Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 248 The Thing of Fear

Chapter 248 The Thing of Fear
New York, Times Square, inside the Skrull building.

Eric stared at the self in front of him. The guy had a face similar to his own, but it was already pale and colorless, his skin was shriveled and covered with black stripes, and he looked as if he was terminally ill.

He subconsciously moved back.

An ominous palpitation rose from the bottom of my heart, like a dark cloud, making people breathless indescribably.Eric stared at him, staring straight into the pair of green pearl-like pupils, as if to prove that he was not afraid at all by such behavior.

"What's wrong?" The self on the opposite side actually said, "Are you scared? That's only natural, because what you're you!"

The moment the voice fell, severe pain came from the brain.Strong uneasiness and restlessness surged into his heart, Eric seemed to feel the world spinning, the balance center of the brain was in chaos, and his feet shook uncontrollably.

The guy on the other side was still expressionless, and he didn't intend to take advantage of the opportunity to do anything.He stood there straight like a stake, looked at him coldly, and muttered something to himself in a low and mechanical voice.


He seemed to be saying so.

At this moment, another surge broke in, like a clear stream pouring in, calming his feverish brain for a while.

"Calm down, whatever you're seeing right now is not real."

"Ron?" Eric instantly recognized that it was the voice of Martian Manhunter, who was outside this building and was establishing a spiritual link with him through telepathy.

"What's going on here?" Eric asked inwardly.

The Martian Manhunter replied: "This is a small trap of psychological suggestion, the last defense measure of this tower. People who break into the core area will be hypnotized, and they will see the most fearful thing in their hearts and get trapped in it. But no Relationship, now I will guide you to wake up."

"My greatest fear?"

Eric stared at the self on the opposite side, the pale and ugly self that seemed hopeless.

In an instant, he understood.

"If you continue to use this thing, you may really become something other than human." Stark did warn him after using the awakening accessory.

Although now with the piece of soul that Raven gave him, the vitality is generally enough to consume, but the problem still hasn't been solved.Indeed, he has recently used awakening devices to strengthen more and more, and he is getting closer and closer to the so-called "things other than human beings".Although he has always acted indifferent to everyone—including himself—it was only a temporary escape, and he was really afraid in his heart.

So is that what I will become in the future?
While thinking this way, the scene in front of him has become illusory.The pale self was also involved in the illusion, as if trapped in the center of a tornado.But he still stood straight, like a swaying pole in the wind, until the last moment when the smoke cleared, he stared at him with eyes full of mockery and pity.

That look seemed to say: "Just run away, but you and I both know that one day, this will be your end."

Disillusioned, the sense of balance returned to his body. When Eric recovered, he had fallen back into the room at the core of the building, but now he was the only one left here.

Then just destroy this place.

Eric shook his head, shaking off unnecessary thoughts.Maybe one day in the future, that will really be his end, but it won't be now.Here and now, what he has to do remains unchanged.

A few seconds later, powerful energy erupted from the tower from the inside out, and the flames engulfed everything inside, and the huge and solid black shell toppled down, falling heavily to the ground.The machine that drove piles toward the ground with high frequency finally stopped, and the main shaft broke with a loud "boom", and the broken hammer sank deep into the ground, and there was no more movement.

Eric's figure broke through the flames and flew out.The Skrulls whose target fell lost their fighting spirit in an instant, and the fleet suddenly turned into a mess and began to flee in all directions.The superheroes zip between the fleets, taking down Skrull battleships one by one like cutting straw.In a short while, the Skrull team was wiped out.

The Flash and Green Lantern clapped their hands loudly, as excited as if they had won a big victory.

"Everyone is doing a good job." Superman landed and said, "But don't get too excited, this is just the first step."

"Then what's the next step?" Wonder Woman waved her long sword eagerly, "I guess you already have a plan?"

"There are only a few people on our side, and the other side is a galaxy empire." Martian Manhunter said in a deep voice, "But the Skrulls have a queen, their supreme leader. If we can catch this queen."

"Catch the thief first." Superman smiled. "An old but effective tactic. So how do we find her? My instinct tells me that she will not jump in front of the camera like a movie star and tell us where she is."

"Then your intuition may not be very accurate."

It was Batman who spoke, and at some point he had jumped out of his plane, dragging a long cloak and walking among the crowd.

"This is real-time news." He said, opening his palm, and a small electronic device in his palm projected a holographic screen.

"From the Capitol in Washington," he added.

The figure of Captain America appeared in the center of the screen, and the background behind him was the classic white exterior wall and the domed Capitol, a building known as the "Heart of America".A huge shadow hangs directly above the camera, and it can be seen through the lens that it is the floating aircraft carrier of Aegis.

"This is a message for all human beings." Captain America said slowly, with a serious expression, "My name is Captain America, and I am one of you. I have spent my entire life fighting for freedom and autonomy, for Fighting for human rights, but something unexpected happened. An alien race traveled across the universe and came here. They contacted the rulers of the world. They are not here to hurt us, but to save us from our fellow human beings. ...they see our planet on the brink of disaster, but they also see our potential. These Skrulls, they're here to help us. What we can't do, they can do, and what we can do All that needs to be done is to let them do it.”

The speeches continued, but no one was interested in listening to them anymore.

"Skrulls, without a doubt." Batman said flatly.

"Ninety percent of the time the queen is there." The Martian Manhunter said, "At this time, she needs to witness it herself. But at the same time, there will be the most concentrated combat power of the Skrulls on this planet."

"Isn't that just what we want?" Green Lantern smiled confidently, "It saves the effort of searching for them all over the world."

"Then it's decided." Superman glanced at everyone present and said, "Let's save the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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