Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 288 The Twins

Chapter 288 The Twins

half a day ago.

Ruth made a special trip to bring Eric the news that an organization called "NOWHERE" is arresting young superpowers all over the world, and also brought a list of targets that the organization has recently targeted.

In the end, she said that she had other tasks in New York and left first, but she warned Eric to be careful, because those people will definitely come again next time after they have been deflated this time.

And the part that upset Eric the most was that he saw his and Raven's names in the target list.

At this point, it is definitely impossible to wait and do nothing.He immediately contacted Raven and informed her of the current situation.At present, the only clues they have at hand are this list, so they can only find other targets that the organization wants to arrest according to the order of the list.

Kitty Pryde happened to be their next target.To be honest, Eric was really taken aback when he saw the introduction of this name and ability. He remembered that this girl should be a very famous X-Men in the original Marvel world, code-named Phantom Cat, and her ability is to penetrate kind.At present, from the data, it seems that she has not encountered the X-Men yet.

Half a day later, at this moment.

Pretending to be a police officer and snatching mutant girls from the school in a fair manner, the NOWHERE organization has some new ideas this time.However, after only 5 minutes of chasing, Kitty was robbed by Eric from the police car, and he also kicked the police car so that it turned sideways and flew out.

Kitty stared blankly at the man wrapped in armor, speechless for a long time.

At this time, there was a harsh and unbearable noise from the other side of the street. It sounded like the scream of multiple tires rubbing violently on the asphalt road at the same time.A few seconds later, the crashing sound of blunt objects and the "clang" sound of glass shattering intertwined. Several police cars fell to the ground in various postures, and various parts were scattered on the ground.

Raven, who was wearing a purple-black cloak, floated over slowly, and fell in front of the two of them under Kitty's almost dull eyes, and said lightly: "It's over there."

Eric smiled and said, "Good job."

"That." Kitty said in a daze, "What's the situation? Are you mutants?"

Eric and Raven looked at each other.

"No, we are not mutants." Eric shook his head, "These people are not real police, nor do they belong to the force that arrests mutants. They work for an international organization called 'NOWHERE', the goal is to expose everything teenage superpowers—mutant or not.”

"A teenager with superpowers?"

"Yes, just like us." Eric said, "And I was very lucky to get a list of their attacks, so I decided to gather these companions who are in the same situation and fight against NOWHERE together."

After a pause, he turned to Kitty and asked, "I remember you are a mutant with the ability to penetrate, right? It's written in NOWHERE's file that you seem to be able to penetrate entities?"

"Well, it's almost like that, but I haven't been able to manipulate it very skillfully."

"It's okay, you will have a chance to get acquainted with it in the future." Eric said, lifted the helmet to reveal his face, and stretched out a hand to her, "Want to join us? Work together and fight that organization."

Kitty looked him in the eyes, and hesitated for a moment.

Can you trust this person?
Anyway, even without this "NOWHERE" organization to disrupt the situation, she would have nothing to lose.Her life is long gone, and her current state can only be said to be lingering in the cracks.

Then maybe the hand that this young man stretched out to her at this time was the new way out that fate had pointed out for her.

"Yes." Kitty nodded and held his hand, "I'll join."

Eric smiled slightly, and was about to say something more, but was suddenly interrupted by the unexpected change that followed.

It was like a white whirlwind whistling from the end of the street, without any warning at all.Eric felt that there seemed to be a blurry image flashing past in front of his eyes, followed by his cheek as if he had been punched hard, and his body fell to the ground involuntarily.

"Eric!" Raven called out subconsciously.

The helmet closed with a "click", Eric looked around carefully while getting up, and said, "I'm fine, be careful!"

But it was already too late, the other party's actions were faster than his prompting voice.Before the syllable of his "be careful" was completely out of his mouth, the afterimage turned around and came back. This time, he flashed past Raven and knocked her down to the ground.

With two lightning strikes, neither Eric nor Raven had any chance to react.After the surprise attack was successful, the speeding afterimage suddenly stopped the car and stopped in front of the three of them, just like a demonstration.

It was a boy with short silver hair, wearing a black jacket on his upper body, and a pair of expensive headphones on his head, showing a provocative face at several people.

Eric thought for a moment.

Silver hair, and is this speed quicksilver?

The fact is just as he guessed - this silver-haired boy is the mutant "Quick Silver" known for his speed on Marvel Earth, the most famous speeder on the Marvel side.

"A lackey of NOWHERE?" Eric got up unhurriedly and asked, "Why do you work for them?"

Kuaiyin didn't answer, his mouth seemed to be chewing gum with a slight smile, his eyes flicked back and forth on the three of them, and finally settled on Kitty.

When he acted again, Eric, who had been on guard this time, also reacted.The two figures turned into afterimages at the same time, flashed out of nowhere in front of Kitty at a speed of teleportation, and collided with each other at a distance of half a step, and the electronic notification sound for switching to the super speed mode fell at this time.

Temporarily restraining Kuaiyin's hands, Eric turned back to Raven and said, "Take her and go first, I'll deal with this kid."

Raven nodded without saying a word, held Kitty with one hand, and pulled out the purple chaotic magic power wave with a swipe of the other hand out of thin air. The magic power spread out on the ground like a swamp and engulfed the two girls. No trace.

A second later, a few blocks away.

With a scream, Kitty fell from the suddenly opened mass of purple-black magic power onto the asphalt road, followed by Raven and fell to the ground.

As soon as she was in shock, Kitty gasped and asked, "I'm scared to death, can you teleport?"

"It's similar, but it's not very practical." Raven said lightly, "It can't be cast immediately, and it can't go to places I don't have a clear memory of."

"But it's still very powerful." Kitty patted her chest and said, "What should we do now? Is it really okay to leave him there alone?"

"It's okay." Raven wasn't worried, "It's just a small role, Eric won't have a problem. Now we just need to."

Only halfway through her words, her expression changed slightly, and she turned her face slightly.

"what happened?"

Just as she asked, Kitty followed Raven's gaze, and saw another woman appearing in front of the two of them.It was a girl with red hair, wearing a red jacket and black stockings, with a delicate and impressive appearance, and seemed to be about the same age as Raven.

If it’s nothing, what really caught Raven’s attention was the aura lingering in the girl—a faint dark red energy, not obvious but powerful and dangerous. Very familiar breath.

That is chaos magic.

"Who are you?" Raven asked coldly.

"Scarlet Witch."

(End of this chapter)

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