Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 321 Attribution

Chapter 321 Attribution
Sinca Leland, inside the factory the Suicide Squad broke into.

A minute ago, three red battle armors fell through the ceiling and fell into the basement, but now, this place has been demolished to the point where it is almost impossible to discern its shape.The number of guns on these three mechas was almost exaggerated, and the powerful firepower oppressed the team members with no room to fight back.The incendiary bomb ignited the entire space, and everyone desperately huddled their heads behind the bunker, and the sound of the bunker being shot into a sieve by bullets rang in the ears.

Eric also tried to activate the armor and tried to fight the three machines. Unfortunately, not only has he completely forgotten how to fight, but because he has no will to fight, he can't even maintain the neural connection with the armor. Very reluctantly.

Who am I?Should I really be here and fight these people in front of me?
If not then where do I belong?

Full of doubts led to his hesitation in the battle, and it can even be said that he has almost no fighting spirit at all.After being hit head-on by a stray bullet, Eric's body was blasted into the air, and the armor was thrown out from the flames of the explosion with a string of thick black smoke, smashing a huge piece on the ground. .

"Hey, these are great." Deadshot hunched his head behind a collapsed titanium alloy wall and muttered, "Our 'last hole card' has been brought down just like that. You really have it, Victor."

"Squad, report the situation." Victor's voice came from the other side again, "How is your side now?"

"What do you think, man?" Deadshot replied impatiently. "Big robots are firing at us."

"Do you know where they come from?"

"They're huge, and they're firing at us, what else do you want to know?" Deadshot said dissatisfiedly, "We have to retreat."

"Wait a minute, you can't leave yet! There are still things in there that you must bring out."

"Sorry, Boss, the signal here doesn't seem to be very good, I can't hear you clearly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Victor to reply, Deadshot immediately cut off the communication.

Maybe when they go back they'll throw a tantrum at him and put him in prison for a few more years, or worse, they'll just hit that damn bomb button and detonate that nanobomb in his neck - but now he doesn't care .If you continue to stay here, you will undoubtedly have to be blown to pieces again, which is the only end.

He stuck out half of his head and looked out, the whole room was in a sea of ​​flames, bullets rained densely, stray bullets splashed everywhere, the flames of incendiary bombs rendered the whole room fiery red like a gorgeous giant curtain, and at the same time Obscuring most of the view.

Theoretically speaking, in this situation, the enemy should just be shooting indiscriminately, and it is impossible to confirm their position if the enemy does not have thermal imaging.

Deathshot locked his eyes on the elevator door a few steps away.

He couldn't help snorting, crawled to the elevator door, and managed to pry open the elevator door.

"Where are you going, Deadshot?" Black Manta yelled, seeing his movements through the firelight.

"Where do you think you are going? Of course it is to find a way out." Deathshot said, "This is the only way we can go now—everyone, retreat out of the elevator shaft with me!"

Everyone quickly ducked to avoid the rain of bullets and came here. Deathstroke, Deadpool and Harry jumped into the elevator shaft one after another and climbed up the steel cable.And just before Deadshot was about to go in, Black Manta ray grabbed him.

"Wait," Black Manta reminded, "that kid isn't here."

"What?" Deathshot followed the gaze of the black manta ray and turned around to look, but after seeing the choking black smoke, Eric was still lying in the middle of the crack that was just smashed out, and he didn't seem to want to get up.

The stray bullet that hit him just now made Eric's head dizzy for a while, and he was so sore that he couldn't get up.A warning of "abnormal neural link" popped up on the monitor in front of him, and the armor temporarily stopped responding.

Perhaps it was because he himself was resisting the armor.

In fact, Eric himself hates fighting, and it can even be said that he is avoiding fighting.He doesn't remember who he is at all, but his body instinctively remembers one thing - if he continues to fight with this suit of armor, things will become irreparable, and may even be more terrifying than death.

And as evidence that he subconsciously resisted the Armor of Almajo, the screen on the helmet showed that the synchronization rate between him and the armor was only 10%.

He gently closed his eyes.

He was tired and didn't want to worry about his identity anymore.Anyway, if he died here, then no problem would exist, right?
However, just when he had almost given up and wanted to die here, the two of them braved the hail of bullets and returned to him through the fire.

The moment he saw Deathshot and Black Manta who had come back to save him, Eric couldn't help being stunned: "You...why? Didn't you already evacuate?"

Death shot rolled his eyes: "Don't ask, or I might change my mind in a while—God knows how I was persuaded by this dark guy to come back to save you."

"Shut up, dead shot." Black Manta said, helping Eric up, "We are a team, and we should live and die together. We can't leave any member behind."

"Although I don't want to spoil your interest, you are the only one who thinks this way all the time." Deathshot muttered, "There is no team at all."

The two supported Eric from left to right, and walked slowly towards the elevator.From time to time, shrapnel splashed past several people, dragging their tail flames and smashing into the broken wall or the ground, which was extremely exciting.

"You can go by yourself." Eric panted, "There's no need to worry about me."

"You are a member of our team." Black Manta said lightly, "And I'm not good at leaving teammates behind."

Eric was silent.

Am I part of this team.?
Suddenly, he felt different.It was as if, until now, he had been alone in this strange world, but now, suddenly, he belonged.

Even if it's just for teammates who are willing to risk fire and bullets to rescue you, isn't that enough reason to fight?
The elevator door was already approaching, and it seemed that it was only a few steps away.But just at this moment, a stray bullet whizzed past the heads of several people and threw it into the elevator shaft. It exploded with a "boom", and dazzling flames spewed out from the elevator door. overturned.

Huge feet landed behind them with a "clank", and the towering mechs discovered their movements at some point, and the black gun barrels were already pointing towards the top of their heads.

"That's it." Deadshot glanced at Black Manta and said, "I guess it's time to choose a god to pray to."


The mech pulled the trigger, and the gun barrel bounced back violently under the action of the recoil, and the open flame burst out from the muzzle like a lotus flower, and the shell dragged the flame trail and flew towards the heads of several people, with a turbulent momentum.

However, the expected scene of flying flesh and blood did not appear.


The flames suddenly appeared, the shell disintegrated under the violent impact, and shrapnel flew out in all directions.Deadshot and Black Manta ray fell down one after another, but the expected impact did not come - a transparent green shield appeared in the air out of thin air, and all artillery fire and shrapnel were stopped.

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

Eric, who was burning with the green holy light, had a mark symbolizing the green light floating on his chest, and the shape of his armor had changed drastically.He stared directly at several huge mechs that were several times taller than him with indifferent and sharp eyes, his aura was completely different from before.

Death shot grimaced: "Okay, take back my prayer just now, I think I can postpone my meeting with God."

(End of this chapter)

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