Chapter 309
".I hope you will stop here and stop trying to find out who is behind the scenes."

After Yvette said these words, the dark living room was quiet for a while, as if both of them had assimilated into this silent darkness.

After about half a minute, Eric spoke slowly: "It's so ironic. It seems that you were the one who asked Raven to give me the awakening accessories and told me that I would never go back after using it? Now you Suddenly want me to rein in the precipice? You should know that my body has already started to change due to the awakening device? It has already reached this point, and it is impossible to turn back."

"It's different." Yvette said, "It's true, as I warned you last time, you can no longer turn back into an ordinary person, but you still have a chance to accept this new life. But now, just as I Please. Let it go, let the past go."

"That doesn't sound like something you would say." Eric frowned and said, "I know how much you want to avenge what happened in the past, Mom. To be able to make you pop up like this, and then try to Advise me to forget everything."

"...Who is that enemy hiding in the dark?"

Yvette didn't respond again, it seemed that this was the only thing she didn't want Eric to know.

At this point, it is definitely not within the scope of consideration to just give up, so the next step is to persuade her to change her mind, huh?
It was a feeling of palpitations that seemed to burst out from the bottom of my heart, like the extraordinary tension that only occurs in times of crisis when life is hanging by a thread.The world spun for a moment in front of Eric's eyes, the dim living room, the mother's figure, and the windows that let in the dim light all distorted before his eyes, and the scene changed instantly.

Everything I saw in front of me felt a bit like a dream, but it was clearly revealing an incomparable sense of reality.Eric felt as if he had fallen into an open living room, the cracked lights on the ceiling were flickering, and the super kids who had just parted were lying on the floor in disorder.Still standing in the field of vision are Superboy and Wonder Girl, both of whom have multiple wounds on their bodies.And the enemy a few steps away in front of him is the bionic body of Dr. Charlotte in Omega armor.

In an instant, he realized that this was Raven's perspective.Raven was in a difficult battle, and because of the inexplicable connection between the piece of raven's soul fragment left in his body and her, Eric felt the crisis on her side.

"You're going to save her, aren't you?" Yvette, who had telepathy, saw through his thoughts in a second and asked.

"Yes." Eric said sternly, "If there is anything else, we will talk about it next time. I have to go."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a response, he turned around and opened the door, and returned to the street outside. The armor on his back unfolded automatically and he finished dressing.

"I still have to remind you, Eric." Yvette was still standing like a sculpture in the darkness of the living room, but the voice chased him out in her head, "If the conflict is inevitable in the end... be careful of the bionic body the people behind it."


Said lightly, the armor has switched to the green light mode.The green light beam soared into the sky, turned into a meteor and flew over the residential area, across the vertical and horizontal blocks and high-rise buildings, and flew towards the stronghold he left not long ago.

It only took about 2 minutes from departure to arrival at the destination, and if it was only 2 minutes, the three of Raven, Superboy, and Wonder Girl should be able to hold that guy at least.

Leaping over the familiar roof, Eric landed at the door disguised as a wall by Nightwing. The high-tech lock with automatic identification verified his identity, and the wall tiles slid open to make way for the entrance.

He was a step late.

Although I can't believe it, the scene in front of me looks like this.The inside of the stronghold was in a mess, the sofa in the hall was blown to pieces, and fluff was scattered everywhere.The supercomputer, which seemed to be quite expensive, also fell to the ground, the huge widescreen shattered painfully, and a Nightwing dart stuck in the main chassis.

Just from the exaggerated traces, it is not difficult to see how fierce the battle just happened here. This further proves that the image Eric just saw was not an illusion. In addition, everyone in the stronghold was obviously taken away by Omega again. , it seems that all the efforts they have made so far have been in vain.

But what Eric still didn't understand was—how did he solve the battle in such a short period of time?Even if it was a surprise attack, it shouldn't be that easy to face all members of the Teen Titans at the same time with the strength of the Omega armor.

He turned his head inadvertently, and noticed what was left on the neglected wall behind him, a message that was clearly intended to be provocative, it looked like someone had carved the handwriting on the wall with great force—" Our battle is not over yet, Eric. At this time tomorrow night, come and find me if you want to take them back." At the end of the sentence, a string of addresses was engraved on the lower right corner.

This time, the address did not go to a remote place like Antarctica. It seemed to be somewhere outside New York, not too far away.

Eric frowned.

What is Omega's bionic body planning this time?What's the point of taking all the titans if you really just want to end Eric?
Furthermore, why it was deliberately delayed until "this time tomorrow night" is also a bit concerning.

But no matter what, he has no other choice—since Raven is also among Omega's hostages, he will definitely rescue her no matter what the price is.

The dark clouds suddenly covered the bright moon, and there was no sign of rain tonight.The fine raindrops turned into torrential rain within half a minute, and fell to the world with a "crackling" sound.

In a certain facility, the captured Titans were all comatose and imprisoned in transparent containers. The containers were connected with each other through tubular passages, and the entire equipment seemed to be connected into a special symmetrical structure.If you take a closer look, you will find that in addition to the Titans who were just captured, even Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who were defeated by the Titans at the Antarctic base, were comatose and locked in two containers on the left wing.

And all the glass containers in this device are arranged around the empty glass container in the middle. From the "Ω" logo printed on the middle container, it is not difficult to guess who it is for.

"Don't worry, Eric." Omega stood on the computer next to the device while operating, and said to himself, "Just wait a little longer patiently. When I complete this final evolution, it will really come to an end." time!"

(End of this chapter)

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