Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 289 Confronting Chaos Magic

Chapter 289 Confronting Chaos Magic
Quicksilver, whose real name is Pietro Maximoff, is a mutant with speeding ability. He is not famous in the Marvel world. He is famous for his weird and unpredictable speed in the original work.

Although Quicksilver is only a representative of Marvel speeders, it is still not on the same level as the Flash who has the magic weapon "Speed ​​Force" that ignores all laws of physics, but it is a pity that Eric is not the Flash either.

The Yamozhuo Alpha armor only simulates the Speed ​​Force energy released by the Flash while running to achieve a similar high-speed effect. It is not linked to the Speed ​​Force Field itself, so the upper limit of the speed it can exert is fixed, and it is impossible to The Flash exploded to an unbelievable degree under special circumstances.In addition, the speed force energy that the armor can simulate is also limited. If it is exhausted, it will not be able to maintain a high speed gear. In other words, the speeding ability of the Armor Armor is more like a time-limited skill rather than a continuous passive ability. , which is also very disadvantageous when playing against real speeders.

In addition, with the consumption of super speed energy, the speed that the armor can maintain will also drop slightly, which is not a big problem under normal circumstances, but it may become a fatal problem when fighting speedsters.

Just like now.

The two afterimages staggered and collided and stuck to the outer wall of the building and climbed vertically, and the strongest collision occurred near the top floor.With that point as the center, the crack quickly spread along the front of the glass, and when it reached the critical point, it shattered with a loud bang. The debris fell like flying snow, and two speeding shadows shot out from between the debris and landed on the side of the building. On the stay cables of the side cable-stayed bridge, run along the left and right stay cables respectively.

By this time, Eric couldn't keep up with the speed a little bit.The energy consumption of the simulated speed is extremely fast. Although they have fought for hundreds of rounds, in fact, the two have only fought for more than ten seconds, and the speed of the armor has dropped significantly.On the other hand, Kuaiyin's speed has not shown any signs of decay at all, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Eric to keep up with his speed.

The two afterimages rushed to the highest point of the bridge, and they seemed to merge into a silver and black afterimage during the fight, rushing down side by side.Compared with their speeding, the vehicles on the bridge seemed to be stationary. Two blurry images shuttled back and forth between the traffic, and the passing windows exploded one after another.

The armor was kicked by the opponent at supersonic speed in front of the armor, and Eric flew backwards at super high speed, knocking down the roof of a car with a "bang", and then turned around in the air, smashing the windshield head-on. Glass rolled into a bus.

The bus driver was taken aback, and almost subconsciously turned sharply, and the huge vehicle immediately crossed over and hit the side of the bridge.The driver slammed on the brakes in a hurry, and finally came to a dangerous stop after the front of the car hit the railing on the side of the bridge and leaned out half of his body.

Passengers screamed and got out of the car in a hurry, and Eric stood up slowly with one hand on the seat.And Kuaiyin flashed in front of him, with a confident and flirtatious smile: "It's surprisingly fast. But in terms of speed, I have absolute confidence."

"is it?"

Eric also smiled lightly, seeming completely unconcerned.He moved the joints of his neck, and glanced at a certain direction outside the car window.

"According to the usual test speed, it should be here." He seemed to be talking to himself.

"Oh? What are you waiting for?"

"Yeah, don't worry, it should be coming soon."

As soon as the words fell, the ceiling of the bus had been broken open domineeringly.A mass of things flashed in through the breach, and it seemed that there was still a dazzling tail flame behind it, and it fell into Eric's hands impartially.

Kuaiyin saw clearly that it was a silver metal suitcase with a strong technological style in its shape, which looked quite strange.

"Although there are other ways to solve you, since you are so confident in speed," Eric said with a smile, "...then let me solve it only with speed."

"Awakening, please complete."

At the same moment, Raven's side.

Wanda Maximoff, code-named Scarlet Witch, is one of the strongest mutants in Marvel—of course, it refers to the peak situation, the strongest state can even rewrite reality and affect the multiverse.And the ability she usually uses is the same as Raven, which is chaos magic.

Although Raven didn't know this girl, she could smell an aura similar to her own from her, powerful and dangerous at the same time, reminding her that this was an opponent that she had to deal with carefully.

Raven fixed his eyes on the Scarlet Witch, and said softly to Kitty behind him, "Stay back a little first."

Kitty had already realized that the atmosphere was not good, she nodded immediately, and ran about a hundred meters away, squatting carefully behind a stone pier to watch the development of the situation in the field.

The Scarlet Witch lightly clenched her fists, and dark red fluctuations lingered around her body like flames, spiraling and rising slowly.The bright red hair flutters gently under the magic, just like the fairy in the picture scroll.

Raven frowned slightly, similar purple fluctuations were also released centered on her, rose behind her, and vaguely condensed into a pitch-black crow, with yellow eyes staring at the witch with a dangerous and fierce light.

The air was almost frozen, and the two girls faced each other tit-for-tat, not giving in at all. The auras of the two turned into red and purple entities, squeezing each other, and the atmosphere in the field was so heavy that it was hard to breathe.

After about half a minute of confrontation, the witch took the lead.

When she closed her pupils, the red magic ball was thrown out of her hand suddenly, spinning towards Ruiwen.And Raven, who had been on guard for a long time, also reacted quickly with a wave of his arm, and the arm wrapped with strong magic power easily scattered the magic ball, turning into star spots and dissipating in the air.

This was like a fuse that detonated the battle between the two female mages.The red and purple chaos magic erupted at the same time, and the two of them were wrapped in gorgeous light effects and fought as they rose into the air. The sky was full of gorgeous light effects, making people dazzled.

Kitty stared, almost transfixed.If you compare the gorgeous magic clashes in the sky to ocean waves, then you must be an inconspicuous leaf, right?She felt like a passerby caught in the middle of a group of bigwigs, somehow becoming the center of attention of the bigwigs.

"Hey, it's pretty good to be able to fight evenly with that raven."

A hoarse and playful voice suddenly appeared behind him, causing Kitty's whole body to tremble violently.

Although she didn't turn her head, at this moment she had already felt an indescribable breath from the back of her neck, cold and heavy, like the breath of death.

She turned her head tremblingly.

What appeared in the eyelids was a guy wrapped in armor. He was dressed in black with white stripes on the armor, with an "X" mark on his chest, and behind the "Ω"-shaped eyepiece on his face seemed to be a deep and deathly breath. gaze.

Kitty was so frightened that she didn't even dare to breathe out, but this guy just folded his arms around his chest, just stood here and looked at the situation on the field, as if ignoring her existence at all.

That's the Armored Armor Omega.

(End of this chapter)

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