Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 263 Undercurrent

Chapter 263 Undercurrent
New York, Daily Bugle.

"No, no, no, no!"

As always, the voice of James, the boss of the Daily Bugle, can almost be heard on the street downstairs. When he gets angry, the whole office can't wait to buzz, and it is worthy of this famous big mouth.

This time the object of his reprimand was the unfortunate Mr. Forbes, an old reporter from the newspaper office who had won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism, but he still couldn't escape being scolded bloody by his boss.

Forbes blushed, and still tried to defend himself: "But boss, you don't understand, this is the scoop news that can cause a sensation in New York! Think about it, the most powerful forces in this city gathered together to auction off a government-lost item. high-tech products!"

"Forbes, your head is always full of these messy things." James slapped the table impatiently, "but enough is enough, I don't want to fake and report these wild things. Unless you can produce conclusive evidence, the next I can’t save you the headlines of this issue—now, get out! Don’t waste my time!”

Forbes walked out of the boss's office dejectedly. The moment he opened the door, the colleagues who were looking outside hurriedly lowered their heads, pretending to be serious about their work.

Just as he was about to walk to the elevator and was about to leave, someone stopped him loudly.

"Wait! Mr. Forbes!"

When he turned his head, he saw Peter Parker, the young photographer from the newspaper office, waving at him and running over quickly.

"Sorry, Mr. Forbes, I didn't intend to eavesdrop, but Jonathan's voice is too loud." Peter said, "Do you want me to take some photos of the gangster fight?"

Forbes scratched his head: "But I'm not even sure if I can write it."

"It's okay." Peter waved his digital camera in front of Forbes, "I bet Jonathan will change his mind if there are wonderful photos."

Peter offered to do this not just to help Forbes or to make money by taking amazing photos, but also because he heard Forbes tell the boss that this auction would involve all the current big names in New York.Since he decided to overthrow Jin Bin that time, the crime situation in the city has not improved, but has become chaotic after losing balance, and crime has become darker and more diverse.

Although he knew that he did not cause this situation on purpose, he always felt that he was responsible for the current situation more or less in his heart, and he always felt that as Spider-Man, he should stand up and do something.

And now, is such an opportunity.

That night, the bosses went to the hidden auction venue.

The old reporter Forbes put on a camouflage beard and eyepatch under Peter's surprised expression, and put a cigar in his mouth. I was taken aback for a while.

"In the job of a reporter, if you want to dig out serious information, sometimes you have to be like a spy. Only when you go deep into places that others cannot enter, can you dig out information that others cannot dig!"

When Forbes talks about his career as a reporter, the veteran reporter looks rosy, with the pride of a veteran.

When the bigwigs who participated in the auction entered the venue one after another, Forbes, who had finished his disguise, followed behind into the magnificent venue.But today, he was stopped at the door by two bodyguards in black with long-barreled guns.

"What's up?" Forbes yelled, "I'm bidding for my boss!"

"I'm afraid it won't work, sir." said the auctioneer at Central Stage, "Your mysterious boss just withdrew all the money in the account, and we have to ask you to leave."

Forbes showed a helpless expression and had no choice but to turn around and leave the venue.After he came out, he went straight to the alley across the street, and Peter was waiting in the alley.

"How is it, Mr. Forbes?"

"Successful - so far." He said, and took out a small instrument, which clearly heard the sound of the auction in the venue.

"I put bugs on the bodyguards at the gate," Forbes explained.

"That's pretty cool, Mr. Forbes."

As soon as he came out, the auction in the venue had already started.The auctioneer said loudly: "Last night, representatives from Hydra offered the highest price of 5000 million. Has anyone offered a higher price?"

"Fifty one million." Tombstone said in a low voice.

"Fifty-five million." Wesley, who represented Jin Bin, said indifferently.

The tombstone glanced at him, and snorted: "Take it easy, Wilson has collapsed, and his strength is not as good as before. It will cost a lot of money to escape and cover up his identity? It's better not to have such a big appetite."

"Thank you for your concern." Wesley smiled politely and commercially, "But Mr. Wilson is doing well, and will make a comeback soon, and we are preparing for it now."

Tombstone snorted and raised the price again: "6000 million."

When Peter outside heard this, he couldn't help asking: "What are they bidding for? Why is it worth so much money?"

"A high-tech product, I heard that it seems to be armor for individual combat." Forbes said, "I don't know the details, I just heard them say it's called Amojo or something."

Peter instantly petrified, his mouth almost opened into an "O" shape.

Wouldn't it be better to inform Eric?He couldn't help thinking.

"One hundred million!"

In the short time Peter and Forbes talked, Wesley had already raised the price to [-] million, and there was still no tendency to stop.The atmosphere in the arena continued to heat up, and a war of fighting for money was going on fiercely.

"2000 million." Tombstone raised the price again, but from the look on his face, it seemed that it was far less relaxed than before.

"5000 million." Wesley confronted each other and frowned slightly, as if he was also calculating how much was left in the budget.

At the most anxious moment when the two confronted each other, the Hydra representative who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.He said simply and authentically in a deep and vigorous voice: "[-] million."

Tombstone and Wesley both lost their composure and looked at this guy in astonishment.

Just kidding, with [-] million US dollars, even a boss like them has to weigh whether they can bear it. Could it be that the energy of this Hydra is really unfathomable to this point?

"[-] million once, [-] million twice"

The auctioneer paused here, Tombstone and Wesley both looked rather ugly, but they didn't speak again.

The auction gavel finally came down.

"Deal, the winner is the representative of the Hydra organization." The auctioneer said, "You can pick up the goods at the warehouse in the Cuilik area in one hour."

Almost as soon as the auctioneer's voice fell from the bug, Peter couldn't wait: "I think I have to go, you know, to get the golden time to take pictures"

By the time he had finished speaking, he had already sprinted down the street, and Forbes waved behind him and shouted: "Be careful, boy!"

At the same time, somewhere on the other side of the building, Ruth also smiled, and said to her gang of gangsters: "Okay, boys, it's time for you to play."

It was also at this same moment, in a temporary stronghold in the compartment of a certain truck.

"Follow them and go to the warehouse in Trillik." Agent Coulson ordered the agent in the driver's seat, then turned to Eric standing behind him, "Did you hear that just now?"

"Ah, it's very clear." Eric squeezed his fist, "As long as I get close enough, I can sense the reaction of the Beta armor. Now drive."

(End of this chapter)

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