Chapter 316 VS Dum
Doctor Doom, a genius in the fields of occultism and science, a dangerous lunatic with both magic and technology, and the dictator of Latvinia.In the end, unfortunately, one of the many enemies Erik reluctantly made himself.

Eric has long been mentally prepared to fight this crazy doctor again one day, but neither he nor Doctor Doom expected that their second round of battle would be during Eric's travels, Inside the royal palace of Xinka Lilan.

It is undoubtedly very bad to bump into Dr. Doom in such a completely unprepared situation. The last time Eric, Raven and the magician Constantine worked together, they failed to get any benefit from Dr. Doom. Of course it would not be easy to fight him single-handedly for the first time.

In just one minute of fighting, the battle has already traversed half the width of the palace.Erik, who was hit by a red-brown energy blast from Doctor Doom, felt like a leaf, being blown around in the air by a gust of hurricane.The body flew through the dense forest, and the armor that had been switched to the truth mode smashed several giant trees along the way.

It rolled and fell on a piece of wet grass, and the sound of gurgling water could be faintly heard behind it. From this, Eric judged that their battle situation should have been drawn to the cliff near the edge of the palace.

There were rustling footsteps in the dark forest in front of him. Before Dr. Doom could show up, the next wave of attacks arrived first.The dark red beam penetrated the darkness and the dense forest together, rushing straight to Eric.Eric hurriedly raised his arm, and the silver bracelet on his wrist released a circular transparent barrier, temporarily blocking the impact of the light beam.

Doctor Doom walked out of the forest unhurriedly, and stood a few steps in front of Eric.His right hand, which was maintaining the release of energy, moved forward a few inches, and the energy surged suddenly, suppressing Eric half-kneeling on the ground, and the barrier in front of him seemed to be crumbling.

"Originally, the great Doom wouldn't bother to crush a bug like you." Doctor Doom said solemnly, "But last time, you annoyed me recklessly. Remember to learn a lesson in your next life—don't provoke me if you can't be provoked." character."

"You're... really confident. You're so confident that you feel like a jerk." Eric gritted his teeth and said, "How about trying this?"

Violet light suddenly appeared, and chaos magic surged out from inside the armor, like a storm.The moment the metal wings spread behind him, the wave of magic easily tore up Dum's rays and dissipated into the air in an instant.

Raven mode, this is the strongest mode that Eric currently has without awakening accessories.

He regretted leaving the awakening device in New York, but who would have thought?Originally, he just wanted to forget everything temporarily and come to Xinkaliland for a vacation. Generally speaking, even if there is any emergency, the Almazo armor can basically handle it.But who would have guessed that he would accidentally bump into one of the most dangerous people on Earth in the royal palace of Sincarleland?
Speaking of which, they all made such a big commotion in the palace, but no one noticed.If it wasn't for the alarming force in the palace, it should be the result of Doom's magic.

The silver long sword suddenly appeared in Eric's palm, and the magic power quickly attached to the blade, transforming into a layer of magic sword flickering like a candle.Eric stepped forward, and with a turn of the blade, the energy of chaos magic condensed into the shape of a crescent and whirled out.


There was a crisp sound of the metal armor, and the energy fragments splashed from the collision fell like splashes of water.The long sword with purple chaotic magic power collided loudly with Doctor Doom's raised arm, the blade was firmly supported by the iron-colored arm, and the purple magic fluctuations were completely blocked by a layer of dark green light attached to the doctor's arm broken.

"You don't understand the operation of magic at all." Doctor Doom said indifferently, "Even though your magic power is not weak, you don't know how to use it at all. At best, you just use them to smash your opponent stupidly. And a real magician. This is how you should fight!"

The moment the voice fell, Doctor Doom's other hand was already pressed on the lower abdomen of Eric's armor, and the magic power suddenly erupted, like an irresistible torrent, Eric's body was thrown into the air, and he was thrown high into the air .

There was a burning pain in the lower abdomen, and the protective layer of magic power close to the body was torn abruptly. Although there was no damage on the armor, the magic power penetrated into the armor strangely, burning Eric's internal organs like Like a fire.

He was right, Eric was not a magician, nor did he understand magic. He simply borrowed Raven's magic power and released it bluntly.

Trying his best to balance his figure, Eric rolled in the air, flapping his metal wings trying to adjust his body back.

But before he could stabilize himself, a burning chain had shot out under Doom's command, and accurately wrapped around Eric's ankle in mid-air, tearing him down from the sky involuntarily, like a The accelerated falling shot ball smashed back to the ground with a "boom", kicking up dust three people high.

"This is called magic." Dum stood outside the thick smoke and said calmly, "It's different from your barbaric methods."

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The thick smoke has not yet cleared, and the electronic notification sound has sounded from inside.A purple hurricane suddenly blew up in the sky, and the yellow dust was blown away in an instant, revealing Eric behind who was holding a sword and accumulating power.The Almodra Alpha armor became the center of the vortex, like a black hole of magic, as if all the magic in the atmosphere had been absorbed into the sword.


Doctor Doom's face remained unchanged, and he also clenched his fists tightly. Burning green flames wrapped his hands, and he couldn't even see the shape of his fists clearly.

With a loud shout, Eric rushed forward, the blade left a bright purple trail in the air, rushing away like an accelerating comet!

Doctor Doom raised his fists together, and the magic power lingering on his body surged rapidly the moment he punched, the green cloak swung wildly as if trying to break free, and a huge green phantom appeared behind him, forming a bottomless magic vortex!

The moment the purple and green lights intersected, all the flowers and plants in the surrounding area bowed their backs, and the strong wind blew the branches and leaves of the trees mournfully, and the fallen leaves swirled all over the sky.The two-color magic power condensed into a beam of light that soared into the sky, breaking through the sky with an indomitable momentum.

Raven, who was already sleeping soundly in the room at this time, opened his eyes suddenly, and jumped out of bed reflexively.

Sensing something for no reason, Raven changed into his uniform in a flash, flew out of the room through the wall, and rushed towards the location where the beam of light erupted at full speed.

She had a sense of foreboding, and women's premonitions are often accurate for no reason.

Flying over the entire palace, she came to the battlefield.The fallen leaves that were still flying all over the sky, the blown-out potholes of different sizes, and the broken trees all silently told her that she had found the right place.

But there was no sign of Eric or anyone else.

The river was still rushing tirelessly, and the snow-white waves hit the rocks under the cliff one after another, and the sound of the water was endless.

(End of this chapter)

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