Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 294 Lightning Kid VS Quicksilver

Chapter 294 Lightning Kid VS Quicksilver
In the early morning, Chicago, in the wilderness.

The train was running on the rails beside the cliff, and the outside was a bottomless, dark valley.

Tonight is cloudy, and the night sky is like a boundless black curtain, both the moon and the stars are blocked behind it and cannot be revealed.The entire valley was plunged into darkness, and the mountains on the opposite side looked like monsters with claws and claws from the train, gazing at the train.

Theoretically, this should be a freight train, but an unknown guest has quietly boarded it.It was a white-haired bum with unshaven stubble on his chin.He was wearing a shabby shabby coat, leaning against his knees and taking a nap among a pile of cargo boxes.

The homeless man suddenly opened his eyes, his vigilant eyes were like startled prey.He stood up carefully, covered his body with a pile of cargo boxes behind him, poked out half of his head and carefully looked out.

"Don't be nervous, buddy." A middle-aged man came in, and from the scruffy hair and messy clothes, he seemed to be of the same kind as the homeless man, "I'm just like you, just rubbing a car. Am I kicking down from here?"

The tramp eyed him suspiciously for a moment, then sat back at last.

"Please go ahead." He lazily said, "It's not my train anyway."

"Thanks." The man found a cleaner haystack and sat down.

"No, I'm actually running away just like you."

The man raised his eyebrows: "Why do you think so?"

"Shoes." The homeless man pointed to his leather shoes, "If you can afford these shoes and buy a ticket, there is absolutely no reason to hide here secretly."

"Who knows, maybe I just have this quirk?"

The man said with a smile, paused, and lowered his voice: "Or maybe, I'm just following a homeless man trying to find clues to 'NOWHERE'."

The homeless man frowned tightly, and fixed his eyes on the man, as if he wanted to see through him with his eyes.

In the next second, without warning, the two of them struck out at the same time in a tacit understanding.The homeless man whipped out his leg like a whip, like a whirlwind, completely inconsistent with his slovenly and lazy image.The man's reaction was not slow at all, he raised his arm to firmly support the leg.

After maintaining this posture for about a second, the two closed their moves and opened up the distance again.

"Sure enough." The man smiled triumphantly, "Using a disguised identity to investigate the information of NOWHERE alone, and posting messages on the Internet calling for the unity of young superpowers, you have always done it, right Ye Yi?"

The tramp snorted, and tore off the digital mask and camouflage coat, revealing a face with a blindfold and a tight black uniform under the coat. It was indeed Nightwing.

"I don't know how you found me, but I'm not afraid of you, or anyone willing to work for NOWHERE."

Hearing this, the man suddenly raised his head and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Ye Yi asked coldly.

"Sorry, it's just because meeting in this way is too interesting, so I can't help it. But I don't want to reveal my identity until I officially confirm that you are indeed Nightwing."

Having said that, he also wiped his face and took off the digital mask.

Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, showing an unbelievable expression: "Eric?"

Another place, the NOWHERE base.

Facing Kuaiyin who suddenly appeared in front of him, Bart snorted in disdain, put Reyes on his shoulders aside, and said, "No matter who you are, believe me, you've messed with someone you shouldn't have messed with. Now I'm going to kick your ass hard, and very fast!"

The moment the word "quick" fell, Bart's figure had disappeared on the spot.It was as if a whirlwind suddenly broke into the corridor, carrying a large amount of current through it.


After a dull collision, the afterimage of Kid Lightning suddenly stopped in front of Kuaiyin, and the fist that was blasted out at super speed was firmly received by the opponent in the palm of his hand, and he remained motionless. The corner of the latter's mouth evoked a smug smile.

Bart was taken aback: "You too"

"Yes." Kuaiyin said, his fists raised high.

"Don't think that you are the only one with the speed you are proud of!"

The punch suddenly disappeared, and a blurred silver fist flashed in front of Bart suddenly.Only then did Bart recover from the shock, but it was too late to dodge at this time. He was punched in the middle of the bridge of the nose, and he staggered back in embarrassment, with blood gushing from his nasal cavity.

"If I were you, I would obediently lie back in the cell." Kuaiyin said proudly, "It won't take days for my teeth to grow back after being beaten by me."

Bart spat out a mouthful of blood, and wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth: "What? I was taking a nap just now, that doesn't count, and the score will be counted from now on."

"Waiting for you at any time." Kuaiyin said, making a provocative gesture.

The two of them rushed up at the same time again, and the energy they released when they kicked back exploded the floor tiles.The two afterimages, one golden and one white, intertwined in an instant, and Reyes, who was watching the battle, was stunned for a moment, feeling that the afterimages flickered in front of him.That scene looked as if the two of them had conjured up countless blurred avatars and appeared in multiple positions at the same time, and each image stayed for less than half a second before being torn apart and dissipated by the flashing lightning. dazzled.

What worried him most was that he couldn't tell which side had the upper hand from this mess of images.If Kid Flash is ever defeated here, it probably means they're back in that dirty, boring cell again, and periodically pulled out for various tests, including Quite a few were very unpleasant.


When the sound of the fist hitting the flesh spread to Reyes' ears along the air, Bart was already blown upside down at a speed exceeding the sound.The yellow afterimage flew out across the ground, slamming into the metal wall and denting it.

Bart couldn't help but groaned miserably, feeling that two or three ribs might be broken.

The white guy in front of him was really fast, but logically he could handle it.It's a pity that his stomach is protesting too loudly at this moment, his physical condition cannot be said to be good after being locked up here for so long, and his performance level is only about [-]% of his usual level.

Standing up with one arm propped on the wall, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Kuaiyin persistently turning into an afterimage and continuing to pursue him in a straight line.Gritting his teeth, Bart forcibly directed his sore right leg to spring up, dragging a string of golden electric currents to sweep towards the oncoming Kuaiyin, hitting him head-on without hindrance.Kuaiyin also let out a miserable snort, and flew back along the original path, rubbing against the ground for a long distance before stopping, struggling for a long time before getting up with difficulty.

Bart gasped for a moment, and estimated in his heart that his physical condition could no longer last for too long.

The next thing to do is to make a quick decision.

(Thanks to the book friend Deep Cold Demon for the 1000 starting coins, and the book friend GRIZA for the 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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