Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 307 The Shadow in the Living Room

Chapter 307 The Shadow in the Living Room
After Eric and Ravan finally evacuate the Antarctic base, the facility collapses almost as soon as they leave, and the young superheroes' first active counterattack against NOWHERE is finally a complete victory.

But of course not without regret.After the battle, everyone spent a lot of effort and almost turned the base upside down, but only found a group of low-level miscellaneous fish that were injured and died, and Omega himself or the Kuaiyin who was knocked down in the battle And Scarlet Witch are gone.

By a hair's breadth, Dr. Charlotte's bionic body slipped away again.However, this made Eric even more certain that someone else was secretly helping him. Given the last state of the bionic body, it was hard to imagine that he regained his sanity and managed to escape.

In any case, the incident should have come to an end for the time being. Even if the NOWHERE organization did not disintegrate, this raid must have hurt them a lot, and it should stop for a while.

A day later, Nightwing was in his stronghold in New York.

Most of the teenagers rescued in the last raid were chosen to return to their own lives after regaining their freedom, and left on their own, except for Eric, Raven, Nightwing, and Miracle who participated in the raid. In addition to the girl, the blue beetle, and the lightning kid, there are also rescued Jessica and Kitty.

This is not an unexpected result—Kitty was struggling with her future destination when she suddenly found out that she was a mutant, and meeting so many compatriots of the same age might be the opportunity prepared for her by heaven; After Fury stepped down, he also lost his only job working for Fury. It seems that it is a good choice to live with so many young people in a similar situation in the future.

After gathering everyone on the sofa in the hall, Ye Yi came to the crowd, cleared his throat and said, "Well, I believe everyone knows what we are going to discuss today. This is related to our future. Decisions, decisions about where our Teen Titans go."

"'Teen Titans'." Bart sat cross-legged on the edge of the sofa and interjected, "Is this the name you came up with after a sleepless night yesterday?"

"I just figured it out." Ye Yi glanced at him and said lightly, "It's not important. The topic to be decided now is—who will lead this team?"

"Since you have brought it up like this, I guess, you want to carry this banner with honor, right?" Kashi smiled sarcastically.

Ye Yi said lightly: "I didn't say that, I just hope that we can choose the most suitable person to lead the team. He not only needs enough decisiveness and leadership courage, but also needs to be able to think about the overall situation from the perspective of the team outlook, and being prepared for any situation the team might encounter”

"It sounds like you're just describing yourself without shame." Kashi said shamelessly, turning his gaze to Eric, "I think he's more suitable than you. Eric is the one who brought us together, isn't he?" ? All of us gathered together because of him, and then followed his command to fight together, why shouldn't Eric be the team leader?"

"I object." Before Ye Yi could speak, Blue Beetle rushed to speak. He stared at Eric and said coldly, "You know this guy knew that a certain organization was arresting his compatriots, but Have you been indifferent all this time?"

All eyes turned to Eric.

"What he said is true?" Bart's tone of question also contained a hint of doubt.

"Ah, it is true, I admit it." Eric responded lightly, "There is nothing to hide, it's like you asking me why I didn't go to the Middle East to stop terrorists from massacring villagers, I don't think there is any need to defend myself of."

Reyes stood up suddenly: "Do you know what happened in that damn base while you were doing nothing? Do you know how many children my age have been tortured to death with my own eyes?"

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, but there's nothing to be sorry about." Eric shrugged, "If I have to say, injustices happen all the time on this earth, and there are countless Unclear people are suffering, and I can't save them all."

He paused, stood up, and patted the blue beetle on the shoulder.

"I understand. If you must insist, then I will withdraw from here, right?"

Ye Yi opened his mouth to say something, but Eric waved his hand to signal him to stop.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, what I wanted to do at the beginning was just to integrate resources and gather existing forces to fight against the NOWHERE organization, and now my goal has been accomplished." He said, turning to Reyes, "But In the end, it’s a piece of advice—try not to be a hero with the idea of ​​trying to save everyone like this, or you will bring yourself a tragic ending one day.”

"I don't need you to tell me how to do it." Reyes shrugged off his hand and said bluntly.

Eric shrugged indifferently, and actually just walked across the hall and walked towards the door.

But he has nothing to regret. As he said, from the very beginning, he didn't intend to join the Teen Titans. All he did was to integrate the resources that could be used to fight NOWHERE.

Seeing that Eric was about to leave, Raven stood up without saying a word and prepared to follow.

"You can stay if you want." Eric stopped, turned to her and said, "You don't have to follow me to decide."

"If you don't care, I don't care either." Raven said lightly.

"But it's also an opportunity for you, right?" Eric said with a smile, "Didn't you always hope to make friends like ordinary people? This is your opportunity."

Raven didn't speak, but seemed to hesitate a bit.

Eric patted her on the shoulder: "I will be very happy if you can make more new friends. Don't worry, don't make such an expression, it won't make our relationship any worse." change."

After finishing speaking, he smiled slightly, patted her head, turned around and went out the door.

It was already night outside when he came out of the stronghold, and Eric went straight back home.

He took out the key to open the door, and just walked into the living room, before turning on the light, he stopped in the corridor by the door.

"Who?" He asked in a low voice into the darkness of the living room ahead.

"Don't be nervous, child." The woman wrapped from head to toe in a dress that was almost darker than the surrounding environment stood up from the sofa, and the voice seemed to sound in Eric's mind.

"I just want to talk to you about something."

Eric's pupils shrank, and he froze in place.

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

(Thanks to the book friend Ya Pafika for the 1000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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