Chapter 262 Similar
This Saturday happened to be another January group activity day for the Raven family. This time she seemed to go to the city zoo with Aunt Alice's family, so Eric had to spend the weekend alone again.

Although Aegis asked him to help find the whereabouts of the lost Beta armor, but before he sensed any reaction from Amadeus or Aegis to notify him, he actually had nothing to do, so he came to George's bar to spend the night time.

Just after drinking the first glass of wine, the woman he met last night appeared again.

"A glass of Jager." After ordering a drink from the bartender, Ruth sat down beside Eric and smiled lightly, "What a coincidence, we meet again."

"Yeah, what a coincidence. But you're from out of town, right?" Eric asked, "Is it really good to drink leisurely like this every day?"

Ruth took the Jager handed over by the bartender, and sighed: "Things are not going well. The water in New York looks deeper than I thought."

"Ha, of course, this is New York after all."

"Speaking of which, this is the question I want to ask, right?" Ruth raised her eyebrows at him, "You look so young, I wonder if you are old enough to drink."

"Well, guess what." Eric chuckled and took another sip of his cocktail.

"What a disobedient and bad boy." Ruth said, paused for a moment, and then smiled softly, "But if I say it, I am the same. If I remember correctly, I seemed to be ten years old when I first drank alcohol. many."

"Oh? Really?" Eric raised his eyebrows, "It really makes people more and more curious when you say that."

"Forget it." Ruth waved her hand, "You'd better not inquire about my affairs, you won't want to know and there is absolutely nothing worth showing off."

"Don't be so sure." Eric took another sip of his wine and said, "If you know my girlfriend's background, you will be shocked."

"Oh? You have a girlfriend?" Ruth asked with interest, "What kind of person is it?"

"Well, let me think about it. He has a weird and withdrawn personality. He seems to have no interest in anything. He feels mysterious and not good at communicating with others. All in all, he is a very difficult guy to get along with."

Ruth laughed: "Is it really good to evaluate my girlfriend like this?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Eric shrugged helplessly, and then smiled, "But, although that guy is always cold on the surface, he is actually a very kind and gentle person in his heart, and sometimes he is quite cute."

"Really?" Ruth picked up the wine glass, shook it in a daze, showing a hint of envy, "That's great."


"Have a girlfriend and live peacefully."

Eric smiled: "If you knew a little bit about our lives, I'm afraid you wouldn't make such an evaluation."

After a pause, he turned to ask: "Speaking of which, you haven't mentioned anything about yourself. You said your name is Ruth, but I don't even know your last name."

Ruth waved her hand: "Don't mention things like surnames, I don't even want to think about them."

"What? Do you have any objections to your father?"

Ruth pondered for a while, then said, "Almost."

"Is he still alive?"

"Yes." She took a sip of wine and said angrily, "It's a pity that he is still alive and well, but I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't want to see him again in the future."

"It seems that our family has really failed similarly." Eric also showed a look of reminiscence, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen my father since I was three years old. I only recently learned that he seems to have died a long time ago. But even so, he has been interfering with my life for so many years, and it can even be said that what he did back then brought me to where I am today."

Speaking of this, he laughed at himself: "Ah~, if you think about it this way, your life is really chaotic."

"Really?" Ruth smiled and said, "Are you interested in sharing?"

"Forget it." Eric also waved his hand, "It's also the kind of thing that's useless to say, and it's not suitable for telling people, so forget it."

After a pause, he thought about it for a while, and drank the rest of the cocktail in the glass.

"But even so," he said, staring at the empty wine glass, "in the bottom of my heart, I still want to believe him. It's a bit weird, but I still always feel that the father who disappeared from my life 15 years ago , not a bad guy."

"Really?" Ruth's eyes also moved back to her wine glass, "So, we really have a lot of similarities. Sometimes when I am free, I will have such a little fantasy—maybe I Isn't your father such a bad guy? Maybe he didn't abandon me and my brother on purpose?"

"Your brother? You didn't mention you had a brother before."

"Yes, I have a younger brother." Ruth also drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp. "This guy is completely different from me or his father. He is a complete soft guy and a standard good guy. But also Because of this, that guy lives a very tiring life, and there will always be a bunch of troubles coming to him, and he is anxious to watch."

"But you love him, don't you?"

"Yeah, after all, he is my biological brother, my only family member - of course, not counting our bastard father." She shrugged, "Siblings should help each other."

Having said that, she stopped talking, and a string of melodious cell phone music interrupted their conversation.

"Sorry, I have to answer this." Ruth said, got up and walked aside, and connected the phone.

"Have you found anything? Auction? Now? Okay. You guys keep an eye on it, I'll be there in a while."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone and returned to Eric.

"I'm sorry, let's get here first today." She said, "I have something to do with someone. I have to go."

"Okay. Good luck to you then."

"It's unbelievable." Ruth smiled softly, "I have rarely talked so much with people in my life. I don't know why, but I just want to share this with you."

"Me too." Eric took another glass of wine from the bartender and said, "Maybe it's because we are alike in some ways."

"Then I'm leaving." Ruth waved her hand, "We had a good chat tonight."

Not long after she said goodbye to Eric and went out, Eric's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone, which showed an unknown number, obviously a call from Aegis.

Sure enough, after connecting, Coulson's voice came from the other end: "Eric? Come here now, we have found traces of the Beta armor. It is being auctioned off behind closed doors by the New York gang."

(End of this chapter)

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