Chapter 311 Failure

Aegis, Sanfei decoration headquarters.

Lex Luthor was sitting on the armchair that originally belonged to Nick Fury, clasped his hands together in front of him, and cast his eyes somewhere out of the window.The view out of the window of the office in the Tricurve Wing Building is really quite good. Looking down at Washington DC from this position, one can’t help but have a sense of seeing all the mountains and small mountains at a glance, as if you really feel the real feeling of holding power in your hands.Sitting here all these years, Nick Fury must have felt the same way.

"That guy seems to have really succeeded, Omega's bionic body."

It turned out that there were other people in the office.Anthony Ivo—the doctor who proposed the Almajo plan and made the Armadriol Beta armor himself—is sitting on the sofa with his knees tucked up, stepping on the valuable armor with his leather shoes. sofa.

Luther glanced at him and said lightly, "How is the effect?"

"The performance is quite good. So far, it seems that the Alpha armor that uses the awakening device has been fully crushed, and the new abilities of the group of children who call themselves Titans have been copied. It is not bad."

Luther remained expressionless, and asked again in a mechanical tone: "Is the data stable?"

"It seems that it still failed." Dr. Ivo smiled lightly, "But it can be regarded as collecting precious data, and it will also make a very important contribution to future development."

"Anyway, it's just an experiment after all." Luther said calmly, "Being able to do this has exceeded expectations."

"In the future, I will prove to you that you made the right choice in choosing my talent, Mr. Luthor. I believe our future cooperation will be very pleasant." Dr. Ivo said with a smile, "The part of Yamazo Omega That's the end of the mission."

New York suburbs.

I don't know how many times he was knocked out, and Eric almost felt that his pain nerves were going to be numb.He tapped twice on the ground like a stone in water, and the soil was lifted high like a curtain, and fell back to Eric from the air.

The armor on the outer layer of his right arm was blown to pieces. Although the armor was recovering automatically, Erik's arm had lost consciousness and could only hang limply, letting the blood drip from his shoulder to his fingertips.

His vision was a little blurred, and the monitor screen was stained with blood.He had already ignored the warning on the side of the screen showing the extent of the wearer's injuries. Anyway, there must be no part intact from head to toe, and there were at least seven or eight fractures.

Omega stood on the deserted wasteland, the stripes on the armor glowed like LEDs, as if a Terminator was stepping towards him.

It's too strong, even the Alpha armor enhanced with awakening accessories can't compete with it.This should already be a level that requires the entire Justice League to deal with it, right?
"So you can feel a little bit?" Omega said, "This is the ultimate posture I'm after. No, it's more than that, this is just the first step of evolution."

He then smiled lightly, made a wrong step, and rushed towards Eric in the blink of an eye dragging a string of scorching lightning.Eric, who was already in a very unoptimistic state, had no chance to react at all, so he was strangled by the throat with a hand like lightning, and hit the wall behind with a "bang".

The two helmets were almost stuck together again, and a hearty laughter came from under Omega's mask.

"But it's more than enough to deal with you now. I gave you a chance, boy, I let you join me and walk up to this peak with me. It's a pity that you didn't appreciate it, and I still regret it for this. You were once That has potential. But opportunities never come again, so I guess it's time for us to say goodbye."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand.The armor on his right arm deformed into the shape of a sharp knife, and at the same time it oscillated at high speed into a blurred afterimage, and it was also attached with a layer of green light energy. Its power should look terrifying.It aimed at Erik's heart like an arrow on a drawn bow.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Watching the surging energy converge on Omega's right hand, the brilliance is reflected in his eyepiece, but Eric can't do anything about it.

He has tried his best, and he has no way to stop the opponent's lore blow.In the next second, the heart should be pierced through, right?

Perhaps it should have been so, but just a second before that happened, Omega suddenly appeared strange again.His body twitched without warning, and the energy condensed in his hands suddenly dissipated.Eric felt that even the strength holding his neck was obviously loosened a lot, as if the strength was suddenly dissipated.

What's the situation?
Eric looked at the guy in confusion. Omega lost more than half of his vigor at the moment, like a drunk who hasn't recovered from a hangover, shaking his head drowsily.

"Shut up." He gritted his teeth and said to himself.

Eric gasped and asked, "Who are you talking to?"

"Shut up," he repeated, adding viciously, "Don't judge me!"

Although I don't quite understand what mistake he made, there is no doubt that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Eric didn't think about it anymore, the Alpha armor sounded the "output power 150%" prompt sound, amazing energy was extracted from the core and charged into Alpha's eyepiece, the scorching temperature made the air so hot that it was illusory and erratic stand up.


With a loud shout, thermal vision gushes out from the Alpha armor's eyepiece like a rushing river!The scorching light pierced through the protective layer of the Omega body armor domineeringly, swallowing his head like a hungry beast, the black armored feet were nailed to the ground, and slid back a long way.

Until the surging energy was exhausted, Omega had already slid over a distance of hundreds of meters. When he barely stopped, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground. The faces were blown up into shapes that were indistinguishable.

But after all, it was just a bionic body, so there was no bloody scene under the shattered helmet, and the liquid-like substance on the blasted cheek was spontaneously flowing rapidly, as if it was recovering itself.

With a full blow, Eric also overdrawn his strength, his knees softened and he half knelt on the ground panting.

The cheeks of the bionic body returned to the human form, but the eyes were obviously much hollower than before, and it felt as if they had lost their vitality.He stood up staggeringly, no longer intending to fight again, turned around, rushed into the sky with a "bang", and disappeared without a trace.

Anyway, it seems it's finally over.

Eric fell on his back on the soil with exhaustion, the armor was automatically disarmed, and the awakening accessories turned back into the suitcase and fell to the side.

There are more and more problems, but now he doesn't want to think about anything, he just wants to lie here and do nothing, and have a good sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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