Chapter 315
Appearing behind Eric was Princess Mia who invited them to come here for vacation.At this time, she was wearing a pale yellow shawl and light-colored pajamas underneath. It was quite different from her dignified and noble image during the day, but she was still beautiful and elegant.

Princess Mia asked: "What? Is the room not suitable for sleeping?"

"No, your hospitality is a bit too thoughtful, I'm a little flattered." Eric smiled and said, "I just can't sleep."

"Me too." Princess Mia came to him, and also leaned on the railing of the pond, and asked again, "What about her?"

"Revan? You should be asleep by this time."

Raven usually has a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up early, so Eric didn't go to her room to disturb her.

After a while of silence, Eric took the initiative to ask again: "You sound like you've been busy recently."

"Me? That's right." Mia shrugged, "You heard it during the meal. He has been like this since the forced marriage, saying that since he is the one who wants to inherit the throne, he must show some money. You must feel the way it should be, right? This hereditary throne system is really stupid."

Eric couldn't help laughing: "I really didn't expect this to come from the mouth of the heir to the throne."

"I really think so." She sighed. "In the end, I'm not suitable for this position at all. Maybe I was born wrong."

"Don't be so pessimistic, everyone is born for a reason." Eric turned his gaze to the moonlit water and said, "I believe so, God never arranges unacceptable fate for people. "

"Is that so?"

She was still looking at the tranquil water, and the vitality returned to her eyes little by little.

Finally, she smiled heartily: "Maybe it is true. It's incredible. Hearing you say that, I seem to really believe that I can do it."

She took a deep breath and turned around.

"Okay, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, I have to go back to sleep, thank you."

"I didn't do anything." Eric spread his hands.

Princess Mia chuckled and waved at him.

"Good night, you go to bed early too."

"OK, good night."

The slender figure stepped on the cobblestone road and disappeared behind the trees, and quickly disappeared.

After a long yawn, Eric finally felt a little tired and was about to go back to sleep.

But just as he was stepping on the cobbled road and crossing the long forest to return to his house, a certain dangerous atmosphere suddenly captured him.

Eric stopped abruptly.

A gust of wind blows through the shadow of the tree, rustling the leaves, and the swaying branches look like minions dancing on the ground under the projection of the moonlight, which looks quite scary.The dangerous breath seemed to be mixed in the gust of wind, and the moment it passed over Eric's body, it brought a bone-piercing chill.

He knew this aura, and the deepening integration with Almazo armor made him able to perceive the remarkable aura released by some enemies who had fought in the past—such as now, but unfortunately he couldn't remember the current aura Which number does the breath belong to?

After thinking for a moment, he decided to change direction and walk along the dense forest.

He vaguely heard the voice of conversation, and the closer he got to the breath, the more obvious it was.When he estimated that the distance was about the same, he squatted down behind a bush, opened a gap between the leaves, and looked at the situation outside.

Next to Eric is a rather burly man, his back is facing Eric's direction, because of the obstruction of a dark cloak that drags to the ground, Eric can't see about him More details, but he was sure that the dangerous breath was released from this man.As for the other person in the conversation, he was blocked by the man's burly body and couldn't see clearly.

The voice of their conversation is very low, especially the man in the cloak, whose voice is as hoarse as if it has been processed by a voice changer, it is really difficult to distinguish the content.Eric only vaguely heard words such as "Red Project" and "transaction", and seemed to mention a string of addresses.

Thinking back to the daytime, Mia seemed to have indeed mentioned the leakage of confidential information, and it seemed that the two people in front of her should be the culprits.

If he makes a move at this time, Eric is sure to subdue them.In this way, it should be regarded as helping Princess Mia solve a troublesome matter, right?
But he didn't make a move right away.

Anyway, he was just an outsider who was invited to be a guest, and he was not sure whether he should intervene in other people's housework.At present, he still doesn't know the details of this incident. If he acts rashly without understanding the situation, he may be involved in some unnecessary troubles.

The last thing he needs now is to be drawn into new troubles.

He was still hesitating, but soon, he lost the opportunity to hesitate.

The man in the cloak turned his head abruptly, revealing the iron-blue face under the hood—not an exaggerated description, but a real iron-blue mask. With a sharp blade, chilling.

Aware of the exposure of his own existence, it was a matter of the last second.Without any thinking, Eric rolled over on the spot, and the armor unfolded at the same time, covering every inch of his body in a fraction of a second.

The energy impact exploded at his previous position almost at the same instant, the violent impact kicked up a lot of dust, and the aftermath penetrated the armor shell, bringing a burst of coolness to the heart.

Lifting his head while maintaining a half-squatting posture, Eric finally saw the man's front clearly - his whole body was covered in iron-colored armor, his metal fists were burning with light green flames, and a dark green cloak was shining in the moonlight. Flying domineeringly, an aura belonging to the king came oncoming.

Eric finally remembered who this unpleasant smell belonged to—Victor von Doom, King of Latvinia, also known as Doctor Doom.

It's really a coincidence. The last time they had a relationship with Dr. Doom happened to be about Xinka Lilan, but this time their reunion was in the territory of Xinka Lilan. Is this a coincidence?
Eric glanced behind him deliberately, noticing that the man he had just talked to had disappeared at some point.

"Amozo-Alpha." Doctor Doom said lightly, "Although meeting here is a bit unexpected, but as I said last time - angered Doom, sooner or later you will pay the price, it seems that It's today."

(End of this chapter)

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