Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 246 The Skrull Fleet

Chapter 246 The Skrull Fleet
Green Lantern, The Flash, and Wonder Woman, everyone new to the battle has extraordinary combat power, and their addition instantly tipped the balance of the battlefield to one side.

"Batman? Are you real?" Flash leaped back and forth on the enemy's battleships, and kept saying, "And you still have our contact information? Why?"

"I bet he still has photos of your life." Superman held up a scrapped battleship, swung it like a windmill and swept the flying machine in a circle, and said, "It's not surprising."

Green Lantern used his imagination to conjure up a row of rockets firing forward, exploding a green firework gorgeously in the enemy phalanx.He was also surprised and asked: "Superman? Are you really Superman?"

"It's true." Superman smiled. "I'm as real as you, Lantern."

"It's my honor to be able to fly with you." Green Lantern said, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Wonder Woman who was bravely rushing between the artillery fire, her sexy figure was particularly eye-catching in the raging flames of war.

He whistled loudly and moved closer.

"Hey, miss, where are you from?" He blasted away the barriers around the side with a cannonball with a lantern ring, and asked with a smile.

Wonder Woman chopped off an unmanned aerial vehicle with a sword, and replied: "My name is Diana Prince, from Paradise Island, the princess of the Amazons."

"Uh, heaven. What?" Green Lantern scratched his head, "Huh, it sounds like a fairy tale. You have a great sense of humor, and you are quite similar to me. Are you interested in leaving the contact information?"

"You can strike up a conversation at any good time, as long as it's not now, the green light." The Flash, who was still moving at super speed, flashed past him suddenly, and said.

"He's right." The dull voice of the Martian Manhunter rang in everyone's mind, "This modified device is heading towards the core of the earth, trying to modify the environment of the earth. We must break its shell as soon as possible."

"Wow," the Flash exclaimed, "is he in my head? That feels really weird."

"Now, according to the guidance of my telepathy, everyone attacks the same point together." Martian Manhunter said, "In this way, even this layer of Skrull's rare metal should be able to penetrate."

"No problem," Superman replied in place of everyone else, "waiting for your order, Ron."

Telepathy is established in everyone's mind, like an invisible chain linking everyone together.This is an indescribable feeling that no one has ever experienced before, as if they are in each other's hearts, even their heartbeats are synchronized.

"Now!" Martian Manhunter yelled in everyone's head.

The ring of Green Lantern released a radiant light in an instant, tearing the air and roaring forward with the impact of the imagination of "penetrating", like a spiral thorn breaking through layers of Skrull battleships, and blasting towards the building go.Superman and Martian Manhunter also fired thermal vision at the same time, and four fiery beams of light merged into the green light, intertwined and came out mightily.At the same time, the Bat fighters dropped missiles towards the black tower, hitting the same point with the mighty stream of light with incomparable precision, it was as accurate as an attack from different hands and feet of one person.

It worked!That indestructible outer wall was broken through!Colorful fluorescent lights flickered in the crack of the black hole, and the difference in internal and external air pressure formed a swirling airflow that poured into the hole, and the friction of the airflow was like a sharp whistle.

"It's now!"

The Martian Manhunter's voice sounded in Eric's mind, but Eric had already rushed out without him reminding him.The silver briefcase fell into his hands like a meteor piercing the battlefield, and it had been strengthened while he was sprinting towards the black tower at full speed.

"Awakening, please complete."

It directly changed to the awakening super mode, Eric's speed suddenly increased, and it seemed to disappear in place to the naked eye.The battleships that were close still tried to attack and stop him, but they were blocked by the purple magic that followed Eric behind without exception.

It was Raven, who clung to Eric for the final cover.

The speed of the awakened super mode quickly left her behind, and the afterimage penetrated the enemy's defenses without hesitation, and flashed in from the breach that was blasted open.Almost as soon as he rushed in, the breach was automatically repaired behind him.

Eric rushed into the tower, rolled around on the spot and stood up.Before he had time to take a good look at the shape of the alien building, a group of owners who didn't seem to welcome him very much surrounded him.

A bunch of Skrulls—and not just any Skrulls.They all have ugly green skin and pointed ears, but some are dressed like Thor, some are dressed like Captain America, some are wearing Iron Man armor, and even Fantastic Four, X-Men A pirated version of a power user that Eric has never seen before.

Super Skrulls, genetically modified fighters who imitate the abilities of the superpowers on the earth—of course, only those who can get the data, but fortunately they didn't get the data of the few Justice League bosses outside, Otherwise, Eric might have to face Skrull Superman at this moment.

Even so, such a staggering number of Super Skrulls is a bit tricky.

Eric looked around and squeezed his fists.

"Counterfeit goods." He snorted disdainfully, "All together, kill as many as you have."

At the same time, Nick Fury's secret stronghold.

Consciousness was on the verge of fainting, but Nick Fury was still supported only by tenacious willpower, lying on the ground and trying to stand up.

"I admire your perseverance, but it's meaningless." Empress Skrull surrounded him, smiling contemptuously, "You've already lost, completely."

The roar of the spaceship engine sounded outside the warehouse, and the steel behemoth landed dully.A series of neat footsteps sounded quickly, and a group of Skrull soldiers rushed in from the direction of the door, saluted standardly and lined up neatly on both sides of the empress.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, there is still a whole planet waiting for me to conquer." The empress said as she walked to the door, "Do you want to know why I spared your life? Because I want You see the earth completely defeated, just like Stark, I will completely defeat you from the inside out."

Obviously he didn't even have the strength to stand up, but Fury laughed out loud.

The empress paused, turned her head, showing displeasure: "What's so funny?"

"Do you really think you have won?" Fury laughed, "Then you underestimate the earth too much. I would like to warn you first-some parts of this planet are hidden by you and yours. The race can't be offended at all, and if you want to be proud, you have to take advantage of the present. Because it won't take long before the time will come when you will run away with your tails between your legs—if you can escape then."

(End of this chapter)

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