Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 305 The Ultimate Goblin

Chapter 305 The Ultimate Goblin
Antarctica, inside the NOWHERE base.

The collapse had already begun, thick smoke had already flowed out along the passage, and half of the facility was engulfed in raging fire.And just as the young heroes rushed to the door, the strongest goblin that had ever appeared in this facility blocked their way.

"Damn it," Ye Yi frowned, "we don't have time to mess with it too much."

"It's okay, leave it to me, it's my middle name soon!"

While Kid Lightning was yelling, his figure had already rushed out of the crowd, and he seemed to be stepping on a golden gust of wind under his feet.The afterimage split into five before approaching the goblin's feet, and launched an attack on the goblin from multiple directions at the same time at super high speed.

The golden electric current immediately surrounded the goblin, spinning along its huge two legs at high speed, during which Kid Lightning tried to attack it hundreds of times.

But it's a pity that the big guy didn't even move at all. He stared at the golden whirlwind for a moment with disdainful eyes, and suddenly raised his leg, kicking Lightning Boy out of it precisely, and rolled out of the old man at super speed. Far.

Ye Yi thought about it.The eyes of this goblin seem to be able to capture the movement trajectory of Kid Lightning?
Kid Lightning staggered against the wall and stood up, clutching his aching head and saying, "Well, the skin of this thing is thicker than expected."

Superboy, who had recovered most of his strength, stood up and clenched his fists: "Maybe it's just because you haven't beaten hard enough."

He rushed in front of the goblin with a stride, and roared out with a powerful punch, like an anti-tank gun hitting the goblin's sturdy scales in the face.

This punch finally achieved some success, the goblin staggered back two steps, and the metal floor was dented by the huge soles of its feet.

Superboy took advantage of the situation to rush forward, jumped into the air, and bombarded down with a punch of unparalleled strength.

The goblin steadied his footing, raised his head halfway, and saw the falling figure of Superboy reflected in his scarlet eyes.It slid half a step back, and there seemed to be an indistinct growl in its throat, and its right paw slashed into the air with a sharp gust of wind, and suddenly slapped Superboy aside, with a "slap" into the wall on one side.

Is the defense ability and strength level comparable to that of Superboy?Seeing this, Ye Yi thought to himself.

Superboy was slammed into the wall with a violent blow, and this time it was the Goblin's turn to pursue.It raised a huge slap, and roared furiously, about to slap Superboy.

The red noose jumped onto its arm like a living spirit snake, binding its arm and preventing it from further swinging down.It was Wonder Girl, she clenched her teeth, grabbed the other end of the rope with both hands, and whispered: "Don't do this, big guy. Although I don't like this bastard any more than you, I still can't watch you shoot him into super pancakes."

The goblin growled annoyedly, turned his head, and turned his attention to Kasi.But before it could make a move, a blue beam of light hit its chest and abdomen head-on, causing it to fall heavily to the ground. At this moment, the entire territory seemed to sink a bit.

The goblin turned its head and noticed the blue beetle not far away, showing the black cannon barrel on its arm, and let out another low growl with unknown meaning.

"She's right," the blue beetle kept its body suspended in mid-air with the blue light beams from its back, and leaned forward and said, "You'd better lie here."

For a moment, the beast looked like it really understood. It lay there and stopped all movements. It walked back and forth between the two people in front of it with its dark red eyes, thinking about something. .

"That's right." Kashi smiled.

"No," Ye Yi suddenly said, "Be careful! I feel something is wrong."

As soon as he finished speaking, as if in response to his words, the goblin who had been quiet all this time suddenly moved.It raised its arm violently, the front half of the arm quickly deformed, and instantly switched to a cannon barrel covered in scales, and it knocked the blue beetle out with a sudden shot.


Kashi subconsciously called out, but she soon had no time to worry about the blue beetle.The goblin raised his arm and pulled Kaxi back to the front along the red rope, and slapped her away like a bug, and also hit the metal wall with a "bang". go down.

Seeing this, Ye Yi no longer had any doubts.

This monster has abilities similar to all of them!
Meanwhile, Eric here.

Half of the recording room has collapsed, and the gravel and dust falling from the ceiling are like a thick curtain, covering most of the field of vision.The fuzzy sword light shuttled back and forth between the curtains, and the sound of ping-pong-pong collision was continuous, it sounded like someone was playing a fast-paced percussion movement.

It was the confrontation between the Omega armor of the truth mode and the Alpha armor of the awakened truth mode.The ceiling has collapsed, and the exit has long been blocked by burning ruins, but the two people in the battle seem to be unaware of it, completely ignoring the changes in the surrounding environment.

"It's wonderful, Eric." While Omega was speaking, the sword in his hand continued to move, "After so much, I have finally come to where I am today. I remember the last time I fought, the virus I launched in New York Is it?"

"You're referring to the fact that you used New York as a petri dish for the Amajo virus, which caused the largest plague outbreak in New York's history, of course." Eric said while slashing three swords sharply, "And I thwarted that plan."

"Not exactly." Omega stepped back half a step to avoid two swords, and blocked the third sword with a horizontal sword, and said, "I lost to you that time, but my original plan did not completely fail. ——Through that incident, my Amojo virus has indeed evolved, gaining the ability to be compatible with more new abilities."

Speaking of this, the blades of the two intertwined again with a "bang", sparks splashed in the thick smoke.

Maintaining the stalemate of the two swords, Omega leaned forward and said with a low smile: "And it is one step away from the final stage. I used the power of this organization to capture a large number of young superpowers, because young people's bodies are more suitable for experiments. The applicability of the virus when exposed to new superpowers. Thanks to the continuous experiments during this period, the virus is almost perfect. Soon I will become the ultimate being that can replicate all special abilities and can evolve without limit!"

"So this is the real reason why you arrested teenagers with superpowers? But I'm sorry, the dreaming time has passed, and it's almost time to wake up!"

Eric shook the opponent's sword away with a force, and the sword slashed along Omega's shoulder, leaving a deep sword mark from the black armor's shoulder armor to the lower abdomen. Omega took several steps back and barely stopped.

Eric raised his sword and pointed at his face, and said coldly: "I'm sorry, but what you just said will not come true, because I said I will knock you down here. But before that, I must I have to ask, where did you go after the New York virus incident? How did you get in touch with NOWHERE? The most important thing is”

He deliberately paused, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is your assistant?"

The moment the voice fell, Omega's movements stopped as if it had been electrocuted, like a machine whose power had been cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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