Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 323 Old Acquaintance

Chapter 323 Old Acquaintance
The Sky Eye headquarters, in the office of the Suicide Squad's new boss, Victor Sergey.

The sound of high-heeled shoes being tapped came from the corridor outside, and the sound of verification sounded after a while at the door, and Amanda Waller's fat body appeared at the door.

Victor Sage sat cross-legged at his desk and said, "What's the matter, Waller? As you know, I'm very busy."

"We have to talk." Waller walked to his desk and said coldly, "I heard you have sent the team to the second mission?"

"They are indeed on mission today, and they should have entered the target building by now." Victor said with some pride, "I said they should be the best assault team. Look, under my management, their mission efficiency Much higher than when you were in power."

"Are you kidding?" Waller frowned. "There were completely unexpected variables in yesterday's mission. It was a fluke to get the help of Amozo's power, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable. This whole mission is a disaster. I never Wouldn't send a team on a mission we knew nothing about. You planned poorly and rushed this time, commanding like a rookie. We're not going to start a whole new mission in these circumstances."

Victor's face turned ugly, and said: "This is not a brand new mission, this is the original one, they are just completing the follow-up. I don't think you need me to remind, Waller, Task Force X is now back I manage, and it has nothing to do with you. What to command this team, and what kind of consequences need to be borne, it has nothing to do with you, have we figured it out?"

Waller frowned and stared at him for a moment.

"You will regret it, Victor." She said lightly, and turned to leave, "The situation is out of your control now, and you will realize it soon."

At the same time, far away in Xinkaliland, the international affairs headquarters.

Ten minutes ago, the fire alarm on the 10th floor of the headquarters building was triggered by a small fire of unknown origin.The automatic alarm was simultaneously sent to the local fire department, and now, 25 minutes later, fire engines have arrived at the scene.

What they didn't know was that their fire alarm was not sent to the real fire department, but was intercepted by this group of fakes who had been prepared halfway.

As the members of the Suicide Squad changed into firefighter uniforms one by one in the fire truck, Harley muttered: "I hate this fat and big thing. It feels clumsy and heavy to wear."

"Go ahead, Harley, we're not going to dance on stage," Deadshot said.

"Pretending to be a firefighter and sneaking into the building?" Black Manta asked, "Is there a more old-fashioned way?"

"They say the old way is the most effective, haven't you seen "Mission: Impossible"?" Deadshot said, "Besides, I reminded my superiors that we just broke into one of their factories yesterday and stole their Things, today will definitely be much more difficult than yesterday. But the guy said—you find a way to solve it yourself. So this is my way—unless you have other plans, it’s too late to speak up now.”

No one spoke anymore.

The goal of their mission is to destroy the 26th floor, and by the way, find out the specific content of the country's so-called "Red Plan".However, because Victor mentioned that the 26th floor of the target building has gathered a lot of important tasks and hides a lot of secrets, if the fire is arranged directly on that floor, it may attract too much unnecessary attention, so he arranged The fire started on the 25th floor.

At the same time, on the other side of the city, the death knell is already in place.According to intelligence, the target he wanted to assassinate would enter the conference room in 10 minutes and sit at the end of the round table.Deathstroke has already come to survey the terrain. At this moment, the roof where he ambushed is facing the meeting room. The crosshair of the sniper rifle has already aimed at that position. He just waits for the target person to appear in the field of vision. With a move of his finger, the mission is over. it's over.

An easy task if nothing else.

And the progress of Deadshot is also quite smooth.The fire alarm sounded, and several people posing as firefighters successfully sneaked into the building and went straight up to the 25th floor through the elevator.And if you want to go up, you need to transfer to another elevator next door, and you need permission and related passwords, which they undoubtedly do not have.

But of course they had other plans.

After taking the public elevator to the 25th floor, they did not get off the elevator, but climbed to the top of the elevator one after another.The next part of the plan was a bit acrobatic—one by one, they jumped from the top of the elevator, jumped onto the steel cable of the inner elevator next door, and then climbed up the steel cable to the 26th floor, and then pried it open. The elevator door goes out.Undoubtedly, the whole process was quite technical and tested the strength of the arm. Fortunately, every member of the team was not an ordinary person, and they all successfully completed this series of movements in the end.

Taking off the bulky firefighting uniforms, the team smoothly entered the control center where the confidential files were stored.They pounced like shadows, knocking down everyone in the room so quickly that no one had time to raise the alarm.

It was so smooth that it made people feel suspicious.Lawton always felt an ominous premonition in his heart, as if swaggering into the trap prepared by the other party.

Taking over the control center, they immediately restored communication with headquarters.

"Deadshot, report the situation." Victor's voice sounded immediately.

"We've arrived at the location."

"Very well, the report found."

Black Manta was operating in front of the console for a while, and the screen flashed quickly on the big screen. After a while, a title similar to "Red Project" appeared, and then "Property comes from the MARS system" jumped out.

"I'm uploading the screen to you simultaneously." Black Manta said, "Did you see it?"

"Yes, very good, Manta. What else?"

Before anyone could answer, a loud explosion interrupted everyone. The scene was surprisingly similar to yesterday's in the factory basement.The wall was blasted through by the shock wave, and everyone was knocked to the ground by the strong wind.

"God, come again." Deadpool shook his head, "Do we have to do this every day?"

But this time, when they saw the figure appearing in the flames and thick smoke, everyone was stunned—especially Eric, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the memory sleeping deep in his mind seemed to have a little reaction.

Emerging from the thick smoke were the five Titans, Blue Beetle, Raven, Kid Lightning, Nightwing, and Spider Woman.

(End of this chapter)

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