Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 326 The Subway Task Force

Chapter 326 The Subway Task Force

Xinka Lilan, the 26th floor of the International Affairs Headquarters Building.

If one word had to be used to describe the situation on this floor, then it would be - a mess.

The choking gunpowder smoke traveled along the corridor throughout the entire floor. The flames had spread to the entire floor in the past few minutes, but they had been initially brought under control.The ceiling with the control room as the center is exaggeratedly cracked with a huge gap, shaped like an infinitely extending spider web.

The area has been completely cordoned off, and the building is in chaos.Since it is an important place of state secrets, almost all high-level executives in Xinkaliland were shocked by what happened here.If only the words "covert operation" are concerned, the failure of Suicide Squad seems to have reached the pinnacle that cannot be added.

Amongst the thick smoke and ruins, Kid Lightning stood up holding his head and shook his head: "Wait a minute, my head is a little dizzy right now. What happened to us just now?"

"If the last thing you remember is that Amozo-Alpha brought us all down, that's right." Blue Beetle also climbed out of a piece of rubble, "because that's what just happened."

Just a moment ago, when the battle between the Titans and the Suicide Squad was basically settled, Eric suddenly made a move.They had no expectations at all, no preparations at all, and they were all knocked down by Eric alone.After that, Eric didn't bother to fight at all, and immediately blasted through the outer wall, and rushed out with all the members of the suicide team with the energy of the green light.

"Revan? What's the situation with Eric?" After confirming that everyone was fine, Ye Yi asked Raven.

"His memory is not clear." Raven said, "Although I don't know what happened that night, Eric should be in a state of amnesia now. I think... he should regard himself as a member of that team. "

"So that means he thinks we're all enemies?" Jessica said. "That's pretty cool, and we lost them."

"Not exactly." Ye Yi said, turning on the projection virtual screen on his wrist.A grid-shaped street map popped up on the light blue screen, and a red spot of light was moving rapidly on the screen.

"The tracker, I left it on Harley." Ye Yi smiled, "What do I usually say? Always remember to keep back."

So where is our Suicide Squad right now?
A few streets away, the people who had landed on the ground were running fast, causing all the passers-by on the street to stop and cast strange glances
It's no wonder that if you see such a group of people in strange costumes and scarfs running wildly like being chased by tigers on the street, you can't help but look at them more often.However, no one doubted their identities, and most passers-by thought that this might be a movie.

"Can't you fly back with us all the time?" Deadshot asked Eric while running wildly.

Eric shook his head: "That mode can't be maintained for too long, I think it should be because the matching degree of the armor shown here is too low."

"It's okay, you've saved us all again." Black Manta said.

Deadpool also came up and patted him on the shoulder: "That's right, buddy, you know? I've already made up my mind, I'll give you a whole piece with MVP on it when I go back, and you can hang it around your neck in the future, sure." Very cool!"

There is an MVP sign hanging around his neck. Thinking about that image, I always feel that it must be very discordant.Eric couldn't help feeling a chill on the back of his neck, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but forget it."

While the few people were talking, Death Shoot had already led them into the ground.They leaped past the ticket gate, swept through the escalator like a gust of wind amidst the cursing of a group of passengers, squeezed desperately through the subway door that was about to close, and then were shocked by the surprised eyes of the passengers on the subway. respite.

"My God, I didn't expect us to get on the subway in the end." After the subway started, Sishe gasped while holding the door, "Where did those little brats come from?"

"I feel like we just got kicked the crap out of those little kids," Harry said, giggling like it was a joke.

Deadshot raised his forehead: "Well, anyway, it's the end of taking the subway back. I guess at least we won't be awarded medals when we go back. Speaking of which, the guy from the death knell has been out of contact since the beginning, no I know what's going on with him."

They never imagined that at the same time that everyone fled to the subway in a panic, Death Knell had been "invited" to the high-level enemy's office as a VIP, sitting on a comfortable sofa like a VIP with Sinka Leland. A high-level person "talks about business."

"The end of the world is coming, Mr. Wilson." The well-dressed leader spoke, "Of course, I don't mean now, but it is not far away. The continuous growth of the population leads to a lack of resources, and the end is inevitable."

Deathstroke sat motionless on the sofa, waiting for him to continue.

"Have you ever seen a scene where two dogs fight over a bone with little meat on it?" said the leader, "and my mission is to make sure that our country becomes stronger than the dog with your help, I believe We can do it."

"I thought you already had those toys." Deathstroke said lightly, "It's the robots that brought me here."

"Yes, that is part of the 'Red Project' controlled by the royal family of this country." He said, "King Tulan has always believed in this principle, 'deterrence and intimidation'. To achieve such an effect, we arranged for those mechas to make such a big noise just to scare you."

After a pause, he continued: "But if a country wants to survive, it must learn to act in a high-profile way, and it must also be able to make big things small. If a country wants to survive, it needs people like you."

"Like me." Deathstroke repeated.

"Yes, a man who can do anything."

Having said that, he smiled slightly: "What do you think, Deathstroke?"

"You don't seem to have talked about money yet." Deathstroke's tone was still cold, like a machine.

"Of course." The other party grinned, "Then let's start talking about the price."

(End of this chapter)

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