that is because the oxygen inside has been sucked out.Peter felt Venus rushing in front of his eyes, and the severe lack of oxygen made his brain almost stop functioning.It's really funny to say that Spider-Man has survived so many storms, but in the end he was smothered to death behind a glass-wrapped-iron cover.And the most ridiculous part is that the other party doesn't even know that he is Spider-Man.

His sanity had already begun to become confused, and Peter saw chaos in front of him.In the dimness, he seemed to hear a heavy explosion. The source of the sound seemed to be close at hand, but also seemed to be far away in the sky.

It was air, and fresh air suddenly filled the stale space.Instinctively, he greedily inhaled air into his lungs, and finally came to his senses bit by bit.

I saw that the iron sheet blocking the front was violently torn open by some means, and the glass shards splashed all over the ground.Eric, who activated the green light mode armor, appeared in the room at some point, and a huge hole was also opened in the wall behind him.

"Really, you are in such a mess after only leaving for a while." Eric squeezed his wrist, "Sure enough, I can't do it without me. The exit is over there, hurry up now."

Peter was overjoyed when he saw him.He knew that Eric meant to tell him to go out and change into his uniform before coming back, he glanced at him gratefully and then walked away quickly.

Of course Little Fisk was not happy, and shouted: "Stop him!"

A group of miscellaneous soldiers in black uniforms quickly obeyed the order and rushed out, neatly raised their submachine guns, and pointed their guns in the direction Peter ran away.

"Hey, are you going to pretend that I don't exist?"

As Eric said, the electronic sound of "Speed ​​mode online" sounded from the armor.When he made a wrong step, his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage and flashed out.Before the first person had time to pull the trigger, the afterimage of metal had traveled a full circle across the room, drawing out everyone's gun in the blink of an eye.

With such a momentary delay, Peter's figure has quickly disappeared at the end of the passage in the room, and he fled out after turning a corner.And the metal afterimage also flashed in front of Richard Fisk like a ghost, and a strong arm pressed him against the wall.

"It's you, Jin Bing's son." He said lightly.

The chameleon on the side reacted quickly and wanted to pounce up from behind him, but was knocked down to the ground by Eric's kick without looking back, unable to get up for a long time.During the whole process, in the eyes of outsiders, it seemed that the figure shook slightly, as if it did not move at all.

Little Fisk felt an indescribably great pressure, which made him a little nervous.He frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why do you want to help Parker?"

"Let me think about it. Just because of interest."

Speaking of this, Eric closed his pupils suddenly, almost reflexively wanting to quit violently.The lightning of the speed force splashed on the armor, and his body just flashed back a few inches in the almost static world, the blue current suddenly penetrated through the field of speed, and violently bombarded the armor. Pushed him flying out.

The blue electric current knocked him out and then dispersed violently, scattered into various electronic devices around the room.In the next second, the entire building went out again as before, and all the electric energy in the building gathered toward the center of the room, condensing into a blue human figure.

Eric patted the blue electric light that was dancing on his body, stood up and looked at the formed electric current, and hummed: "It's quite difficult."

The electro-optic man was suspended in mid-air, holding the dazzling electro-optical light with both hands, and shouted: "Now I am full of energy! Dare to come to the second round?"

(End of this chapter)

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