Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 304 Self Destruction

Chapter 304 Self Destruction
Flying ability, super strength, and lightning-fast skills, these are things Yeyi has seen in the files of Wonder Girls, and she should no longer be surprised by her outstanding performance.But when he saw such a girl rushing through the crowd of goblins with one stop and one stop, as if entering the land of no one, the visual impact still made him stunned for a while.

Kashi raised a bright red rope, held it high above his head and spun it twice, and then slammed his hands to bind the body of a rhinoceros-sized goblin.She pulled violently, and the red light on the rope suddenly rose, pulling the huge body of the goblin off the ground, sweeping across like a heavy hammer holding an iron chain, and knocking down the goblin in front of her eyes. A large piece.

Ye Yi stared blankly at the side, and Ka Xi turned around dissatisfied: "What are you still doing there? Do you want to see me do it all by myself?"

Only then did Ye Yi come to his senses, and he couldn't help grinning.

If you're not careful, you might really fall in love with her.

Although these goblins have all kinds of troublesome abilities, fortunately, their IQs don't seem to be too high. They fight without any rules, and they just swarm up.Although the astonishing number was still a little troublesome, after spending a little more effort, the two managed to get out of the goblin swarm.

Finally arrived at the destination of the trip - the prison cell where super-powered teenagers are held.There are nearly twenty rooms on this floor, and a young man is locked in each room.Kitty Pryde and Jessica Drew are also among them.

Kashi took the lead and came to the main console and unlocked all the cell doors.At the same time, Nightwing had connected to the internal communication of the team.

"This is Nightwing." He shouted on the public channel, "Wonder Girl and I have found all the imprisoned teenagers, and we are now going to the meeting point."

"This is Raven." Raven's indifferent voice also sounded from the other end, "Kid Lightning and I have also successfully rescued Superboy and are heading to the rendezvous point."

At this moment, the siren sounded suddenly, like a shrill scream running through the entire building.Every room and all the lights were switched to a dark red color, the alarm lights flickered on and off, and an electronically synthesized female voice sounded the "self-destruct procedure countdown" prompt tone on the radio.

Everyone's expressions changed, and Ye Yi hurriedly tried to connect with Eric: "Hey, did you hear the self-destruct prompt?"

"Ah, I heard." Eric replied calmly.

Right now he was confronting Omega face to face.The sound of the alarm was reflected back and forth on the walls around the closed recording room, and the flickering red light was reflected on the armor of the two, but both of them turned a blind eye to it.

"You guys go first." Eric said lightly, "I still have some things to deal with here, so I will follow up in a while."

"What are you kidding?" Ye Yi asked, "You know this place is about to explode, right?"

"I know." Eric said calmly, "Don't worry about me, you just go first, over."

After speaking, he cut off the communication.

"Damn, is that kid crazy?" Ye Yi muttered, frowning.

"What should I do?" Kashi asked, "Do you want to wait for him to come with you?"

Ye Yi glanced at the imprisoned young superpowers who had just been released, shook his head and said, "No, taking them out must be the priority."

"Then you go first." Raven's voice sounded in the channel, "I'll go find him."

"Raven? Wait a minute"

Ye Yi wanted to say something more, but after Rui Wen finished speaking, he cut off the communication without waiting for a response.Obviously, she didn't want to ask for opinions when she spoke, she was just informing them of the decision she had made.

From this point of view alone, these two people really look like a husband and wife.

At the moment, record indoors.

Watching Eric finish the communication quietly, Omega chuckled: "It seems that I have really made up my mind, Eric. Maybe you think I have never paid you enough attention, but in fact, since you were very young I realized from the beginning that one day in the future you will become a very good person. Look at you now, almost exceeding my expectations."

"You speak like my father." Eric said coldly, "But no matter how much you imitate, you will never be him."

"That depends on how you define it—I downloaded all the memories of Dr. Patrick Charlotte, and I have all the memories, ambitions, and emotions of his life."

"But no soul."

The moment this sentence fell, the "green light mode is online" prompt sounded one after another.Erik's armor switched to the green light mode in a moment that was negligibly short, and a layer of transparent green gloves covered his fist and blasted out like thunder and lightning.

The heavy impact sound was swallowed by the continuous shrill alarm, and Omega also switched to the green light mode. The arm with the energy of the green light easily slapped Eric's punch away, counter-shocked with force, and a small area of ​​green light The explosion shook Eric back again and again.

"You should know that you can't beat me like this, right?" Omega said without haste.

"I know." Eric squeezed his fist, "That's why I made preparations in advance."

He stretched out his hand to one side, only to hear a crisp explosion from the wall on the right, the solid iron skin was pierced through with a bang, and the afterimage of the gorgeous tail flame flew in, and landed firmly on Eri In Ke's hand, it was a briefcase of awakening accessories.

"Awakening, please stand by.COMPLETE."

At the same moment, outside the base.

Kid Flash, Superboy, Nightwing, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, and a group of super teenagers they rescued from the base successfully met and began to retreat outward.

Marked by a dull bang like a blunt object falling to the ground, the self-destruction of the base also began.The flames fluttered around the base, and the shock wave traveled domineeringly between the passages. The entire facility trembled one after another, and debris fell from the top of the passage like raindrops.

"Everyone, work harder!" Ye Yi said loudly, "Just turn the corner ahead, and the exit will be at the end of the passage!"

But when a group of people rushed across the corner quickly, they all stopped involuntarily.

As he said, the end of a straight passage ahead is the exit of this base that is on the brink of destruction.But in the middle of this passage, which was not even 100 meters long, a huge white monster stopped in front of them.It has strong scales, a tall body, and black horns piercing into the ceiling. Its body is like a hill that fills this aisle, and its disgusting mouthparts are covered with disgusting mucus.

"Okay," Kid Lightning raised his eyebrows, "I guess it's not going to let us go just like that."

(End of this chapter)

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