Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 320 Team Raid

Chapter 320 Team Raid
Xinka Lilan, outside a certain factory owned by the military.

When a beautiful woman with two-color double ponytails and a brightly colored uniform like a circus clown appeared outside the factory wall, the guards on guard were involuntarily attracted to their gazes, and were stunned to realize that this was singing. Which one will come out.This beauty had a confident smile on her face, a baseball bat on her shoulder, and a black iron ball in her other hand. She looked like a baseball player about to play.

It's just that the iron ball in her hand looks a bit like a grenade, doesn't it?

Harley Quinn grinned, removed the fuze of the grenade with her thumb, threw it high, and swung the club vigorously with both hands, hitting the falling grenade with a "bang".The black sphere tumbling in the air, drew a graceful arc under the gray sky and flew into the wall.


The guards finally caught up to what was going on when the flames tore through the walls of the warehouse - it was a terrorist attack.Harley's unexpected dress and even more unexpected behavior made them dumbfounded for a long time, but now they finally realized that the situation was wrong.

But with so much attention drawn to Harley, the guards missed the real threat.Just when they all pointed their guns at Harley, everyone else in the suicide squad was caught off guard and killed them from behind.The defense line outside the factory is like a piece of paper under a sharp knife in front of this crazy team, it is not vulnerable at all.

The team easily broke into the factory, and fought fiercely with the guards who had been alerted and organized.But the other party is just an ordinary person after all, and every member of the suicide squad is equipped with unique skills, and each of them can be as good as ten. It is not easy to deal with these guards.Almost just one face-to-face, the poor guards bleed into rivers and fell to the ground.

Witnessing such a brutal side of his teammates, Eric's heart moved again.

They can take so many lives in an instant without blinking an eye. To them, human life is just one of many numbers, right?Have you really been with such a person all this time?No, before that, was he such a worthless guy before?
Seeming to see his doubts, Deadshot deliberately paused beside him, and explained: "Don't think too much, that's what our job is. If you don't kill people, people will kill you. If you hesitate for half a second, you will become There are dead souls under the gun, so we have no choice."

Eric frowned and didn't answer.

The team continued to advance inward. They advanced to the depths according to the route planned in the action plan, and went down the escalator to the restricted area underground.There were countless guards trying to intercept them along the road, but all of them were easily resolved without exception.The team's momentum was like a rainbow, people all the way blocked the killing Buddha blocking the killing Buddha, and no one in the whole factory could stop it.

The restricted area of ​​the factory is protected by a thick layer of titanium alloy doors, which require multiple layers of unlocking such as retinas and fingerprints to enter the interior, and the team undoubtedly does not have these passes.

But they have more direct means.


The powerful C4 explosive provided by Deathstroke blew up the heavy door panel and collapsed. Everyone walked into the target's room through thick smoke and flames. The domineering aura resembled the appearance of a movie villain group.

The rest of the room seemed to be all civil servants, who had no ability to resist at all. Seeing these terrorists in strange clothes broke in, they were frightened and fled in a panic, with no intention of fighting back.Without saying a word, the dead shooter raised the barrel of the gun on his arm, and "chug chug" a shuttle of bullets accurately swept everyone down in a pool of blood.

Eric just wanted to stop it, but Deadshot had already finished the massacre, and followed the team nonchalantly towards the console.

Is it necessary to kill these people who have no resistance?
Eric thought so, but still didn't speak after all.

At this moment, the communication from the headquarters rang: "This is the headquarters, the team, report the situation!"

"It's going well, Victor." Deadshot operated on the console for a while, staring at the download progress bar on the screen when it reached 100%, and said, "You've got what you want."

"Very good, Deadshot." Victor replied, "Preparing to evacuate, I have sent the location of your next stronghold to each of your communicators, now"

Everyone didn't hear the words after that, because a louder explosion drowned out all other sources of sound.As if a ferocious beast tore through the ceiling in the form of flames and rushed in, the shock wave with heat wave swept over domineeringly, blowing everyone in front of the console fiercely.

"Wow, it's like a roller coaster." Harry leaned on the wall and said, "Good~exciting~exciting~"

Deadpool, who was crushed under the half-collapsed wall, stretched out a hand and gestured towards the death knell not far away: "That. Slade? Can you do me a favor? My lower body seems to be stuck inside. Living."

The death knell glanced at him: "Just cut it off."

"What?" Deadpool yelled, "You know it hurts~ die right?"

"Everyone, keep calm!" Deadshot yelled, "We are under attack, we must first find out who the enemy is... who?"

At the end of his words, his voice has involuntarily decreased.The heavy footsteps fell three steps behind him, and a red metal foot stepped on the entire basement and sank down suddenly. The foot of the dead shot was unstable, and he almost fell down.

When he turned his head, his pupils shrank suddenly.I saw three giant mechas with shells painted in bright red and seven or eight meters tall appearing in this basement. Qi pointed to several members of the team.

"Stop the attack immediately." A loud shout came from the loudspeaker in the mech, "Otherwise you will lose your bones!"

For a moment, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at these behemoths.

"Report the situation, team!" Victor shouted at the other end of the communication, "Tell me what happened over there!?"

"We are surrounded." Deadshot said indifferently, "The report did not mention that the other party has a group of giant-level mechas."

"We don't know, and maybe that's what I'm telling you to find out," Victor said, "but you can figure it out, can't you, Deadshot?"

"Do I have any other options?" Deadshot said, glanced at Eric, and said, "Are you ready?"

"Who? Me?" Eric pointed to himself.

"Yes, I said you are our heavy weapon, right? Now is the time to pull the trigger!"

(End of this chapter)

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