Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 328 Suicide Squad VS Doom

Chapter 328 Suicide Squad VS Doom
Appearing with the powerful aura unique to the king, Doctor Doom raised his hand and blew up half of the subway and appeared at the door surrounded by flames. Behind him was a dark green magic storm, which seemed to be part of the background with the fire.

The metal boots landed on the floor crisply. Doctor Doom stood in the middle of the carriage, shot a look of deep disdain and contempt through the iron mask, and swept everyone in the carriage indifferently.

"A puppet from America?" he snorted with obvious contempt.

"Hey, I think that iron-faced ugly monster seems to look down on us." Deadpool said, "We should show him some color."

"Brother, don't you even recognize Doctor Doom?" Dead Shee said, "Isn't that someone we can offend? Speaking of which, why did we meet him in this kind of place? Could it be that we didn't read the almanac when we went out today?"

"I don't care if he is Doctor Doom or not, I also think we should kick his ass." Harley echoed.

Deadpool and Harry looked at each other.

"Very well, the plan is decided!"

"Hey, wait!"

Deadshot tried to stop the two madmen, but it was too late.Deadpool had already shaken his hands and flashed his micro punch, and Harry also took out the throwing knife, and the silver knife light rushed towards Doctor Doom along with a long tongue of flame.

This time there must be no room for manoeuvre, and Deathshot cursed secretly, but he had to open up all firepower, and poured all firepower at Doctor Doom.

Facing the double-teaming attack, Doctor Doom himself was as stable as Mount Tai, and it seemed that it was troublesome to even move a finger.The dense bullets exploded only a few centimeters in front of him, splashing one transparent ripple after another in the air, as if hitting an invisible barrier.

The deflated bullet casings fell to the ground with a crackling sound, and Harry's two throwing knives were bounced and spun twice in the air, before being inserted into the seat on one side with a "click".The black manta ray grabbed the dead corner of the field of vision behind Doctor Doom, activated the long strip eyepiece that had been shattered in half, and the red laser roared out, heading straight for the postdoctoral heart.However, the latter only moved his body slightly, raised his hand casually, and slapped his laser light in the air with a "slap", turning into countless streaks and shooting away in all directions.

The light beam scattered by Doom ran across the car uncontrollably, cut the windows, cut off the seats, penetrated from the ceiling and the floor, and caused everyone in the team to fall to the ground in embarrassment.

After only one round of fighting, the team has been completely defeated.Just like what Deadshot said—they were nothing more than a motley crew that was forcibly put together by the Sky Eye Society and had some special talents, and Dr. Doom was not a big shot they could provoke at all.

At this time, Eric was the only one left standing. In the short time when Doom brought down all his teammates, he quickly grabbed behind Doom, jumped up in the air, and slammed his legs like a whip towards him. The doctor drew from behind.

But Dum didn't look back at all, he raised his hand lightly as if he had eyes behind his back, and firmly held Eric's sweep.A wave of green force appeared on his arm, and the doctor took advantage of the momentum, immediately knocking Eric to the ground.

Dum turned around slowly, watched Eric roll and squat up, and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to survive. This was a mistake of mine. But the great Dum rarely makes mistakes."

"Sorry. Have we met?" Eric said, "My recent memory is not very good."

"So, is that so?" Doom said, "But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'll fix this omission here."

As soon as the words fell, the green magic ball flew out of his hand.On Eric's side, the sound effect of "truth mode is online" sounded almost at the same second, and he waved his hand and used the bracelet on his wrist to gather and disperse the magic.

The armor switched to truth mode synchronously, Eric strode forward and raised his arms.But seeing a flash of silver light, the long sword appeared in his hand in an instant, and fell towards Doom's armor with a sharp trajectory.


The blade scraped a great deal of magic on Doom's raised arm, sprinkling it like raindrops without leaving a scrape.

Eric gritted his teeth, raised the tip of his sword, and launched a new offensive.Jianguang was like a silver snake in a violent storm, showing all its fangs towards the enemy, but no matter how violently he attacked, Doom could always hold it back with ease, and it seemed that there was no one at all. work hard.


The long sword collided with Dum's arm again, and this time the majestic magic power was transmitted directly to Eric's arm through the blade, which made his mouth go numb, and the blade couldn't help but dropped out of his hand, spinning and thrusting into the floor.

Dum made a single palm, and Eric suddenly felt as if he was caught by an invisible force, and the invisible imprisonment made him unable to move his body at all.Eric gritted his teeth, the armor's power system was running at full speed, he could almost hear the sound of the armor parts running at full speed, but it still didn't help.As Dum's palm slowly moved up, Eric's body was lifted up little by little, and he was suspended in mid-air.

"You have become weaker." Dum said indifferently, "Is it because of memory, which affects the performance of the armor?"

Immediately, he snorted.

"It doesn't matter. Your value doesn't matter, but I'm very interested in that armor. After I get you, I will peel it off your body. It should have a lot of research value."

While talking, Dum casually raised his other palm, and lightly slapped back another ray shot by the black manta ray, causing the black manta ray to fall to the ground.

Deadshot also took the opportunity to aim his gun at Dum's forehead, and a series of bullets roared out.

"Annoying bug."

With a disdainful murmur, a green torrent rushed out of Dum, the bullet rain was instantly dispersed, and Deathshot was overturned to the ground again, but the moment he fell, he shouted loudly: "It's now!"

Dum glanced out of the corner of his eye, and then noticed that one of the miscellaneous fish seemed to be missing.

"Hey, where are you looking? It's you!"

When the cheap voice sounded, Deadpool's figure had already flashed directly above his head.When Dum looked up, he saw Deadpool holding three or four defused grenades in one hand, rushing towards him as if to hug him.

"I'm starting to regret it a bit," Deadpool muttered, "This will definitely be very painful!"

Harley, Deadshot, and Black Manta lay down together, hugging their heads.


There was a deafening bang, and the strong light seemed to occupy the entire world in an instant. The terrifying impact shattered every glass window, and the flames burst out of the window like an out-of-control demon, hissing and roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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