Chapter 220 Pursuit
Eric was temporarily held back by the Electro-Optical Man, Richard Fisk and Chameleon saw that the situation was not good, and took the opportunity to board the helicopter that had already been prepared to escape from this place.

The propeller set off a hurricane, lifted the helicopter into the air, and quickly left the building towards the direction of the Fisk Building.Little Fisk even dialed his father's phone in a panic to inform him of the change on his side.

"You said you can solve it yourself." Jin's dissatisfied voice came from the other end of the phone.

"But this was an accident. How could I possibly think that a lunatic in armor would also get involved?" Richard Fisk said angrily.

"You let Spider-Man copy the log data and let Parker go. Now you may face multiple charges, and even I can't do anything about it." Jin Bin said in a cold voice, "I have already started to prepare the relevant procedures for you. Arrangements can be made to leave the country as soon as you return. But I will deny any knowledge of any of your illegal activities, which are your personal actions, stealing classified information, blaming Peter Parker, and illegal kidnapping and murder are all your own intentions , has nothing to do with me."

Speaking of this, little Fisk also understood that the matter had really reached the point of no return.He slumped down on the helicopter seat and replied weakly: "Yes, father."

When the phone was hung up, Little Fisk felt as if his soul had been taken away, his eyes were empty and lifeless.Before tonight, he was still the heir to the criminal empire, holding unimaginable power in his hands.And all of a sudden, he was left with nothing, a loser, a fugitive.

Looking on the bright side, he still has a chance to escape and start over with a new look.

But soon, the only remaining option no longer exists.

"Hey buddy! Where are you going?"

Caught off guard, Spider-Man lying on the windshield of the helicopter startled both of them.He was holding onto the windshield with one hand, and the fingers of the other hand were glued to the door panel on one side of the helicopter. With terrifying arm strength, he pulled horizontally, and the door of the helicopter was torn open abruptly with a "bang".

Little Fisk hastily drew out his gun, but the gun was kicked out by Spider-Man, and the two spider webs that followed immediately bound him to the passenger seat so that he could not move.

"Helicopter? Cool!" Spider-Man leaned in from the cockpit, "You didn't take me with you when you went on a long trip?"

The chameleon in the driver's seat reacted quickly. He pulled the joystick suddenly, and the whole helicopter suddenly turned sideways.Spider-Man was caught off guard and fell over, almost being pulled out of the cabin door by gravity, but fortunately he managed to grab onto the floor with one hand.

"Hey, that's how you guys treat hitchhikers?"

Just as Spider-Man was trying to get up, Chameleon took the opportunity to turn around the seat and kicked Spider-Man's chest fiercely, kicking him out of the cabin suddenly.Immediately afterwards, the chameleon turned around quickly, pinched the joystick again to control the helicopter and regained its balance.


Spider-Man muttered, volleyed in the air and flipped backwards twice, and a spider's silk stuck to the tail of the helicopter, hanging behind like a tail.

Chameleon saw his figure in the rearview mirror and couldn't help frowning slightly.This guy's driving skills are really excellent. He manipulated the plane like a swallow and made all kinds of difficult movements in the air, trying to shake off the annoying tail behind him, but he just couldn't do so.

Chameleon thought for a moment, and saw a building under construction in the distance.He sprinted towards the huge steel frame with the plane at full speed, and turned sharply at the moment of approaching, and the huge inertia threw Spider-Man along a half-arc.

With no other choice, Spider-Man finally let go.He hugged his body and passed between the steel frames, and nimbly shuttled and jumped between the iron frames.The chameleon took the opportunity to distance itself.

But the helicopter just turned around, and when Chameleon looked at the building again, Spider-Man had disappeared.He hurriedly looked in the rearview mirror, only to see a solitary spider's silk hanging under the chassis of the plane, and Spider-Man was still missing.

"Did you see where he went?" Chameleon asked the little Fisk who was tied up in a ball in the passenger seat.

"How would I know!" Little Fisk said angrily.

"Knock, knock, express delivery!"

That annoying voice sounded from behind the two of them again. It turned out that Spider-Man had swung up from the hatch on the other side of the helicopter at some point, jumped into the cabin nimbly, and landed in a half-squat position.

The chameleon quickly drew his gun, and Spider-Man flew forward, and the two quickly started a fight in front of the driver's seat.Chameleon is not only a master who is good at disguise and transformation, but also a top secret agent in the world.In such a narrow and bumpy space, the flexibility that Spider-Man is proud of is difficult to display, and the chameleon's close combat skills are relatively more prominent.

But Chameleon's physical ability is only mortal after all, and no amount of fighting skills can make up for the huge gap with Spiderman's physical ability.After several tricks, he finally couldn't stand it anymore, and was punched on the cheek by Spiderman, and the whole person fell back, and his front teeth were thrown out.

It didn't matter what he did, but he accidentally bumped into the joystick hard.The helicopter suddenly turned over again, and the roar of the engine seemed to vent its anger in dissatisfaction.The out-of-control behemoth turned sideways and slammed into the building that was close in front of it. The propeller that bore the brunt was like a sharp blade and easily cut through the glass exterior wall. The plane roared into the inside of the building, pushing the floor along The cracks tore open.

Spider-Man had quick eyesight and quick hands, and just before the plane hit, he pulled Chameleon and Little Fisk out one by one, and jumped out of the hatch with them.The empty helicopter rammed all the way, almost running through the entire building along the floor, and barely stopped until its head pierced halfway through the other side of the building.

When the plane finally stopped, Spider-Man had already squatted on the window sill of a certain floor, and heaved a long sigh of relief.Chameleon and Mr. Fisk were bundled up by spider silk and hung under the flagpole, looking quite miserable.

Little Fisk tried his best to roll his eyes upwards, staring at Spider-Man squatting above his head: "You will pay the price for these one day, wall crawler."

"Then I'm really scared. If I can get a dollar for every super criminal who says this to me, I won't have to worry about food money anymore. Okay, then it's time to leave a ticket for the police uncle A note from 'Good Neighbor Spider-Man', I'll have to go back and see if the guy with the electric light is settled."

(End of this chapter)

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