Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 317 Accidental Encounter

Chapter 317 Accidental Encounter
The river that the royal palace of Xinka Lilan is leaning against is said to be the largest river in this country, with a total length of more than 1000 kilometers, and the current is fast, like a galloping army.If you throw something from the shore, it's only a moment to be swept up in this violent current, and it's gone in a moment, isn't it?
Unfortunately, after encountering Dr. Doom in the middle of the night and having a fierce battle with him, Eric fell into this river from the cliff behind the palace. place.

His head was heavy, and his consciousness felt as chaotic as the torrents swimming around him.After the last wave of collision with Dr. Doom, the armor was automatically disarmed and entered a dormant mode. Speaking of which, he was still alive after being washed in such a rush of water for so long without the protection of the armor. It should be said that it was thanks to his body. It is no longer purely human.

After drifting with the tide for an unknown amount of time, he finally stopped—was stranded, to be precise.Eric, who was unconscious, was slapped by the water on a huge rock, and the rock was washed into deep black by the water.

Until another group of people came along the river bank.

Running in the front was a woman dressed in an exaggeratedly fancy dress.She was wearing a brightly colored T-shirt, her slender snow-white legs were covered with mesh stockings, her pretty face was painted waxy white, and she was blowing a transparent bubble with bubble gum.

She was bouncing all the way like a little girl, and in the line about ten steps behind, the man in the lead couldn't help shouting: "Slow down, Harry, I told you to keep pace!"

The woman called Harley paused for a moment, turned around, made a face behind her, and then walked even faster, as if she was very happy with this childish behavior.

"Give up, Deadshot." Another person in the team said, "You know, that woman just likes to confront people."

It was Floyd Lawton, the Deadshot, who had just spoken.He recently accepted a hot potato very reluctantly-led by the ace mercenary Deathstroke, the same ace mercenary but extremely chatty Deadpool, the crazy clown girl Harley Quinn from Gotham City, high-tech A motley crew of several people, including the super criminal Black Manta in a diving suit, perform a top-secret mission.

Regardless of the dizzying amount of constraints on the quest, the fact that the team is either lawless used to breaking the rules or lunatics like Harley makes completing the quest seem even more impossible.Thinking of this, Lawton felt that the future of this team was dark.

The lively Harry caught a glimpse of Eric stranded on the rock out of the corner of his eyes, and suddenly stopped in his tracks, and the bubbles around his mouth popped.

When the other team members rushed over, Harry had dragged the unconscious Eric ashore, squatted beside him, stared at him curiously, and waved back and forth in front of his closed eyes from time to time.

"what's the situation?"

Lawton, the dead shooter who was assigned as the team leader, walked up quickly, squatted beside Eric, and frowned slightly.

Harry raised his eyebrows: "You know him?"

"Not really." Lawton held his chin and said, "I have received two commissions related to this kid. He is a um... a superhero."

"Superhero?" Harry grinned, "That would be great, I really like killing superheroes."

As she spoke, she took out a small knife out of nowhere, and raised the sharp blade while humming some strange tune.

But before she had time to drop the knife, a strong hand pinched her wrist, making it impossible for her to swing the blade halfway.

It was Death Knell who shot.Harry turned his head and said angrily, "Hey! You hurt me!"

"I also recognize him." Deathstroke said coldly, "And I owe him a favor, so if you want to kill him, I won't just watch quietly."

"Tch, you're boring." Harry muttered disapprovingly, but seemed to give up the idea of ​​smearing Eric's neck with her knife.

Deadpool who fell at the end of the line covered his mouth with one hand, and whispered as if whispering: "Ha, do you know? Although Slade said so, in fact, what he really thought in his heart was—— If I Let this kid hang up here, is it true that my precious daughter will never talk to me in this life? Woohoo"

"What are you mumbling about there, Wade?" Deathstroke asked coldly.

Deadpool immediately jumped back, stood at attention, and gave a standard military salute: "Report, nothing, sir!"

But what Deadpool said is indeed true, Deathstroke does have this consideration-if he let Eric die here, and unfortunately let his daughter Ruth know, it will definitely not help repair Their strained father-daughter relationship.

"Death knell is right." Deadshot also said, "According to the team's operating rules, we should be an invisible team, and we cannot be discovered by anyone or any force during the mission. We don't know why this kid appeared here , and our actions must be absolutely concealed. The last thing we need now is to cause ourselves some new troubles."

Just at this moment, the communication from their headquarters rang.

Deadshot connected the communication in the headset: "It's me."

"What's going on?" A murky voice that seemed to have been modified came from the other side of the headset, "The GPS signals of you guys show that you have stopped moving."

Deadpool interrupted hastily: "Report sir! We definitely didn't find a drenched, comatose kid by the river, and we didn't intend to kill him at all!"

"What?" The officer on the other side was at a loss.

The dead shooter rubbed his temples with a headache, and reported the situation here to the headquarters.

"...The situation is probably like this." After finishing speaking, Lawton added, "We are now planning to leave him alone and return to the base directly."

The other side of the communication was silent for a while, and then the voice spoke again: "Bring him back."

"What?" Deadshot was a little surprised, "But... you haven't forgotten that he's different from us, right? He's not a prisoner you can grab from prison casually to be a strong man, and we don't even know why he appeared here. In case One of the Avengers or someone from the Justice League with him."

"I didn't ask you that much." The voice said involuntarily, "I gave the order, you just need to execute it, don't forget your identity, Lawton."

Deathshot sighed.

"Okay, you're the boss."

(End of this chapter)

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