Chapter 325
"You know, buddy? For a guy who wears form armor and has the ability to go to heaven and earth, you really have to pick your feet."

While Deadpool was taunting, the long sword in his hand collided crisply with the scimitar transformed from the blue beetle's right hand, and sparks flew down.

"To shut up!"

The blue beetle shouted, and the small-caliber cannons popped out from both shoulders at the same time, and the raindrop-like blue lasers shot towards Deadpool.Deadpool, who was supposed to be in mid-air with nowhere to draw his strength, turned into a phantom and disappeared on the spot the moment the laser came out of the chamber, and flashed behind the blue beetle like a ghost, and his two swords drew two dazzling silver streaks. Light Qi Qi slashed towards the back of his armor.

The sword blade dragged a string of bright sparks across the blue armor. The blue beetle was in pain, and hurriedly turned back and shook his hand to shoot, but the beam shot through a layer of phantom again, but Deadpool himself did not know how to dodge. where.

"Where are you looking, brat!?"

This time, the sound came from the front again, and when the blue beetle turned back, it was already a step too late. The sharp double knives attacked, and two arc-shaped sword lights side by side cut down from his front, causing him to stagger back.

It is teleportation, another extremely tricky ability of Deadpool.To deal with this weird special ability, either you have to have superhuman dynamic vision that can at least capture the trajectory of bullets, or you have to have terrifyingly accurate combat intuition or experience to predict where he will appear.And unfortunately, Blue Beetle, a superhero rookie, has none of that.

But luckily, his partner has.

Deadpool flashed again, this time on top of the blue beetle's head.The two long knives were raised high, and with the bitter wind, they slashed down on the blue beetle's neck.He deliberately chose the position and angle of his shot. From this position, the rookie should not have noticed his attack before being hit.


Deadpool's pupils closed—totally unexpected, the blue beetle reacted amazingly and held up his knife to withstand his fierce slash, and at the same time pointed his backhand directly at the position of his head when he fell.

In an instant, the energy of the cannon shot out from the muzzle, engulfing Deadpool's head violently, almost blowing off half of his forehead, and fell to the ground, looking quite miserable.

"They said you couldn't die, so I just let me play freely." Blue Beetle raised the smoking barrel on his right arm, looked at Deadpool lying on the ground, and said, "You're unlucky,' The scarab' system will perform complex calculations and analysis in battle, and it has already seen through all your movements. This should be enough for you to be quiet for a while."

Harry's side has been basically subdued by Nightwing, and Deadshot, who was suppressed by Jessica, is also very annoyed at the moment.While maintaining the output of firepower, he shouted: "Stinky girl, don't jump around here!"

"Ha, look at what you said." Jessica raised her leg in mid-air and said while avoiding two bullets, "They still call you 'death shooter', I heard that you never miss a shot. So I guess you used to aim at the kind of targets that stood obediently in front of the crosshairs? Then it’s no wonder, I didn’t believe them when they said you hit every shot!"

"soy Mujer"

Before Shishe could finish his sentence, Jessica gave Jessica a hard knee bump on the bridge of his nose. The poor nose was broken with a "click", and the nosebleeds flowed out.

"Wow, man, you look like you've got a nosebleed." Jessica squatted in front of him, shaking her head. "Are you okay? Are you a little bit out of energy?"

"Can't you just shut up for a second!?"

Deadshot angrily raised the barrel on the back of his hand and was about to shoot again. Jessica blocked his hole with a spider web with a "snap", and the barrel exploded with a "bang", and the reaction shocked him. The tiger's mouth was in severe pain, and he fell to the ground.

At the same time that Deadshot fell, Black Manta finally couldn't hold it anymore.The laser in his eyepiece shot continuously, cutting through the afterimages left by the lightning boy's high-speed movement one after another, but this kid comes and goes without a trace like a gust of wind, and how do you fight against an opponent who is as invisible as the wind? ?

The whirlwind with golden current quickly surrounded Black Manta Ray in the center, as if there were countless Lightning Boys surrounding him in the middle, and the surrounding circle shrank rapidly.

The already impatient Black Manta ray shouted: "Is that all you can do to hide and hide like this, kid? Do you dare to fight upright like a man?"

"Ha, did you know you were the villain when you said that?" Kid Lightning's voice seemed to come from all directions, and Black Manta felt like he was surrounded by a circle of stereos, "You think things will go according to' Is it that simple for me to accept your provocation and jump out, and then be shot down by a laser beam of your 'beep'?"

As soon as the words fell, the golden whirlwind really stopped, and countless afterimages overlapped together in front of the black manta ray, gathering the figure of Kid Lightning.

Black Manta was stunned for a moment, but couldn't react immediately.

Kid Lightning grinned, and raised his lightning-flashing fist: "I heard you, are you surprised?"

The next moment, the fist turned into an afterimage and blasted out, hitting the flat helmet of the black manta ray heavily at supersonic speed.The scarlet eyepiece shattered with a clang, and the force of the punch caused the manta ray to fly upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"According to what you said, face-to-face confrontation." Kid Lightning shook his hand, "But it still hurts."

At this moment, Eric's side.

With the help of Raven, Eric has entered his own consciousness following the guidance of chaos magic.He felt that he could already feel the part of his lost memory, it was very close, as if he had already touched the dusty box of memory, and he was only one step away from pulling it away.

And at this moment, the instinct for crisis violently stimulated his nerves, and instantly pulled him out of the depths of his consciousness.He jumped away from Raven almost subconsciously, and the black manta ray that was blown away rolled over between the two of them at this moment.

"Manta ray?" Seeing his teammate's shattered helmet and bloody mess, Eric subconsciously stepped forward to help him up, "Are you alright?"

"No, I have something to do." Manta Ray stood up with difficulty, and glanced at the whole battle situation, "Our entire team has something to do."

Following his gaze, Eric noticed the situation on the field.If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out.

"Eric." Raven called him softly.

Eric hesitated.

This is an important opportunity to retrieve his memory, but at the same time he also has a strong premonition that if he chooses to retrieve his memory now, he should miss the chance to save the team.And although I don't know how my current teammates will be dealt with in the future, it certainly won't be as easy as being invited to eat pork chop rice.

Eric closed his eyes gently.

It doesn't matter who these people are, or whether they have anything to do with their past self.All Eric remembers is that when his memory went blank and he felt alone in the world, it was Deathshot and Black Manta who risked their lives returning to the fire to try and get him out.

Now, they are their important comrades-in-arms and partners.It has nothing to do with his past, he just can't watch them all wiped out here now, that's all.

"Complete green light mode is online."

(End of this chapter)

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