Chapter 287 Kitty
Somewhere, inside a top-secret base.

"Really?" The unidentified man hiding in the shadows held his chin and said, "As expected, the operation to capture Alpha still didn't go so smoothly."

"However, I heard that it was just a tentative attempt. If we were more prepared, we might be able to win it." The red-haired woman said behind him, "In addition, there are twins who have not used their abilities this time, otherwise."

The man waved his hand.

"No need, tell the team to skip him and continue looking for the next target."

The man said, smiling strangely.

"Just keep going like this. If there is no accident, there should be a chance to confront each other. There is no need to worry."

Although she was a little puzzled, the woman didn't ask any more questions and nodded, "Okay, I understand."

New York, a high school.

This is a story about a beautiful girl with brown hair.

Originally, Kitty Pride was once an ordinary girl just like most other girls of the same age, ordinary and happy.She has a happy family, has good grades, and at the same time, her outstanding appearance in the class makes her have many suitors.Her life could hardly have been more perfect.

Until one day, she accidentally walked between a row of lockers at school.

Turns out she's a mutant.

If superpowers have only recently entered the public eye, mutants have a much longer history.It is said that as early as World War II, some people saw the active presence of mutants on various battlefields, and the racial conflict between humans and mutants has sprouted since then. After so many years, it has already intensified into A deep ravine was formed.And even if the argument about "peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants" has spread in today's society, the fact that there is a superpower living beside him is still not easily accepted by the public.

Kitty felt that she was living in just such a gap.

Ever since she was discovered to be a mutant, she could clearly feel that the attitude of everyone around her had turned cold towards her by several degrees. Those boys who came to strike up a conversation every now and then rarely came again, and the classmates who had a good chat on weekdays also intentionally or unintentionally maintained distance.And this is not the worst, what's worse is that she feels that even her family members seem to be afraid of her, and her daily life is a lot colder.

And it was during this darkest period of her life that things got worse.

On this day, the moment she packed her schoolbag and walked out of the school gate, two people in police uniforms approached from left to right, as if they had been waiting here early in the morning.

"Miss Kitty Pride?" asked one of the policemen.

What happened this time?Could it be that turning into some damned mutant is breaking the law?
Thinking to herself, Kitty replied, "Yes, what happened?"

"We are from the New York Police Department, please come with us."

Kitty frowned: "What happened?"

"We are investigating an important case, and there is evidence that you may be involved in the content of the case, ma'am." The policeman said coldly, "I need you to come with us."

Why do these ghostly things suddenly happen one after another endlessly?

No matter how much she complained in her heart, Kitty had no choice but to obediently follow the two policemen into the police car.This was the first time in her life that she got into a police car, and she could notice the students at the school gate looking at her with strange eyes, pointing at her.

Maybe her student career is really coming to an end, what should she do in her future life?

The police car slowly drove away from the campus. Kitty was in a state of turmoil in her heart. After thinking wildly for a while, she finally couldn't help but ask, "Uh, what kind of case is it? Why am I being implicated?"

"Of course you will know when we get to the headquarters." The policeman in the passenger seat said so, and Kitty felt that the seriousness of this guy's face was a little scary, as if it was carved on an iron plate.

It seemed that the two policemen had no intention of talking to her, so she simply stopped asking, and looked out the window in boredom, feeling that the outside world seemed to be separated by this layer of windshield, so far away from herself .

She was stunned for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she noticed that the two policemen seemed to be much more nervous than before. The policeman in the driver's seat had beads of sweat on his forehead, and his expression was like an enemy.The speed of the police car also increased a lot unknowingly, galloping on the main road like a racing car sprinting to the finish line.

It feels like trying to escape from something.

Turning around suspiciously, Kitty seemed to realize what they were trying to escape—it was a black rider, his appearance was blocked by the helmet of the rider, but his aura was as domineering as a general charging into battle .His car is an all-black motorcycle. Kitty doesn't know much about motorcycles, but she can tell at a glance that this shape is definitely not something that can be bought in the general market. On the contrary, it is more like the concept motorcycle exhibited at the fair. , It starts like a wild and uninhibited wild horse.

"Who is that?" Kitty asked in surprise. "Why is he chasing us?"

But both officers ignored her.

Kitty kind of started to realize something was wrong, were these guys the police after all?Who is that person chasing after him?

She began to notice that more police cars appeared on this road, and they converged from the various side roads around them, with the obvious intention of enclosing the black motorcycle in the middle.The front, rear, left, and right routes were completely blocked, and the black beast felt as if it was locked in a cage, and had to temporarily suppress its speed.

The vehicle escorting Kitty took advantage of this opportunity to slam the accelerator to open the distance, trying to escape.

But a real Mustang won't be so easily restrained.The rider stepped on both feet, turned the motorcycle handle violently, and at the same time lifted the front of the motorcycle vigorously.The two pipes at the rear of the car spewed out an astonishing tongue of fire with a "boom", and the motorcycle yelled violently, taking off as high as in the bridge section only in movies, and passed the car in front of it inconceivably. The roof of the police car.

"Damn! Is that thing still a fucking car?" Kitty felt even more disturbed when she heard the policeman in the front seat swear.She already clearly felt that she seemed to have become the core of the incident, but she didn't understand how it became like this at all.

The black locomotive rushed at full speed, and now that there was no obstacle in front of it, it caught up to the side door of the vehicle with absolute speed in the blink of an eye.

A police officer in the front seat gritted his teeth, pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the rider through the window frame.And at the moment before he shot, Kitty was shocked to see that the armor quickly covered the rider's body, and the consecutive bullets only splashed the slightest sparks on the outer shell of his armor, completely unable to penetrate.

It wasn't over yet, he immediately tore open the rear door, as simple as tearing off tape.He reached in with one hand, dragged Kitty from the seat onto the motorcycle without any explanation, and then raised his leg and kicked violently on the body of the police car. The slag flew like snowflakes.

Kitty stared wide-eyed at the rider in armor.She wanted to ask too much, but couldn't say a word.

It's almost like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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