Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 245 Assemble

Chapter 245 Assemble
new York.

The huge fireball tore through the atmosphere with a long trail of flames, dyeing the sky the color of fire.It came down majestically, its target was pointing straight at Manhattan, and the air it passed seemed to be rubbed red hot.

Finally, at the Times Square location, it fell.The violent impact shook the earth's crust, the concrete pavement cracked suddenly, and the water column splashed out from the ground, and turned into steam under the high temperature in an instant.The thing wrapped in the fireball was half stuck in the crack of the concrete floor, and the white steam surrounded it in the center, only what seemed to be a black shell was faintly visible.

When the steam dissipated, people could finally see clearly that it was a tower about 30 meters high, inserted into the ground like a flagpole.After the installation was completed, the equipment on its back immediately made a low-pitched bang, and an iron hammer stretched out, spraying light blue tail flames upwards, and the hammer hit the ground again and again, like a super-large piling machine, causing rounds of violent earthquakes.

But that's not all.Immediately afterwards, a dark shadow appeared behind the clouds, dozens of ugly alien warships descended from the clouds, and also landed over Times Square, surrounded by the black tower, which looked like its guard.

Superman, Martian Manhunter, Batman, Eric, and Raven rushed to the sky above New York at this time.When several people were suspended in mid-air and saw this scene, Superman couldn't help asking: "What are they doing?"

"Planet transformation." The Martian Manhunter said in a low voice, "This machine is used for ecological transformation. The Skrulls want to change the environment of the earth to be more suitable for their living habits."

"Then we have to stop it." Superman was gearing up.

"Wait a minute," said Batman sitting in the fighter plane, "We don't know anything about the enemy, so it's not wise to attack rashly. I have already contacted other superpowers I can contact, and they should be rushing to meet up now On the way. We'll wait a little bit before then."

"There is no time." Superman said stubbornly, "Every second we delay, the earth is more dangerous, and we must take action."

Batman frowned, obviously dissatisfied with his friend's stubbornness.He thought for a moment, and said: "Okay, we can take action. But if you want to break through to the inside of that tower, you are not the best candidate. Your weakness is too obvious, and it is too easy to be targeted. We must beware of aliens also Possibility to hold your Achilles' heel."

"What should I do?"

Batman turned to Eric and said: "If you use your diverse abilities, you should be able to handle more situations. You are more suitable for this task than Superman."

"I wish I could," Eric said.

"The armor of the shell of the eco-modifier should be the most famous alloy in the Skrull galaxy, which is extremely rare." Martian Manhunter said, "Even the Skrull's own technological power cannot forcibly penetrate it. Defense, it may be very difficult to force a breakthrough."

Eric smiled: "How will you know if you don't try?"

"It's decided then," Batman said firmly. "Everyone else, provide cover. Superman!"

As soon as his voice fell, Superman rushed out first tacitly.There was a "bang" explosion in mid-air, and the blue afterimage instantly surpassed the speed of sound, rushing towards the enemy formation.

The warships surrounding the black building quickly caught sight of Superman, turned and fired at him.All kinds of weird guns and guns from alien warships poured in unreservedly. In addition to high-intensity lasers, there are also some control weapons such as flashes and bindings. .

The Martian Manhunter followed suit.His body has turned into a translucent virtual state, which is called "phaseless", and can be immune to all physical effects in this phase.He was like a transparent ghost advancing against the overwhelming firepower, all the lasers and artillery strikes passed through him, and he didn't even scratch his cloak.And when he penetrated one of the Skrull warships, violent electric sparks splashed from the warship from head to toe, thick black smoke came out from the engine, and it fell towards the square after a while and go.

"Oh, this move is really powerful." Superman said while tearing off the engine of another battleship with his bare hands, "Why don't you just use this move to penetrate into that tower?"

"That alloy material has the function of phase synchronization, even I can't penetrate it."

As Martian Manhunter spoke, two fiery red rays shot out from his eyes, leaving a scorched black scratch on one of Skrull's warships.

"Do you still have heat vision?" Superman also scanned around with heat vision and asked, "How many superpowers do you know?"

"I don't know, I haven't counted them carefully."

The initial round of assault by the crowd caught the Skrulls by surprise, but the opponent quickly adjusted.After a dozen warships were shot down, the enemy also quickly adapted to their offensive pace, and the organization became tighter.Even more small aircraft were released on the battleship, the number of enemies suddenly increased, the firepower suddenly doubled, and the defense was almost impenetrable.

Eric switched to the green light mode and tried to launch several rounds of attacks on that layer of defense, but they were all suppressed by the too powerful firepower.Instead of making any progress, everyone was forced to retreat by the opponent's amazing firepower network, and the distance from the target tower was getting farther and farther.

Superman swallowed a ray from the aircraft, gritted his teeth in pain, turned around and shot down the aircraft with heat vision, and said, "There are too many of them, and this is not the way to go. Batman?"

Batman is driving a fighter plane to dash left and right among the lasers, and at the same time constantly counterattack with missiles and machine guns.He ignored Superman's words, but he was frowning and thinking quickly about countermeasures.

At this moment, a burst of dazzling green light suddenly swept across the battlefield.A green missile and a fighter jet suddenly appeared in the sky, with the roar of the engine and the sharp howl, they slammed at the Skrull warships, hitting the aliens like raindrops. It's all over the place.

Wrapped in the sacred green light, the Green Lantern is like a god descending from the sky.He laughed and said, "Even if you are so much faster than me, every time I arrive ahead of you, Barry."

The red whirlwind ran horizontally along the building floor on one side, jumped up, and turned into a lightning bolt that pierced through several drones in the air, and the afterimage dragged the current on the ground and rushed out for a long distance before it slammed The car stopped abruptly, and the figure of a runner in red appeared.

"I've said it many times, Green Lantern." The Flash complained, "Don't call me by my name in public."

Another silver light flashed through the air, and the sword light split the largest Skrull warship from it, and the beautiful figure flew down from the center of the bursting fire.Wonder Woman stepped on bright red high-heeled boots, held a shiny silver sword in her hand, and wore a headdress with a red star printed on her head, descending from the sky, her jet-black hair flying in the blasting flames behind her.

Across time and space, on this brand new earth, the Justice League is assembled again!

(Thanks to book friend 160410061618149 for the reward of 5000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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