Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 296 Blue Beetle

Chapter 296 Blue Beetle

Antarctica, directly above a certain bottomless cold cave.

When Bart stumbled and brought Reyes down the cliff, the thought of "I'm going to die this time" really popped up in his heart.Countless thick ice cones criss-cross in the bottomless ice cave below. If you fall from this height, it will be terrible, right?
Good thing that didn't happen.

Just when Bart had closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of the fall, a huge force came from his hand, grabbing him in the air.

It's Reyes.

Bart raised his head suddenly, and was surprised to see that Reyes' whole body was wrapped in a set of strange armor with black background and blue stripes. The dark blue backpack on his back and the bottoms of his feet sprayed downwards with blue laser light at the same time. , helping him stay suspended in the air.

According to Reyes' reaction, he seemed to be no less surprised than Bart.

"Damn! I can fly!?" Reyes exclaimed excitedly, "Wait, what was this thing on me before that?"

"It looks like a set of armor, maybe an alien battle armor." Bart grabbed his hand and was suspended in the air, and said, "It looks a bit like a bug? I think I understand why your cell door says 'Blue Beetle'."

"Hurry up."

As Reyes said, the light beam spewed out from under his feet suddenly increased, taking Bart up vertically like a rocket.The two rose from the cliff and rushed out, tumbling in mid-air and doing a few flying stunts.Reyes burst into bursts of excited shouts, and his voice echoed loudly on the empty snow.

"Ha! Can you believe it? I can fly!?"

But the good times didn't last long. They only hovered in the air for less than a minute, and the light beams emitted by the armor suddenly dissipated.The armor retracted back to Reyes' back very shamelessly, and the two who had lost their power screamed at the same time, and fell into the snow with two "plops" one after another.

Reyes lay on the snow and shook his aching head, and said, "Well, it looks like I still have to find a way to figure out my abilities. I guess it must have something to do with the thing on my back."

"What's on your back?" Bart asked.

"I don't know. The people in the research institute seem to say that I have something on my back. I guess it should be the armor."

"Maybe you should learn how to operate it," Bart said. "It's cool!"

"Yeah, it's cool!" Reyes was excited for a while, but his enthusiasm was quickly extinguished by the biting chill in the icy world. "Maybe this should be put aside for now. You said we are in Antarctica now?"

"If I remember the contents of the book correctly." Bart said.

"That sucks, can you run out with me?"

"Come on, what do you think I am, a space shuttle?" Bart called, pausing a little, before adding, "Well, maybe I can go faster than the space shuttle, but I have to eat, and my stomach is full." Almost starving!"

Reyes thought for a while: "Then maybe we can go to a closer place first, for example. There should be monitoring stations or icebreakers in Antarctica, right?"

"It makes sense, then wait for me to rest first. There should be a place like this nearby, otherwise the two of us may have to hang out here together."

new work time.

It was almost noon, and it had been more than six hours since Kashi left Eric's house, and she had done almost nothing all morning.Except for whimsically trying for a long time on the computer in the cafe to find information about NOWHERE through the Internet, most of the time she basically just wandered around doing nothing.

She regretted her impulsiveness a bit, maybe she should have joined Eric's team, maybe she should have joined forces with them to deal with that mysterious and huge organization.Delusion to get information about such a huge organization from the Internet is simply whimsical, Eric is right, she alone cannot fight against the NOWHERE organization.

But no matter what, she has already come out now, and it's useless to regret it.Looking back now, that is not an option under consideration. For a girl who wants to be strong, it is really embarrassing.

But what to do next, in fact, she has no plan at all.She was caught in the crowd of people coming and going in Times Square, and she felt like a drop in the ocean. Everyone passing by around her looked so suspicious. She felt as if they were all undercover agents sent by NOWHERE to monitor her. .

The other party knew her appearance, her name, address and all personal information.Kashi suddenly felt like a bug entangled in a spider's web, and suddenly there was no place for her in this world.

Just when she was having a headache, her golden bracelet suddenly shone with light, which is usually not a good thing.

The war bracelet is what endowed her with a series of incredible abilities, and sometimes it also has the ability to warn of danger.According to Kashi's current experience with this bracelet, such a reminder often means that the enemy is close at hand.

She is right.

Just a few steps behind Kaxi, a rather handsome teenager had his hands in the pockets of his black jacket, his indifferent and empty eyes fixed on Kaxi in the crowd.He has been intentionally keeping a distance from Kaxi, not letting her get too far away and at the same time not losing track of her.

Kashi Mzmark, his mission objective, was the only thought in his whole mind.He is like a machine that mechanically and firmly executes after receiving a fixed order, and captures this girl back alive. This is his only task today.

However, it is not easy to use fists in places with too many people. It is best to wait for her to go to a place away from the crowd before doing it. The person who gave the order told him so.

However, the girl seemed to be aware of it, and seemed to glance back in his direction inadvertently, and then suddenly quickened her pace and dodged into the crowd.

The young man was stunned for half a second, and hurriedly chased after him, but that graceful body had already disappeared into the vast crowd without a trace.

Heck, should have paid more attention, should have just.
The boy just thought of this, but the girl's voice sounded behind him: "Here, don't you think I'm not an ordinary girl who should be turned away?"

Surprised inwardly, the boy hurriedly turned his head, but was punched in the chest by the other party first, and the fallen body smashed the floor tiles below into pieces with a "bang".The surrounding crowd yelled in panic, and walked around knowingly.

"You're lucky, boy, I've been wanting to find someone to practice my hands recently."

When the other party stood up unhurriedly, Kashi couldn't help being stunned when he saw part of the red mark exposed under his torn jacket.

"Isn't that thing on your chest an 'S'?"

The other party glanced down, snorted, and tore off his shirt, revealing the white one-piece uniform and the red "S" mark on the chest.

"Yes." He said flatly, "This is an 'S'."

(Thanks to book friend 268114724215 for the reward of 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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