Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 322 New Mission

Chapter 322 New Mission

The three-dimensional image was projected in a spacious and bright room. The light constructed a virtual image of Doctor Doom's whole body. The figure falling on the white floor tiles was as majestic as the deity, which made people shudder.

"You came earlier than promised." The only man in the room leaned back on the black leather armchair and said lightly.

"I heard that there seems to be a security breach in your little 'Red Project'." Doctor Doom said in a cold tone, "I mean the breach other than yours."

The meaning of these words is already very obvious. Before this, the man in front of him has leaked the so-called "Red Project" to Dum, so he said it was a loophole "other than him".

As Doctor Doom said, he waved his hand, and a floating screen was projected out of nowhere in front of him.The fierce battle between Eric wearing the Armored Armor and the three giant mechas, as well as the Suicide Squad in the background were all frozen on the screen.

"This is a small problem." The man crossed his fingers and said, "I have investigated, and these people are mainly composed of desperate mercenaries, lunatics and killers, all of whom are high-risk wanted criminals in the United States, and they should not be intelligence spies. "

"That's not necessarily the case." Doctor Doom said lightly, "The U.S. government has a special team code-named 'Task Force X', which is composed of super criminals with extraordinary abilities in prisons, specially doing some dirty work for them It is an incident that is not suitable for the government to intervene. This time you met this time, it may be this team."

The man frowned, pondered for a while, and asked, "But if what you said is true, then such a team must be a secret with the highest security factor in the United States. How did you know?"

"I'm Doom." Doctor Doom said coldly and briefly, "I know everything."

"Really?" The man chuckled, "If that's the case, then you must know why this armored brat appeared in this team? I thought he should be killed by you."

"It was an accident."

"That proves you're not all-powerful."

Doctor Doom swept the man up and down for a long time with that icy snake-like gaze, as if his vision had been transmitted through the holographic projection signal, and he was so oppressive that he couldn't breathe.

"I'll take care of this matter." Doctor Doom finally said, "I will correct that accident. By the way, I will solve it together with the American task force."

Sinka Leland, the Suicide Squad's new mission stronghold.

After evacuating from the dilapidated factory, the team members successfully found this new stronghold according to the command's communication instructions, and obtained certain supplies.

"Guns, mines, grenades" Deadshot counted the weapons and equipment in the supply box prepared in this stronghold, and said, "At least this group of people has always been efficient in their work, and these should be enough."

"They remembered to prepare my hammer for me!" Harry took out a huge hammer with a clown's face on it, the shape looked heavy and funny, "It's so sweet!"

"Compressed food." Only Deadpool was the first to pay attention to food, and he said with a disappointed face, "Oh my god, don't these people even have instant noodles or something like that? No, I can't stand it anymore, I Need pizza. Can I order takeout?"

Deathstroke squinted at him: "If you want to reveal our location, idiot."

The people had just settled down here for a while, and new news came from the headquarters of the Tianyanhui.

"Did everyone hear it?" Victor's voice came from the other end of the communication again, "This is the command post."

"Yes, it's very clear. I'm glad that the noise just now has disappeared." Deathshot pressed the earphone, "What instructions are there next, boss?"

"Reminder in advance, I haven't forgotten that you just ignored the order to hang up the communication, Deadshot." Victor said coldly, "The only reason you are still alive is because no one can organize this team except you. Team. If you dare to hang up on my communication again-no matter what the situation is, I will press the button and blow your head to the sky without hesitation, understand?"

"Yes, boss." Deadshot's tone remained calm, as if he was used to it, "So what's the next instruction, boss?"

Although they were very unhappy with this guy's attitude, both sides also understood that it was actually impossible for the headquarters to blow up his head at this moment.Just as Victor himself said just now, Deadshot is necessary for the current team, and without his leadership, this motley army may soon fall apart.

Reluctantly, Victor could only bear with it first, and turned to say: "The headquarters has analyzed the data you got during this trip, and thus formulated the details of the next mission—Death Shot, and projected the content I sent over. .”

Deadshot did as he said, and the holographic stereogram of a certain building was projected in front of everyone's eyes. From its abbreviated structure, it can be seen what a majestic tall building it is. Between the clouds.

"This is the international affairs headquarters of the Xinka Leland government." Victor explained to everyone, "The sixth floor of No. 20 is the center of the headquarters, and all intelligence departments will pass there. Some of the most powerful figures in the political arena On that floor during the day, along with their country's most secret program."

Deadpool patted his mouth and yawned, and said, "I've always hated the explanation part, why don't you just say it, man? What do you want us to do? Rush into that floor and chop everyone clean?"

"I don't like to complicate things either," Victor said. "Your mission is simple—destroy that layer so the mantas can investigate their new classified project. A project called 'Project Red' 's project."

Eric frowned slightly when he heard the words "Red Project".

This name seems to have some impression. Could it be related to the self before amnesia?

Victor continued: "These are tasks for the rest of you. As for the death knell, I have other arrangements."

"I would like to hear the details." Death Bell said.

The projection of the tall building in the air suddenly disappeared, replaced by the face of a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his 50s.

"This is your goal." Victor said, "He is the boss of the largest company in Xinkaliland, and has a close cooperative relationship with the government. I need you to assassinate him, can you do it?"

"What you should ask is not if you can." Deathstroke said coldly, "but how much."

"Of course, the price will be calculated separately."

"Wait," Deadshot said, "That's an assassination mission, why did he do it? That's my field of expertise, and it's written in my name—Deathshooter."

"You are equally qualified for this task, but you have stayed in the team longer, and I need you to stay and lead the team." Victor said, "Any other questions?"

No one spoke.

"Very good." He said, "Then prepare well, there are new tasks waiting for you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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