Chapter 247
Times Square, inside the Skrull's bio-modified giant machine.

The Super Skrull Warrior transforms the body of the Skrull Warrior according to the existing host gene data, and obtains the effect of copying the host's ability.It's a pity that what they copied is only similar abilities. The real one-on-one fight is far from the reality of the original, and even their copycat Iron Man suit is not at the same level as the original one.

Having said that, these guys are superior in numbers, and they have copied countless Super Skrull soldiers based on almost every ability. Even if the individual strength is not very strong, the number is still a bit exaggerated.

Now that the awakening accessories have been activated, Eric has almost no reservations.He activated the super mode, and rushed straight into the formation of super Skrulls with the momentum of people blocking and killing gods and Buddhas.The afterimage of the metal was like a blade cutting the opponent's formation, and the dense formation was immediately punched out.The gap extended forward as Eric moved forward, and from time to time, the bodies of Skrulls were hit from it and flew left and right.

Eric really didn't intend to talk nonsense with these alien reptiles. He immediately showed his full strength when he came up, and every punch he punched was a huge force that opened up mountains and land, blasting these Skrull soldiers like a stormy sea. Fell down one by one, as if entering no one's land.

This just proves the famous law - mass production must be scum.In the final analysis, these Skrulls have obtained the ability similar to the ontology through genetic modification, and they are not even a copy of the ontology.Those counterfeit goods that completely copied the memory, character and ability of the ontology may be able to restore a lot of the strength of the ontology, but these guys who simply imitated the ability are still far behind.

After killing several rooms in a row, more Skrulls appeared with some high-capacity firearms and restricted-movement weapons. Compared with these super soldiers, these weapons are more threatening to Eric .He was accidentally trapped by a net made entirely of energy. He tried several times with the astonishing upper limit of the super mode's arm strength, but he couldn't tear it apart. Finally, he urgently switched to the super speed mode to use the high-speed oscillation ability of the body's atoms It was only after penetrating the energy grid that he escaped in time.

But the technology of this group of aliens is indeed powerful, even with such strength, one mistake may be tricked.Eric didn't dare to underestimate it at all, and immediately switched to the green light mode, completely sparing no energy and bombarded with the maximum output several times in a row. The trains, missiles and fighters shining with green light immediately flew all over the room, bombing one after another. The aliens are in disarray, and people are turned on their backs.

Eric went all the way into the deepest part of the building, breaking into the most core room underground.A door panel wrapped in a pale gold energy shield stood in front of him, and he smashed the energy shield with a fist wrapped in green light, and the door panel also flew into the room.

Eric walked in slowly, and the door suddenly opened up—this is probably the largest room in the entire building, with a height of 20 meters from the ground to the ceiling.The super-large parts are nakedly exposed in front of him, interacting and working with each other, which looks like the inside of a huge clock, with the gears working mechanically.The black hammer was struck towards the center of the earth at high frequency, and the main shaft connected to it was displayed in front of Eric's eyes, as the hammer went deeper into the ground, it seemed to be able to extend without limit.

This is it, as long as you smash this thing, you should be able to stop this device, right?
Eric was about to make a move when a powerful, dark and gloomy aura that couldn't be ignored gave him a chill down his spine involuntarily.He jumped sideways reflexively, and the strong attack landed on the position where he was standing just now, blasting a big crater on the ground.

He rolled around, stood up, and turned his gaze to the sneak attacking figure.The moment he fixed his eyes on it, his pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly.

The figure reflected on his retina was completely wrapped in black and gold armor, tall and straight and domineering, but wasn't that clearly the self in the mirror?
Another Skrull knockoff?And this time even the awakening mode has been pirated?

Eric thought, and stood up with a soft snort.

"No matter how many pirated versions come, the end will be the same." He said lightly, "I will defeat them all."

After that, he moved his feet, and his figure burst out, his fist dragging a green light and shadow, hitting the opponent's face fiercely.


That was the sound of the opponent's fist firmly catching his blow, and the opponent's hand didn't even tremble.

At such a close distance to his face, Eric finally saw clearly that this guy was not exactly the same as him.The luster in the pirated eyepiece in front of me is closer to a darker color, and there are many black stripes on the limbs of the armor, like blue veins entrenched on the body.

"whispering sound."

Eric seemed to hear a disdainful hum from under the helmet in front of him.

"Complete super mode is online."

The pirated battle armor instantly changed into a super mode, hardly giving any chance to react. Eric had already received a heavy punch on the cheek and retreated violently. The green light shield close to him shattered and flew like snowflakes.

Seeing the moment when the opponent's eyepiece turned red and hot, Eric quickly responded almost reflexively.

"Complete speed mode is online."

The moment the thermal vision hit the front, Eric flashed away like a gust of wind, adjusted the angle and turned into an afterimage and flew up again.A fierce battle unfolded in this open room. Two powerful forces collided in bursts, and the impact tore the air and spread.The green light weapon, the afterimage of the golden electric current, the interlaced sword light and the red hot laser, the scene is almost gorgeous to the extreme, and the two protagonists who are the protagonists of the battle are almost melted in the astonishing speed. Capturable.

No, something is not right.

Eric was hit in the chest by a heavy hammer from the green light, and while blood welled up his throat, he thought so in his mind.

The opponent was just as strong and as fast as him, but his temperament was completely wrong.The knockoffs copied by the Skrulls are as close to the main body as possible, pretending to be exactly the same as the main body as much as possible, but this guy... this guy feels different from himself, he is like an unfathomable abyss, and there is no He didn't mean to hide his darkness.

This guy is not a Skrull imitation.

Now the question is, who is he?
The opponent's powerful fist slammed into Eric's cheek, shattering his face armor, and the fragments flew out of the blood in his mouth.But at the same time, his fist landed firmly on the opponent's face, smashing the mask as well.

He took two steps back, stabilized his figure, and was finally able to see the face under the armor on the opposite side.

Then, he was stunned.

The face under the armor, the appearance, the facial features, are clearly him, but his complexion is as pale as a piece of paper, without human color, covered with horrible black veins and stripes, it looks like
It was like Patient Zero who was infected with the Yamajo virus.

(End of this chapter)

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