Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 310 The New Omega

Chapter 310 The New Omega
The night was dark, the stars were silently obscured by the clouds, and complete darkness enveloped the open field.This is a remote suburb outside New York. There are no street lights for several kilometers along the way. It is even darker now that the moonlight has been lost.

There was a thunderous explosion in the dark midair, and the afterimage that was invisible to the naked eye tore apart the night in an instant, and landed in the wilderness with great momentum, and the exaggerated air waves turned into ripples and spread against the ground.

It was Eric, who was already wearing the armor of the awakened super mode when he appeared on the scene.

Omega sat on a boulder with one leg crossed, behind him was a gloomy abandoned building.Seeing Eric fall, he stood up with a chuckle: "It came a little earlier than expected."

"Stop talking nonsense." Eric asked coldly, "Where are they?"

"Don't worry, those little friends of yours are in the back building. They're all right. I just let them take a nap. If you knock me down, you can take them away naturally." Omega said, "You know? This place used to be It was also one of the backup strongholds of our Yamozhuo project, but it was abandoned later. Think about it carefully, does it have a sense of fate to be able to end here?"

"Not at all." Eric said indifferently, "I know you are just a puppet controlled by human beings, just a chess piece played by a real chess player. Now the last question I want to ask you is--the chess piece behind you Who is the hand?"

Omega said displeased: "What nonsense are you talking about? All I do is to serve my ultimate goal, no one can order me to do anything."

"Sure enough, didn't you notice it at all? In that case, I have nothing to talk to you about."

After finishing speaking, Eric stepped on his foot, and the domineering wind exploded on his heel, pushing his whole body like a cannonball.Before he could even blink, the fist of the Alpha armor had almost touched the position of Omega's face, and the wind of the fist blew lightly on the face of the armor.

But what happened in the next second was beyond Eric's expectation.Through the head-mounted display that greatly enhanced his dynamic vision, he seemed to vaguely see a faint golden current jumping out of Omega's armor, and then he smashed a high-speed afterimage left in place with a menacing punch, and Omega himself But it has long been dodged to the side at no time.

Is it the ultra-high-speed movement that simulates the energy of the Speed ​​Force?But Omega obviously didn't activate the speed mode.


A gloomy sound like dripping water came from the back of his head, and Eric hurriedly wanted to turn around, but was a step too late. Omega slammed his leg unbelievably fast on him, and the afterimage of the flying fling was clearly flashing with golden arcs, which was the symbol of simulating the speed force energy.

Eric was swept away by this heavy blow, feeling like he had turned into a cannonball flying across the field for a distance of several hundred meters, flattening a small hill with a "boom", filling the sky dusty.

Crawling out of the huge hole smashed in the ground, Eric felt a little confused.The speed just now should be the speed of the super speed mode, but this exaggerated leg strength should be the power of the super mode, right?

Omega's figure flickered, and he had already flashed in front of him from hundreds of meters away. Behind the "Ω"-shaped eyepiece, there seemed to be a smug look in his eyes.

"Thanks to your teenage friends, they have a wide variety of superpowers, and they are young. Compared with adult superpowers, viruses are easier to shape when simulating abilities." Omega said proudly, " And now, by fighting with you, my armor will complete the last step of evolution!"

In fact, he didn't need to explain, Eric had already noticed that the Omega armor had begun to change while he was speaking.The light flickered in the white stripes on the armor, and almost every part of his body was entangled by electric current, which was gradually changing.


Roaring like a beast, Omega opened his arms, and a storm of energy spread around him. The "Ω" eyepiece is filled with bright red light, transparent force field, golden electric current, red storm, and green divine light. Colorful brilliant light surrounds his whole body, like a high-energy typhoon unscrupulously in the wilderness sweeping.Eric had to raise his hand to block the door, he could hardly look directly at the figure in the center of the colored light.

The light faded away, the dust settled, and the Omega armor with a new posture appeared in front of his eyes.Its shoulders are equipped with wider shoulder armor, and the energy tank on the chest projects the "Ω" symbol to a position a few centimeters away from the chest, which is suspended. It seems that there is also a thin layer of energy layer that protects his whole body. .

Gives a very bad feeling.

Omega looked down at his new image, then checked the current data through the monitor, pondered for a while, and said: "It seems that the new ability cannot be copied directly by sight. But it can be compatible with other New abilities, and can all abilities be compatible in the same mode?"

Immediately, he smiled smugly again.

"As expected."

His eyes fell on Eric again, and he said provocatively: "What? Are you afraid to do it?"

Maybe the situation is very bad, but at this point there is no room for retreat.

With a snort, Eric didn't think about it anymore, and flew forward again, punching the Omega's metal head with a punch.

As expected, Omega made another wrong footstep, moved sideways at super speed, and dodged behind Eric before he even landed a punch.

"Too slow, too slow." He said braggingly, without even intending to make a move.

"The output power is 30% fully charged."

Eric turned his head sharply, the eyepiece was filled with red heat, and the thermal vision roared out.


There was a crisp sound, that was the loud sound of the fiery red laser and the green round shield intertwined. Omega's right fist had a simulated green light ring at some point, releasing a round shield to block the heat vision's attack.

"Ha, almost." Omega said, "And there is some bad news for you, guess what it is?"

"The output power is 70% fully charged."

Eric didn't answer, and silently increased the output of thermal vision, and the red-hot rays hit the slightest cracks on the green light shield.

Omega didn't realize it, and continued on his own: "The news is... I still do this trick now."

As soon as the words fell, his other arm changed into the shape of a large-caliber cannon at some point, and it was right on the "S" on Eric's chest.

That is the ability of the blue beetle armor.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

That was the sound of Omega armor charging.The cannon beam exploded at zero distance, and Eric's body was involuntarily blasted out.He felt a sharp pain through the armor, and the fragments of the armor on his chest flew against the waves of the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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