Chapter 290 Goodbye
From just a few rounds of confrontation, Raven could see that although this girl who claimed to be the "Crimson Witch" also manipulated chaos magic, she was far less proficient than herself, and it seemed that she hadn't been able to use it freely.

But even so, the ability she showed is already quite astonishing.No, or it should be said that instead, she faintly noticed Raven's momentum. If this girl could manipulate Chaos Magic more familiarly, it might be to what extent.

After another round of fighting between the magically transformed purple and red monsters in mid-air, the moment the two magic powers exploded, the hurricane turned in the direction of Raven, and she seemed to have suffered a little loss.She fell several meters from the air, turned over to stabilize her figure, and looked up at the witch's position again.

But at this moment, the Scarlet Witch's new offensive has also been brewing. Her palms are interlaced in front of her chest, and the dark red fluctuations condense into a deep vortex in her palms. Frequent tremors between palms.


With a clear drink, the magical energy came rushing like flowing water, rushing towards Raven from a high place like a bank breaking.

With no chance to dodge, Raven had no choice but to raise his arms and call out a shield to block in front of him, but this hastily erected defense was as weak as a piece of paper compared to the Scarlet Witch's fully charged offensive, and the two sides had less than one contact. Cracks had already climbed up on the second kung fu shield, as if it would break at any moment.

Raven clenched her teeth, and her body in mid-air backed involuntarily. The dark cloak fluttered under the ravages of the magic storm, and the strong impact lifted the hood, blowing her black hair fluttering in the wind.

But the advantage in the field is very obvious. The Scarlet Witch showed a smug smile, and added strength to her hand again, as if she had already succeeded.

But at this moment, a scream came from behind her.The Scarlet Witch was taken aback, and she turned her head to the side, only to see a translucent crow appear behind her at some point.It has steel-like wings and a pitch-black body, but its whole body is translucent, giving people a dreamlike feeling, but the terrifying sense of oppression clearly tells that it is definitely not a false illusion.

In a panic, the Scarlet Witch hurriedly turned around and raised her arms, waving a scarlet barrier in front of her.The illusory crow slammed into this barrier, and the powerful impact spread from the point of impact along the barrier like waves, causing the witch to tremble backward.


It was too late when she realized something was wrong. In the moment she was distracted, Revan quickly dispersed the torrent of chaotic magic she shot, and at this moment, he flew close to the witch, wrapping his raised palm in the air. In a mass of purple power, the magic power burns like a flame.

"I would like to tell you something in particular." Raven said coldly and calmly, "My abilities are not only Chaos magic, for example, the soul can leave the body and fight alone."

There was the ferocious crow in the front, and Revan who was already on the verge of an arrow in the back. The Scarlet Witch felt a chill on the back of her neck and broke out in a cold sweat.

She couldn't resist the next attack. She lost.

However, just before Raven's raised palm fell, the situation on the field changed again.

The green light broke into the battle situation suddenly, it overbearingly tore apart the purple and red magic energy around the two of them one after another, and rushed in.Raven didn't have any room to react, and his body was caught off guard and hit from the back of the heart.She let out a cry, and her body fell back to the ground like a leaf, and the black crow dissipated immediately, turning into a black mass and retracting into her body.

With pain in his back, Raven raised his head with difficulty, and the moment he saw the figure that appeared in the sky clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It was a body wearing a black battle armor. At this moment, the texture of the whole body switched to a green color exuding sacred brilliance, and a green lantern mark was suspended not far from the chest.And Kitty, who should have been hiding aside, was pinched under this guy's arm weakly at this moment, and she seemed to have passed out.

Armored Omega, wearing it is the bionic body of Erik's father, Dr. Charlotte.

Why is it here?
"It's almost here today." Omega spoke in a hoarse voice, which seemed more tired and older than the last time we met.

"You've done enough."

After saying this to the Scarlet Witch, he turned to Raven and said with a chuckle, "It's still early to break up with you, let's talk about it next time."

After speaking, without waiting for Ruiwen to reply, he turned around and prepared to leave.The Scarlet Witch didn't say a word, but followed obediently and prepared to leave.


Raven wanted to get up and chase after him, but just as he got up, he couldn't help but knelt back to the ground with a muffled groan. It seemed that the sneak attack just now had seriously injured her.She gritted her teeth unwillingly, but could only watch as the few people moved away into the air and disappeared from her field of vision.

And just a moment later on the other side.

A mouthful of blood spurted out far away, Kuaiyin slammed Eric's fist and rolled on the ground in embarrassment, half of his face was swollen, and four or five teeth seemed to be missing.

"So you understand?" Eric stopped in front of him in the awakened speed mode, his body kept shaking at a high speed and said, "Even in terms of speed, you are not invincible, so it's better to restrain yourself a little bit. .”

Kuaiyin wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, clenched his teeth, stood up staggeringly, and said, "Shut up, I haven't really done it yet."

"What a bad boy."

As Eric said, he was about to shoot again, but he heard a low electronic sound from the air: "The output power is 100% fully charged."


The moment Eric turned his head, the green rocket barrage had swept down.Without time to think, Eric hurriedly moved sideways, his figure flashing away with a golden current.A large number of rockets exploded at the position where he was just standing at almost the same second. Even at such a high speed, Eric still could not completely avoid the terrifying impact. The door of a car was smashed and slammed down.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged in advance, otherwise, if such a powerful blow was resisted in the awakening speed mode with weak defense, it might really be enough for him to eat a pot.

After the dust settled, Eric was really taken aback when Omega, the Scarlet Witch, and Kitty who was kidnapped by them appeared in front of him.

"It's you?" He stared straight at Omega and said in a low voice.

"It's me." Omega said lightly, "I'm also very happy for our reunion, son, but it's not the time yet. Not yet."

"What a joke."

Eric snorted, but seeing a flash of lightning in the field, he rushed forward like a lightning bolt.With the speed of this mode, the few people in front of them should not be able to react.

However, the moment his punch landed on Omega's face, the opponent's figure turned into a cloud of scarlet smoke and dissipated away.

It is a little trick of the Scarlet Witch to deceive the eyes, and it is estimated that it affects the mental ability of the optic nerve.

"Don't worry, son." The image has dissipated, but Omega's voice still seems to be echoing in all directions, "Take today as a greeting, I have a hunch, soon...we will usher in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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