Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 295 Trapped in Antarctica

Chapter 295 Trapped in Antarctica
In the several rounds of confrontation between Lightning and Flint, Kid Lightning and Quicksilver each suffered a bit of a loss to varying degrees, and the eyes that looked at each other became more cautious.

Overall, the situation is more unfavorable or Bart.Just now, he felt like he had broken a few ribs, and the internal injury was really serious, and he felt that even with super speed recovery ability, he couldn't recover in such a short time.Before that, he himself went into battle with an empty stomach and lack of energy, so his combat effectiveness was even more limited.

Although Kuaiyin's side was not as badly injured as Bart's, but after being kicked heavily by Bart just now, he completely put away his contemptuous attitude.At this moment, he has also realized that even if this kid from Lightning is in such a bad state, he still can't handle it casually.

After giving each other ten seconds to breathe, it was Bart who took the lead in launching the offensive again.

There is no way, if the delay is longer, maybe the other party's reinforcements will arrive.Since the opponent has a speeder like Kuaiyin, it is not impossible for them to have other superpower fighters.In any case, the only way he can go is a quick fight.

The two afterimages were intertwined again, and the sound of collision was heard from many places in the space at the same time. The moment the golden and silver images passed in front of the one-way glass in a compartment, the thick glass "clanged" to the ground. It shattered, and the flying fragments shone with white light under the lights on the ceiling. They were fixed in a still area for a moment, and fell little by little at a slow speed that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

The heavy snow like glass shards was set in midair as the background, and the two speedsters shuttled back and forth between the gaps, all of which happened in the instant before the glass shards fell to the ground, just in the blink of an eye During this period, they have fought back and forth for dozens of rounds.

"Disobedient brat, this time I will teach you a lesson for your mother!"

Half of the earphones had been smashed, Kuaiyin gritted his teeth and yelled with blood dripping from half of his face, and slammed a punch on Bart's face so quickly that Bart blurted out another mouthful of blood, and at the same time unfortunately Lost two teeth.

But he only staggered back a step, then suddenly stabilized his figure, turned his head back, and stared fiercely at Quicksilver with eyes like an angry lion cub.

"Interesting, I'm curious how you're going to teach me a lesson." Bart squeezed out the words from between his blood-stained teeth, "...when you were lying on the hospital bed with a plaster cast!"

His knee bounced up unexpectedly and hit Kuaiyin's lower abdomen viciously.Quicksilver let out a muffled grunt and involuntarily bent down while clutching his stomach. Bart took advantage of the situation and punched him in the face with a golden electric current.But there was a crisp "click", which seemed to be the sound of Kuaiyin's nose breaking.Quicksilver immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and a few glass shards floating in the air on the way unfortunately stuck into him.

The flow of time resumed, and debris in mid-air fell to the ground like rain, and Kuaiyin, covered in blood, slammed into the cell where Reyes had just been locked from the open cell door.

Realizing that something was wrong, Kuaiyin stood up against the severe pain and rushed towards the door of the cell at super speed, but Bart reacted even faster, his figure turned into an afterimage and flashed to the door, and quickly locked the door .

"No!" Kuaiyin thumped the door angrily from the inside and shouted.

Bart took a breath: "That's it. It's our free time now. As for you, you can stay here now. I suggest that when your boss comes to ask you, you can say that you took a nap while guarding Son, I'm sure he won't fire you!"

After the ridicule was over, Bart ignored Kuaiyin who was beating on the door frantically, turned around and took Reyes with him, and rushed towards the exit again.

Of course, there is a combination lock on the alloy door at the exit, but unfortunately there are only four digits, which is really not too many.Bart's finger turned into an afterimage and danced on the dial for a moment before trying out the correct combination. The electronic lock made a "beep" unlocking sound, and the heavy metal door slid open with a "crash".

The moment the two of them rushed out the door, a bone-piercing chill swept over the sky.Outside the facility was a pure white ice and snow field. The wind mixed with snowflakes howled head-on. The snow seemed to be connected with the sky, creating this seemingly endless white space.

Kid Lightning led Reyes to run at high speed in the snow, and the white snow rolled like waves behind the sneakers. Looking down from the air, it was like a speedboat riding the wind and waves on the pure white water.

"My God," Reyes shuddered, "what the hell is this place?"

"I don't know." Bart said while continuing to run wildly, "But if the "Farmer's Almanac" I once read is not deceiving, then I think based on the distribution of mountains and the position of the sun, where should we be in Antarctica? Probably about 130 miles south of the Antarctic Circle."

"That's bad."

Reyes hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but reminded: "Well...Although you do run fast, I don't mean to offend, but are you sure you won't fall when you run on the snow wearing these sneakers?"

"Don't worry, I'm a professional"

Before Bart could finish his confident words, his feet slipped in disappointment. The two of them fell on the snow like a car out of control on the highway, and a large amount of snow was lifted from the ground.They slid all the way for hundreds of meters and there is still no tendency to slow down, but a cliff full of snow has appeared in the front view.

If you fall from there, there will be no bones left.

"Well, bad news" Bart asked with difficulty while trying to control his balance in the snow, "Um... can you fly?"

New York, Eric's home.

In the early morning, the hour hand of the wall clock had just passed the 5 position, and Kashi had already gotten up lightly.She changed and walked noiselessly across the living room, where Raven was still fast asleep on the sofa.

Kashi came to the living room door silently, reached out and squeezed the handle.

"Where are you going?"

Kashi sighed softly, and when she turned her head, Raven, who was still asleep just now, had sat up at some point and asked with a blank expression.

"I thought about it a little bit last night." Kashi said, "Sure enough, I think I'm still not good at acting with people. You can apologize for me when Eric comes back."

Raven tilted his head: "Are you sure? You also know that the enemy's power is unimaginable, right? You can't deal with it alone."

"I am strong enough." Kashi stubbornly opened the door, "I will fight in my own way."

(Thanks to the half-volume love letter from book friends and the 500 starting coins rewarded by white absinthe!)

(End of this chapter)

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