Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 319 Suicide Squad

Chapter 319 Suicide Squad
Xinka Lilan, in a bar in the capital.

This was originally a bar run by local gangsters, but it was absolutely legal in operation, and the grade was not low.Generally speaking, this bar is very lively every night, and the loud cheers can be heard almost across the street, but today is an exception.

The famous dead shooter Floyd Lawton personally appeared, and the bar owner let him book an overnight here.Tomorrow, the Suicide Squad led by Lawton has an important task to perform, so tonight he hopes that the players can relax as much as possible.But according to the requirements above, the whereabouts of this special team must not be revealed, so he had to stay overnight in this bar.

The members of Suicide Squad do seem to enjoy the atmosphere of this environment.As soon as Harley came in, she went straight to the bar, smashed several bottles of wine meaninglessly, and finally picked out a bottle she liked to drink. At first, Lawton tried to stop her, but then he thought that someone would reimburse the final mission expenses anyway, so he simply let her go up.

Death Knell sat on a side table with his cheeks resting on his back and drank wine, as if he couldn't bear the endless chattering of Deadpool around his ears, but he couldn't do anything about it.If it were anyone else he would probably shoot the guy in the head without even thinking about it, but considering the first time we met he threw Deadpool on the plane that was blown to pieces and the guy is still here He was alive and kicking, so he decided he might as well save the bullet.

Black Manta seems to be very quiet. He usually has little communication with the team members. Now he found a table in a corner and sat down by himself.But Deadshot deliberately dragged a chair and sat next to him, trying to chat with him about how to lead the team.

And the one who seemed most out of place with everyone here was Eric who was caught in the team in a daze.

He didn't take any bottle of wine, he picked a table and sat down alone, looked at everyone here, tried his best to recall the details while holding his forehead.

He always felt that these people didn't feel like he was on the same road as him, but he couldn't remember what happened before he met them at all.He had been among them when he woke up in a daze the day before.

"Your code name is Amozo-Alpha." A man claiming to be Victor told him remotely through the electronic screen, "You are a member of this suicide squad."

The man who didn't show up told him that he held a set of powerful armor and was the most powerful member of the team. Unfortunately, in the last mission to cover his comrades, he was unfortunately hit on the head and lost his memory.

"But don't worry." Victor said, "No matter what you become, you will always have your place in this team."

Eric sat on the sofa with his cheeks resting on his shoulders, staring at his teammates with ecstasy.

Although those words are quite touching, do I really belong to this place?

I always feel that something is wrong, and it seems that something important is missing

A loud noise at the back of the neck brought Eric back to reality, and his body trembled reflexively.

"Hahahaha! I scared you!"

When he turned around, there was Harry behind him. She seemed to have tiptoed behind him and slapped him just now. At this moment, she seemed to be very satisfied with Eric's reaction, laughing excitedly like a little girl.

She sat down on the edge of Eric's sofa and wriggled her hips closer.Eric subconsciously wanted to keep a distance, and he could already smell a light fragrance that was incompatible with the image of this lunatic.

"Don't be afraid, sister, I won't eat you." Harry giggled for a while, and said, "I'm a little glad I didn't kill you, you look so cute in a daze now."

"Kill me?" Eric asked. "What do you mean?"

"Don't pay attention to her words." Shi She also came up at some point, "You know, she is usually crazy, and nine out of ten sentences can't be taken seriously."

Harry stuck out his tongue mischievously.

In fact, although the rest of the team seemed to be ignoring Eric all the time, they were actually watching him carefully.If Eric can join the team, he will undoubtedly be their strongest force, but before that he is also an extremely uncertain factor.In essence, Eric was not on the same side as them. If he was suddenly stimulated or inspired to restore his memory, it would never be a good thing for the team.

Black Manta, who was chatting with Deathshot just now, also walked up to Eric, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a rare way: "Relax, friend. We all need to take a good rest before the battle. Come on A cup?"

Eric stared at the wine glass in his hand for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "No, let's forget it. I think I'm already confused enough, and I don't need this kind of thing to make things worse."

"It makes sense." Black Manta said, "Then try to relax yourself. I know you must have a lot of doubts now, but first you need to be able to trust your teammates—that is the most important thing on the battlefield tomorrow. "

Deadshot snorted self-deprecatingly: "About trusting your teammates, that's probably the last thing you should do in this team."

"Why?" Eric asked.

"No, it's just a joke." Deadshot also patted him on the shoulder and said, "But Black Manta is right, you really need to rest. After all, you are our heavy weapon and the last trump card."

Is that the case?

Eric looked at his hands on his shoulders, thoughtfully.

This was the first time since he lost his memory that he felt needed by others, as if he had found a sense of belonging in this team.

Maybe I really belong here?Maybe this illusion of not being able to join the group is just a barrier caused by the loss of memory.

"Okay, then just in case, let's confirm the mission content one last time tonight." Deadshot said.

Harry pouted: "It's really a mother-in-law. You have emphasized it so many times."

Death shot her a blank look: "Especially you, Harley."

"Okay, listen to you, okay?"

Harry zipped the zipper around his mouth, indicating that he would stop talking.

Tomorrow's task is actually quite simple to say--break into a factory owned by the Xinkaliland government and steal some relevant information about the country's international headquarters.It took Deadshot about 10 minutes to re-explain everyone's positions, intrusion routes, retreat plans, and some emergency situations during tomorrow's operation.

".That's probably all." Shi She glanced at everyone, "Have you remembered everything clearly?"

Deadpool, who seemed to be sleeping on the table the whole time, suddenly raised his head, and asked sleepily, "What? It's finally over?"

Harley yawned a long time as if echoing him, and nodded: "It seems. Is it?"

Deadshot sighed, finally giving up on the idea of ​​getting everyone to jot down the plan of action.

"Then disband on the spot tonight." He said helplessly, "Have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's mission."

(End of this chapter)

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