Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 329 Red Project

Chapter 329 Red Project
The half of the subway that was blown away had already stopped moving forward, and a round of shocking explosions even blew up the whole section of the carriage where the team and Dum were.The entire carriage was completely surrounded by flames, all the seats inside were blown into a mess, and the outer shell of the carriage was also severely deformed, making it impossible to distinguish the original shape.

This is the result of Deadpool holding three or four grenades in each hand, throwing himself at Doom and detonating them like suicide.And naturally, he himself was the first to bear the brunt of the explosion, his whole body was bloody from the explosion, his uniform was tattered, and he was covered in blood.Fortunately, Deadpool has long been used to missing arms and legs, and even though some parts of his body were blown up to the bone, he still looks like a fine person.

"I didn't say that, buddy." He got up and shook his head, and said, "I scored at least 99 points for this operation!"

"Uh, I think the scoring part can be put aside first." Harley, whose face was almost charred by the explosion, looked up and said, "Guys, I don't think he's down yet."

As she said, in the center of the flames, Doom's figure was faintly discernible.The iron-blue figure stepped out slowly through the flames step by step, the cloak fluttered among the swaying flames, and against the backdrop of the raging flames, the domineering aura of the king was even more reflected. Not a scratch left.

"You have tried so hard to attract the attention of the great Doom." Doctor Doom said coldly, "Now, you have succeeded."

"Why do I have a very bad premonition." Deadshot muttered secretly.

He is right.Doom raised his arms, and a powerful wave of magic suddenly surrounded him, stirring like a hurricane.Glass shards all over the floor were sucked up and flew in the direction of the vortex flow in the air. An extremely terrifying force was brewing in the small compartment, and the air pressure made the shell of the compartment "creak" and screamed, as if the entire frame was about to be shattered.

Eric yelled, "Everyone, lean on me!"

"Complete, the green light mode is online. The output power is 100% fully charged!"

The armor switched to the green light mode in an instant, and the energy was charged to the limit output in the shortest possible time. The simulated light ring was materialized into a semicircular shield, which continued to expand and engulfed everyone in the team. protected in it.

"Hahahaha!!!" When everyone lay down with their heads in their arms, only Harry laughed wildly, "Oh my God, it's so exciting! Don't you think this subway ride is as exciting as a roller coaster?"

"Get down, idiot!" Black Manta yelled.

Green light flashed in Doom's eyes.

The surging torrent of energy rushed in, colliding with the shield drama of the limit output.In an instant, the iron sheet of the carriage was violently torn apart, and the energy instantly filled the enclosed space, breaking through the fragile iron sheet and overflowing.

All the images and sounds seemed to be melted into the strong light, and everyone including Eric felt that their eyes went dark, and their bodies seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss.

Xinka Lilan, in a certain state facility.

"Come this way, please."

Deathstroke followed the cadre in black to the bottom of the facility by elevator, and found that there was such an open space hidden under the office building, like an arsenal. Various advanced aircraft are suspended under the ceiling more than 30 meters high, and countless mechanical arms are working around them.The ground is full of new models of chariots that even Deathstroke has never seen before, and the red mechs of the type that attacked the Suicide Squad. An army of steel.

You must know that Deathstroke, as the most powerful mercenary in the world, is well-informed in terms of military weapons. He has seen all kinds of new weapons in almost all major countries with his own eyes.And he has never heard of the group of armed forces hidden in the underground on Xinkalilan's side, and the degree of secrecy is evident.

"Your equipment is quite advanced." Death Knell said as he passed the high bridge and looked down.

"As I said before, the mechas you encountered are part of the 'Red Project'." The cadre explained to him, "And this is the whole picture of our 'Red Project'. King Tulan attaches great importance to this He believes that in this new era, extraordinary capabilities and advanced technology are the keys to power in the new era, and this project was established for this.”

"This view is not false." Death Bell said lightly.

He himself has a deep understanding.Back then, you only needed accurate marksmanship and hard enough fists to be invincible all over the world, and easily complete various difficult tasks.Now, in his career, he often has to figure out how to deal with superhumans who can break the sound barrier on foot, are invulnerable to bullets, or can summon thunder and rain.

Against this background, if the next world war breaks out, the theme will definitely be super-power warfare.Only nations that have mastered extraordinary capabilities hold the keys to power.

Passing through the central open space, the cadre led the death knell into a smaller room on the second basement floor.The death knell looked around, and saw that the room was lined with closed alloy wardrobes, as well as some portable small equipment.If it is said that all the heavy weapons for war are built outside, then all the personal equipment built here should be close-fitting armor.

Deathstroke stopped in front of one of the cabinets, and his gaze stayed on the word "Amozo" on the door.

"It's empty inside." The cadre explained, "This has nothing to do with you, it has to do with another plan of the king. The thing for you is here."

The death knell chuckled inexplicably, ignored him, and continued to follow him.

At the end, the cadre entered a series of codes in front of a certain cabinet, and the heavy alloy door slowly opened with the sound of gears running, revealing the armor placed inside.It was a set of close-fitting exoskeleton armor, with a solid and heavy shape, and the whole body was painted in deep black, like a sleeping warrior.

"This is the prototype of the most advanced exoskeleton armor we have completed so far, and we haven't found a suitable wearer yet." The cadre smiled slightly, "We think you might be a good wearer. how about?"

Deathstroke stared directly at the armor for a long time, as if lost in thought.

"I need to repaint it, the same shade as my uniform," he said flatly. "Also remove the right eye from the helmet. It will interfere with my aiming."

(End of this chapter)

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