Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 313 Exotic Travel

Chapter 313 Exotic Travel
Eric has technically graduated from high school, although he missed graduation due to being hospitalized with serious injuries.

It's really emotional to say - he got the Armor of Almajo Alpha this semester, and all kinds of crazy things have broken into his life since then.Trying to balance the crazy parts of his life with the normal parts this semester has exhausted him, and it's made him reconsider his plans for the future.

If he continues to follow the "ordinary student" route, then of course he should start to choose a school to enter the university like other peers, and with his grades, it will not be a problem to enter most schools in the city.The key now lies in himself.

Now he has to face this question head-on—does he really have the determination to continue living as he is now, after so much has gone through and things about himself are still a mess?

Or, is it time for him to stop forcing himself to be "normal"?Maybe the fact is that his life has long been out of the normal track, maybe he should stop trying to balance this life, but accept the life that has become crazy, and try to find a way of life that suits him better.

He didn't know and couldn't decide what to do next.

It was at this time that Princess Mia of Sinka Leland sent him and Revan an invitation to her country for vacation.

About a few months ago, the princess Xinka Lilan was forced to form a political marriage with Doctor Doom due to her natural blood. In the end, Eric reluctantly intervened in the incident and fought a battle with Doctor Doom It prevented him from taking the princess back.Afterwards, under the repeated requests of Princess Mia, the king of Xinkaliland seemed to finally give up his intention to forcefully marry his daughter to Doctor Doom.

After that, Princess Mia said that she would invite Eric over sometime and thank him in person.And Eric happened to be restless recently, and he had no other plans for the holidays. It would not be bad to go to another country to change his mood, so he agreed.

Early this morning, Eric and Raven boarded the flight to Sinka Leland, and landed at Sinka Leland's Capital Airport near noon.Princess Mia seems to really take this visitor seriously. A parade was arranged outside the airport, almost like a reception for national leaders. Princess Mia even came to the scene in person, followed by a row of bodyguards in black, with faces full of faces. Greeted the two guests off the plane with a smile.

Eric couldn't help smiling wryly when he poked his head out from the cabin: "There's no need to make it so exaggerated, right?"

"This is the etiquette for treating important guests." Princess Mia said with a smile, and deliberately waved enthusiastically to Raven who was following behind, "Hi! Sister Magician, long time no see!"

Raven nodded slightly politely: "Hello."

If it was said that the princess showed more of her aristocratic temperament when they met last time, then this time she is more prominent in "showing off her wealth".Today she brought a whole luxury convoy that almost blinded you, and even blocked all the roads to the palace early, giving Eric the illusion that he was leading an inspection in the countryside.

In such a situation, if it is said that it is just a high school graduate who is on vacation, no one will believe it, right?

The royal palace of Sinka Leland is also really magnificent.Stepping on the marble steps and passing through the gate more than four meters high, Eric and Raven entered the hall with the princesses.The entire main hall is like another golden world, the golden marble floor tiles are smooth and translucent, the walls are painted with abstract patterns, and the yellow lights even render the nearly ten-meter-high ceiling into gold.

From the appearance, this building is closer to the architectural style of ancient times, which should be very rare in modern society.According to the princess herself, this royal palace seems to have been here a long time ago. It has been repaired several times during the period, but it has never been pulled down. It is also of great significance to the country.

But in fact, the room they entered was only used for hospitality or display, and the entire Xinkaliland palace was far more than just one building.Starting from the main hall where they were, about one kilometer away, three sides were surrounded by high walls, and the last side was leaning against a steep cliff, directly below was an endless, endlessly rushing river.

"I'm very sorry. I originally planned to accompany you for a stroll in the palace, but today I was suddenly notified that there is an urgent matter that I need to deal with." After the princess arranged a place for them, she said apologetically, "So I have arranged for someone else to be your guide—this is Mr. Rubes, my butler."

It was a strong old man with a half-bald head, and half of the hair on the back of his head was completely white. He looked at least over 50 years old, but there seemed to be quite strong muscles hidden under the dress, and his body was like Tall and straight like a flagpole.Hearing the princess briefly introduce himself, he bowed to the two guests gracefully and professionally.

"He will show you here." Princess Mia said, "Except for the two palaces in the center, I have the right to let you visit other places. If you have any other questions, you can also ask Lu Bu Oh."

"Understood." Eric nodded, "You've done a lot, thank you, don't worry about us from now on, just go and do your own thing."

Just at this time, Princess Mia's cell phone rang.After she picked up the screen and glanced at it, she said to Eric: "That's it for now. By the way, at 06:30 tonight, Lubs will take you to Perth Palace for dinner, and the father should also be with you .Then I'll see you in the evening."

After speaking, she left while answering the phone.

Looking at her leaving back, Raven said softly: "She seems to be quite busy recently."

"Of course." The old housekeeper said, "His Royal Highness is the one who will inherit the throne in the future, and now there are many things that Her Highness has begun to take care of. It is normal to be overwhelmed."

"It's true." Eric thought thoughtfully, "Compared to the last time we met, she really seems to have changed a lot."

The old butler Lubus interrupted the conversation and said, "Her Majesty the Princess ordered me to be a tour guide for the two of you to visit the palace. Let's start now."

"Okay." Eric said politely, "That's all."

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(End of this chapter)

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