Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 249 Counterattack

Chapter 249 Counterattack
Washington, the White House, an underground, unknown safe house.

The president sat uneasily inside the safe room, wiping the sweat from his forehead nervously.Surrounded by a room full of muscular bodyguards in black, he couldn't make him feel even a little bit at ease—and it was a matter of course.About 10 minutes ago, the troops outside the safe house had all fallen, aliens had occupied the White House, and according to intelligence, the whole country—no, the hearts of all countries in the world were the same.

In fact, everyone in the room was as flustered as he was.The ground just outside them should be full of alien invaders by now, every second they breathe, there are Skrulls dangling at the door of this dark room, maybe there will be someone in the next moment The aliens were surprised to discover that there was a hidden entrance hidden here, and everyone hiding in it at that time was doomed.

Just in case, they even completely cut off the communication and monitoring with the outside, and the time passed slowly and dullly.Everyone knew that they couldn't hide here for a lifetime, and no one spoke, but emotions called fear and despair spread without words.

Perhaps the ending they were waiting for was that some alien pushed open the hidden door, and then everyone fell in a pool of blood.

Then the door was literally pushed open.

There was an unlock notification sound of "ding", and the heavy iron door slowly slid open to the inside.Everyone pulled out their guns neatly as if they had been electrocuted, all pointing at the door.Mr. President's eyes widened, he swallowed, and held his breath tightly.

The door opened slowly, but the expected alien army with guns did not appear. Instead, what appeared at the door was a blond woman with a hot figure, wearing a black security uniform and a knee-length skirt.Holding a flat screen in her hand, she completely ignored the dark muzzles of the men in the room and stepped inside, her high heels making a crisp sound on the floor of the safe house.

She walked straight up to the president and stopped, and the tablet screen lit up.Lex Luthor, wearing a custom-made suit and sitting on an expensive red leather sofa, appeared on the screen. The city outside the window behind him was already full of war, but he looked at ease.

The president was stunned, and said, "I remember you are Lex Luthor?"

"Exactly. I have cooperated with government departments a few times. It is a great honor for the President to remember me." Luthor said with a smile.

"How do you know where my safe house is?" Seeing that the other party was human, the president regained some of his majestic airs, "No, before that, what are you trying to do now?"

Luther smiled slightly.

"I came here to make a deal, Mr. President." He said confidently, "and my bargaining chip is that I have a plan to save the world."

Meanwhile, the Capitol.

"How did things get to this point?" One of the officials controlled by the Skrulls in front of the building asked, "Why were we invaded by these green guys with almost no resistance? Who should be responsible for this?" Responsible?"

"It's all some idiot who came up with the idea of ​​discarding strategic weapons in an attempt to entrust world security to an alien of unknown origin." It was the general who strongly opposed this proposal at the UN meeting who spoke, "If If we still have strategic-level missiles, at least we still have the power to fight? As a result, until now, the ghost alien who was regarded as hope has not been seen."

At this moment, the fake Captain America just finished his "persuading surrender" speech in front of the screen.A black alien spacecraft appeared in the sky, and slowly parked its body on the open space in front of the Capitol.The hatch opened, and Queen Skrull walked out slowly. She was surrounded by several high-ranking government officials and a whole team of Avengers to the center of the square.

"Senator Carter!?" The general spotted Senator Carter among them with sharp eyes—it was the one who proposed the abolition of strategic weapons.

The general was surprised: "Have you always been one of them?"

The senator smiled at him: "Exactly, the real senator has long since disappeared half a year ago. Proposing to abolish the most dangerous weapon on the earth and make it lose its means of self-protection at the most important moment is also part of the battle. Of course, it can be implemented smoothly. I also have to thank you stupid earthlings for their high cooperation."

The general stared at him and gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

Empress Skrull went straight to the pirated Captain America, who knelt down on one knee consciously in front of her.

"You've done a great job. You're an honorable Skrull warrior." She smiled. "Captain America has always been able to infect other humans and inspire them to follow in his footsteps. And now, Captain America will bring the world back to life." , hold it in my hands!"

"Take it easy, ma'am. If I ask you, the war is only just beginning."

The voice came from mid-air, and the empress turned her head in surprise. A brand new team led by Superman landed on the stone steps in front of the Capitol, looking down on them all.

"Before we all fall," Superman began, "you're far from winning."

"Tch, it's just a group of troublesome guys who slipped through the net." The empress snorted disdainfully, "But what else can you do now? Now all the corners of the earth are buried with the chess pieces of our Skrull Empire, and we have already It has penetrated deeply into human culture, and everyone around you may be a great warrior of our Skrulls! And just now you all saw that Captain America was giving a speech to all mankind, and the complete fall of this world cannot be ignored It's a matter of time!"

"Then why don't people see what you really look like?"

A mechanized sound came from mid-air, and two spherical bombs were dropped along with it.A strong light erupted from the sphere, instantly covering the audience. All the Skrulls present covered their heads in pain, their skin involuntarily turned back to green, and their appearance and posture returned to their original state.

Iron Man descended from the sky on the flames, and glared at a group of Skrulls through the monitor with monstrous anger.

"Maybe what you said is true, maybe I'm really a spy for Skrull." Tony gritted his teeth and said firmly, "But those, all don't matter. Now, here and now, I think from the bottom of my heart To cut you into pieces on behalf of all Earthlings, that's enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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