Chapter 306
The gate of NOWHERE base that is about to collapse.

In just a few rounds, the strongest super kids in the team were defeated one after another by the strongest goblin blocking the way.Judging from the current battle, this guy at least has super strength, super defense, dynamic vision enough to capture the whereabouts of Lightning Boy, and the ability to transform body parts into weapon forms similar to blue beetle armor.

And now, facing this goblin head-on, only Nightwing was left—unfortunately, he was the only ordinary person present without any superpowers.

This seemed like an unsuspecting outcome, but Ye Yi, who was in the middle of the battle, didn't think so.

He also has the most critical trump card-his mind.

The goblin strode forward, his raised right arm twisted into a ball, and changed into the shape of a sharp knife.The white blade slashed down towards Yeyi swiftly, with the sound of the air being cut violently.

Ye Yi dodged the chop by throwing himself sideways, and the blade suddenly cut a crack in the metal floor.Yeyi kicked on the side wall of the passage with one foot, and rolled over the goblin's head in a ball, squatting firmly on the goblin's neck.

There is only one chance.

Without any hesitation, Ye Yi pulled out his two short sticks, and poked the goblin's forehead from left to right.A large amount of electric current splashed out in an instant, and the blue light flickered in the entire dark corridor where the lamp tube had been broken.The goblin stared wide-eyed, and moaned indistinctly in his throat, and black smoke came out of the ear holes on both sides, carrying the smell of burnt circuit boards.

After a moment, it stopped, as if someone had cut the power.The burly body like a hill just stopped in place, motionless.

After confirming that it was still motionless, Yeyi let out a long sigh of relief, turned over and jumped off its back.

Kid Lightning came back staggeringly, and asked as if he had just woken up: "What did I just miss?"

"A certain bird just beat this super ugly monster to the ground." Kashi himself also had an incredible expression, and asked Ye Yi, "What did you do to it?"

"Cut off the electrical signal that sent instructions to its brain, and burned out the chip that gave instructions to it by the way. I was analyzing and collecting data when you were fighting with it just now, and found that all of its actions were accepted by a certain A specific electrical signal command, so I guess the control chip should be in its brain," Nightwing said, "But it doesn't matter, let's get out of this fucking place before it is completely finished, not all of us No one is in danger of being crushed to death by the rubble."

deep in the base.

The moment Eric asked the last question, Omega stopped abruptly.Eric couldn't see his eyes through the eyepiece of the opponent's armor, but he could feel that the sharp eyes that were originally full of ambition behind the eyepiece suddenly became dull at this moment.

Omega staggered back half a step, subconsciously covering his head with one hand.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

Not knowing what kind of trick this guy was playing again, Eric frowned and repeated: "I asked who your assistant is. Don't try to confuse it anymore, this is a very obvious fact. After the last fight, you If you were seriously injured, it would be impossible to escape from the search of Aegis so quickly without the assistance of others, and the establishment of the NOWHERE organization and the arrest of young superpowers, these are also impossible to be written by yourself. So save Take some time to explain directly, who are your collaborators? Who are they?"

Omega was stunned, acting as if his computer had crashed.

Having said that, it sounds like a natural inference, but why didn't I notice it all the time?In addition, the last time I fought against Eric, he should have been seriously injured after falling from a high altitude. How did he avoid the Aegis search?There is also the NOWHERE organization. Although I remember that I founded it to use young superpowers to breed viruses, why can't I seem to remember all the details when I think about it carefully?

Why does my own memory seem full of loopholes when I think about it a little bit?

"No, it's not right." Omega said in a hoarse voice, "It's all wrong."

"What's wrong?"

He didn't reply right away, but there seemed to be a cloudy, heavy wheezing coming from under the helmet mask, like an asthma attack.There was another explosion somewhere in the base, and the whole facility trembled. Omega's knees softened and he fell to the ground, feeling like he had suddenly become a dying old man.

Eric realized something was wrong: "What's wrong with you?"

Still not answering his question, Omega kept kneeling for a long time, then lifted his neck up a little bit, and slowly locked his dull eyes back on Eric.

Eric was lost.And just as he tentatively took a step forward, the other party suddenly activated again.Omega, who was fixed in place like a marionette a second ago, roared suddenly, jumped up, and threw himself on Eric unexpectedly, pushing him hard against the wall behind with a "bang". His hands grabbed his throat with all his might.

"No, it's all wrong. I'm not wrong." The eyepiece of his helmet was almost stuck to Eric's face, and he said incoherently, ".Target, the Amojo virus is not cultivated correctly, everything is wrong"

"What are you getting nervous about?" Eric pinched his wrist and asked through gritted teeth.

"Do what I have to do and prove me right."

Omega's tone of voice was out of shape, and it was almost impossible to tell that it was his voice. At the same time, his hands increased a little bit of strength, and his five fingers were slightly recessed into the armor of Eric's neck.

The turbid air full of dust was instantly torn apart by the purple light, and the purple-black magic beam pierced through the air. The high-speed rotation stirred up the turbid airflow and fine gravel, and bombarded Omega's body together. Omega's entire body was involuntarily blown into the thick dust, smashing into a pile of ruins and broken bricks.

Raven penetrated the wall in a translucent form and landed on the messy ground, and came to Eric eagerly: "Are you all right?"

"Didn't I ask you to evacuate first?"

"They have all left first." Raven said lightly, "If you don't leave, I won't either."

Eric was helpless, but Raven's move was also within his expectation.He turned his head and looked in the direction where Omega fell, only to see that half of the building had collapsed, smashing him through the floor and falling to the lower floor. It seemed that it would take a lot of effort to dig it out.

With a wave of Raven's arm, the transparent purple shield immediately blocked a large number of falling rocks to the outside.The magic power spread out on the ground like a swamp, sucking the figures of the two down little by little, and disappeared in the collapsed room after a few seconds.

(Thanks to the book friend S Liming for the 800 starting coins, and the book friend for the half-volume love letter for the 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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