Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 314 The King

Chapter 314 The King
Although Xinkaliland is a small country, the scale of the palace is beyond the reach of many big countries. It took Eric and Raven a whole afternoon to stroll around only halfway.

At 06:30, Lubus led the two of them to the magnificent restaurant on time.The extra-long dining table in the center is more than one meter long, and the light from the gorgeous revolving crystal chandelier on the ceiling is reflected on the smooth and translucent tabletop.The food on the long table is dazzling, just looking at it makes people salivate.

But for the king, the princess, and two guests at night, such a long dining table and such a large amount of food seemed too extravagant no matter how you look at it.

And King Turan is an unexpectedly kind old man.He was wearing an ordinary black suit, with gray hair and a kind face, completely unable to feel the oppressive temperament that the lord of a country should have.He was very enthusiastic about the two guests invited by his daughter, which was completely unexpected to Eric. He had imagined that the king should be a rather difficult and rigid old man, but he did not expect to be so kind. one person.

I always feel that this image is a bit difficult to overlap with the old stubborn who forced his daughter to marry Doctor Doom.

The old king seemed to be very interested in American superheroes, and he kept expressing his admiration to Eric during the dinner-although Eric emphasized that he was not strictly a superhero, but the old king The king seemed to take this as nothing more than his modesty.

His Majesty the King showed special interest in the Skrull invasion. Like a curious elementary school student, he asked the details of the frontline battle against aliens at that time. Eric had to Briefly told him how everyone in the Justice League came together, how he followed the Justice League to confront the alien army, and finally he killed the Skrull main battleship on the surface of the earth, and then Lex Luthor The release of neurotoxins on a global scale disrupted the invasion.

The old king listened with gusto throughout the whole process, and he couldn't wait to dance when he heard the exciting parts, as if he was the one fighting the alien fleet.

Eric finally concluded: "But in the end, in general, it was not us who saved the world, but Lex Luthor. Although we fought against the main force of the enemy on the frontal battlefield, it actually did not affect their influence on the earth. Control. It was the neurotoxin developed by Lex Luthor that finally expelled these alien reptiles."

The old king shook his head like a rattle.

"It's undeniable that Luthor played an important role, but you shouldn't deny your own contribution," he said. "The key is not to win the battle, the key is to let the world see , someone stood up and fought. Children, you are the warriors who fought on the front lines of the earth, telling others that they are still protected."

Eric smiled: "Perhaps you seem to be particularly interested in these superhero things?"

King Tu Lan chuckled, and said, "Yes. I am old, and I can't keep up with the progress of the times. In the past, in my time, no one could ascend to the sky and enter the earth. Fighting guns and cannons with bare hands. I think superpowers are God's gift to mankind."

"A gift?" Eric stared at the dining table for a moment, and said to himself, "Maybe the superpower is actually a curse, and every chosen person has to bear the curse."

"Don't be so pessimistic, young man, I wish I could have some special power."

Having said that, the king paused for a moment, and turned his gaze to Princess Mia, who had been silent since serving the table.

"Speaking of which, let me ask a little bit. How is the matter of the 'Red Project'? I heard that there seems to be a small situation on your side?"

Princess Mia let out an "ah" and replied: "Well, it is said that there may be leaks of internal secrets, but we are already doing our best to investigate."

"But no results yet, right?"

The princess was silent.

"Really, a guy who can't be counted on." The king snorted. "Such a trivial matter has gone wrong. If this continues in the future, how will you let me rest assured that you will inherit the throne?"

Since it was Xinka Lilan's internal affairs, it was inconvenient for Eric to intervene, and just watched silently from the side.But I always felt that when the princess was questioned, this kind old man was as severe as if he had suddenly changed into a different person.

"I'm stuffed."

The princess said lightly, stood up, nodded to Eric and Raven, turned around and left.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh." The king restored his smile and said to Eric, "My daughter is far from mature enough."

"No, Princess Mia is already pretty good." Eric replied with a polite smile.

But even though he didn't ask, Eric still cared a little bit in his heart—what does "Red Project" refer to?
He had a strange feeling of foreboding.

that night.

Raven had already gone back to his room to sleep, and Eric was supposed to do the same, but he couldn't calm down for some reason, and he couldn't fall asleep, so he decided to go out for a walk alone.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to wander around the empty palace in the middle of the night.

The royal palace under the night has a different flavor compared with the daytime.The royal palace standing in the darkness is like sculptures of different shapes, standing tall and quiet in the darkness, like a majestic guardian.A round of bright moon hung above the dark sky, and the silver light poured unreservedly into the pond in the middle of the palace, as if spreading a layer of white gauze on the water.

Eric crouched on the fence by the pond, staring at the calm water surface in a trance, his brain spinning, sorting out everything he saw and heard on the first day he came to Xinkaliland.

King Sinka Leland's enthusiastic and somewhat surprising attitude, as well as the leaked secrets of the "Red Project" they talked about, and the king's almost abnormal admiration and yearning for superpowers
Originally, he thought that he could temporarily let go of everything and think about nothing, and come to Xinkaliland for a relaxing vacation, but now he instinctively feels that things are not that simple.

But he still didn't mention his strange feeling to Raven at all.

What if it's just me being overwhelmed?

Maybe this king is simply interested in superheroes like a child, and it is normal for a country to have some secret projects or plans, so why should I be so nervous?

In short, there is no need to make Raven feel pressure now, this vacation should be a very precious experience for Raven.

At this time, he noticed that someone seemed to be approaching behind him.

When he turned his head, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the person coming.

"Princess Mia?"

(Thanks to book friend 160410061618149 for the reward of 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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