Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 327 Subway Intercept

Chapter 327 Subway Intercept
Sinka Leland, on a certain subway.

After a group of criminals in strange costumes rushed onto the subway in embarrassment, all the passengers avoided it with a sense of not causing trouble.At this moment, there were only a few members of the team left in the huge carriage, and it felt as empty as a box.

"Yes, you heard it right." Deadshot reported to the headquarters bravely, "We are on the subway."

"You guys on the subway?" Victor repeated. "You know how funny that sounds, right?"

"I have to make a choice, this is the best escape route in our current situation"

"Stealth! Avoid eyes and ears! Which of these instructions do you not understand!?" Victor raised his voice and growled like an angry bull, "You haven't forgotten that I can blow your head off at any time, right? "

Far away at the headquarters in the United States, just as Victor Saiji was annoyed about the behavior of Deadshot and the team, Amanda Waller entered the command room and walked straight to him without saying a word. He put on his headset and squeezed into the communication channel with the team.

"Deathshot, can you hear me?" she said. "This is Amanda Waller, your old boss."

"Hey, Waller, long time no see. Where have you been? Our new boss is much harder to serve than you."

"You have completed the task, and now you can withdraw to the headquarters." Waller said lightly.

"Wait, I didn't say that!" Victor glared at Waller and said, "Their mission execution was a mess, and nothing was done at all!"

"Their task is to find the secret project that Sinka Leland planned in private. Obviously, that refers to those robots." Waller said lightly, "They have found out the content of the project, the task is completed, and now they can come back."

"But we don't know anything about those robots yet." Victor said viciously, "Don't listen to her, team, I'm your commander now. Your mission has not been completed, you have to stay there. "

"Yes, in theory, Mr. Sage is now your chief." Waller said, with a sly smile, "but I have a secret to share with you, and that is the detonation of the nano-bomb implanted in your neck The button is still in my hand. Before the handover order is given from above, I can decide when to press that switch. So, now you decide for yourself, dead shot."

Victor stood up abruptly, threw off the headset angrily, and glared at Waller fiercely: "What do you want, Waller!?"

"Clean up your mess." Waller stared back at him unafraid, "before you mess things up."

After hearing what Amanda Waller said, the team members on the subway looked at each other in dismay. Although no one spoke, they could see from their eyes that everyone had reached an agreement.

Deadshot pressed the earphones and said: "Got it, Waller, we are going to return now. By the way, we all miss the days of working under you."

As soon as the words were said here, a new accident happened again.All the lights from the ceiling to the end of the car were suddenly extinguished without warning, and darkness enveloped the speeding subway in an instant, and the clanging sound of the train running on the rails echoed extremely harshly in the darkness.

"It's so dark, I like it~ Hey! Where are your hands!?" Harry yelled.

Immediately after that came Deadpool's voice: "Sorry, I'm a little nervous because it's too dark. You know, I like to grope when I'm nervous."

"Be quiet!" Black Manta said.

The glass on the door leading to the compartment shattered with a clang, and in the darkness, it seemed that something was thrown through the window, rolled and landed on the floor full of glass shards.

"Lie down!" Deadshot yelled.

Gunshots sounded almost at the same second, and the sound of intensive firing followed one after another, completely obliterating the sound of the speeding train.At the same time, bullets poured through the door panels from the adjacent carriages on the front and rear sides, and the sound was like a torrential rain pouring into the hut through a hole.

After a while, the gunshots stopped, and the metal door panel was covered with bullet holes, and slender beams of light shot in from the bullet holes.The front and rear door panels slid open at the same time, and a leader in black each led a group of heavily armed soldiers into the carriage, and at the same time brought in dazzling incandescent lights behind them.

"Please don't get up." A leader in front said, "Criminals in the United States, we hope to take you back and have a good talk."

Deadpool turned his gaze to Lawton: "Hey, what's the strategy now, boss?"

"Do it in the most savage way you can."

"Good idea." Deadpool smiled, "I like it."

Deadpool, who was lying on the ground with his head in his arms just a second ago, suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared on the spot.Before the soldiers had time to be surprised, ghosts holding two knives had silently flashed into the middle of their formation.

"Hey, buddy." Deadpool's voice suddenly sounded from the back of a team leader's neck, "You seem to be quite important."


Before the poor team leader had time to say anything, a silver knife flashed suddenly.The sharp blade wiped his throat like a whirlwind, and slashed across the ground. The blood burst out like a fountain, and the bloody head was thrown far away in a parabola.

The soldiers suddenly became chaotic in the phalanx, and the lineup was messed up by Deadpool alone.At the same time, this is also an opportunity for the Suicide Squad.

"Everyone, now is the time!" Dead shot took the lead and stood up first, the barrel of the gun on the back of his hand flashed, and a shuttle of bullets instantly swept down several people facing him.

Leading the charge with Deadpool, the Suicide Squad quickly launched a counterattack.Anyway, everyone in this team possessed at least one special talent. Before being recruited into this team, they were all people who had caused a lot of trouble, and they were able to deal with an ordinary team of soldiers with ease.In just a short while, most of these soldiers had fallen down, and they were about to be completely settled by the team.

And just at this moment, another unexpected new character joins the brawl.

It was as if the air in the carriage suddenly stopped, and all the pictures were instantly rendered in a greenish tone.An external force instantly enveloped everyone in the carriage, as if an invisible hand caught them, making everyone's movements seem to be many times heavier.

Palpitations hit from the bottom of my heart, Eric's pupils shrank for a moment, and the memory deep in his mind seemed to be touched.

He remembered this feeling, and it seemed that he had a similar feeling when he fought against an extremely dangerous enemy before. The premonition of danger made his heart pound wildly, as if he couldn't wait to burst out.


Everyone was knocked to the ground by the storm, and the cold wind seemed to be whipped by countless long whips.Eric half-kneeled on the ground, subconsciously blocking the front with one hand, and seemed to see that all the cars in the front half of the subway were blown away by that domineering force, completely out of touch with the half of the car they were in now.A Terminator-like figure hovered over the cut-off section of the train. The green storm fluttered his cloak and fluttered about. Behind the iron-colored mask, he cast cold and contemptuous gazes, looking at everyone in the carriage.

It's Doctor Doom.

(End of this chapter)

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