Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 333 Infighting

Chapter 333 Infighting
Staring at Deadpool who suddenly defected, Black Manta's voice became deeper and deeper: "What do you want to do, Wade? Put down the sword."

Deadpool shrugged indifferently: "Sorry, it's not a personal grievance, but Slade said that the price offered there is better. Then there is no way."

Without further ado, the tip of Deadpool's sword moved, and immediately dragged a silver-white sword light and slammed it towards the neck of the black manta ray.

But Black Manta is not mediocre either, the moment he saw Deadpool make a move, Black Manta quickly made the first move.He ducked to avoid the sweep of Deadpool's long sword, and the staggered blade scraped violently on his white helmet.At the same time, he swiftly hit Deadpool's waist and abdomen with an elbow, temporarily knocking him back half a step.

Eric also stepped forward in a hurry to help, but another sword light suddenly fell on his head.He paused, raised his arm to support it, and the sharp blade hit a lot of sparks on the arm of the super mode armor.

"Don't look around, brat." Death Knell, wearing the exoskeleton armor, held the hilt of the sword tightly with one hand, poured all his arms into the blade, and pressed on Eric with all his might, "Your opponent is me!"

Black Manta also fought with Deadpool again. He raised his machine gun and fired a round of bullets to force Deadpool back, and shouted at Harley: "Take the deadshot and go! I'll deal with Deadpool!" !"

"It's really touching, I'm about to cry!" Deadpool said, while the micro charge in his hand continued to pour firepower at the black manta ray, and the long sword in the other hand continued to press forward, "But Do you know? Your current line is like the common saying in TV dramas, 'You go first and I'm the last one', thanks to you saying this line, I feel that I have already won!"

Black Manta was punching his chattering mouth.

"I've been fucking trying to tell you to shut up a long time ago."

The death knell has been strengthened by the exoskeleton armor, and the combat power has suddenly increased by more than a star and a half. Eric was completely suppressed in close combat.The performance of Deathstroke's suit of armor is of course inferior to that of Almazo armor's super mode, but Deathstroke's excellent fighting ability completely makes up for this.All Eric's moves were completely seen through by the opponent, as if the death knell could see through his heart's choice and response to every action. The two fought for dozens of rounds. Eric did not catch him once, and he I can't count how many swords I've eaten from Deathstroke.

Fortunately, the super mode's defense ability is still strong enough, and it has been able to hold up so far.


The death knell kicked Eric's belly armor, and the leg strength strengthened by the armor immediately sent Eric flying across, like a fired shell blasting through an overturned tank and rushed out. The armor shell was as weak as a sheet of paper in front of the huge impact.

"Just stay in your turtle shell." Deathstroke said indifferently and stepped forward, "I will peel it off bit by bit."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and a missile carried on the back of his hand flew out with a "whoosh" piercing through the air, and rushed towards the position where Eric had just fallen.

There was a loud noise, and the flames almost became one piece. The explosion of the missile seemed to have caused a chain reaction among the wreckage of the battlefield. One after another, flaming lotuses exploded in the field, and the scene was quite spectacular.

"Just lie there for a while." Death Bell looked at the ruins in front of him, and said lightly, "Anyway, if I really kill you, Ruth will definitely pester me endlessly."

After he finished speaking, he just turned around when there was another movement behind him.When Death Knell turned around, he saw a green light bursting out of the ruins, and Eric, who was surrounded by the energy of the green light, came out of the ruins again, staring at him as if with a raging green flame.

"It's not over yet, don't worry." Eric squeezed his fists, "The second round is just about to begin!"

The missile that the death knell just hit not only affected them, but also affected the battle between Deadpool and Black Manta.They were unprepared for the sudden explosion. Both of them were lifted up by the shock wave, smashed a rectangular glass window and rolled into a dark room.

Both of them didn't pause in their movements, they bounced up at the same time almost immediately after landing, and each rushed towards the other.Deadpool's sword swept across like a gust of wind, and was dodged by the black manta ray, who took advantage of the situation and took a step forward, punching Deadpool hard in the waist.

"Dude, to be honest, I have never understood." Deadpool slammed his knee into the belly of the black manta ray, knocking him back again and again, and said at the same time, "Why did you do this? What good do you do? Is it?"

"Slade betrayed the entire team." Black Manta stopped the momentum of retreat, raised his gun and fired a volley of bullets, "He put all of us in crisis, and you defected at the most critical moment. "

Deadpool didn't dodge or dodge, and rushed forward facing the muzzle of the gun, several blood splashed continuously on his chest, but he didn't even notice it.He jumped up high, held the sword in both hands, and slashed towards the front of the flat helmet of the black manta ray.

"I didn't mean to ask, man, I mean why did you join the squad?"

"I have my reasons."

As Black Manta said, he used a gun instead of a sword to block Deadpool's strike, and the gun immediately came out of his hand under the powerful impact.

"Honestly, what does this matter? The world is about to end." Deadpool said, slamming his elbow on Black Manta's helmet. Like me - take it easy. No matter what you accomplish, you'll never be satisfied, so why not just take it easy."

He slammed into the wall with the head of the black manta ray, smashing a huge crack like a spider web on the wall, and the solid helmet of the black manta ray finally cracked completely under the weight of multiple blows.

".Then here is Dr. Wilson's final advice to you—stop thinking about fulfilling any mission or not. The focus of life is to enjoy yourself in time. Well, that's it."

He raised his longsword, pointing the point at the slit in Black Manta's helmet.And the manta ray has no strength to dodge at all, and he will die without any suspense if this sword strikes.

But the moment before his blade fell, Harry jumped from behind onto Deadpool's back unexpectedly, her legs clamped tightly around his waist, and her hands strangled his neck fiercely.

"I like your point of view!" Harry shouted with a maniacal smile, "It's better to go crazy together, so you don't have to think so much!"

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm glad you're so affectionate, but... you're killing me."

Deadpool grabbed the skirts of her shoulders backwards, pulled her off her back with all his strength, and fell down hard with an over-the-shoulder fall, making a huge hole in the ground.

"We should exchange more life experiences when we have time." Deadpool took a breath and said, "But it's not today, there are still a lot of money waiting for me to earn, so..."


His words were suddenly interrupted by a gunshot, and the bullet pierced through his forehead, bursting out a bright red blood flower.

There was a bloody hole in his head, and Deadpool turned his head slowly, his eyes locked on the dying shooter lying on the ground, the muzzle of the gun in his hand was still smoking.

"Oh, little bastard." Deadpool pointed to the bloody hole left by the shot in his head, "If you think this can stop me"

Before he could speak, the sword light flashed again.This time it was the black manta ray, who took advantage of his chatter and rushed to get behind him, and slashed across his neck.Deadpool's head was separated from his shoulder immediately, and his chubby head flew a long way in a parabola, blood gushing out like a spring.

"Yes." Black Manta gasped, "I think that should stop you."

(Thanks to book friend kabuto555, the half-volume love letter for the 500 starting coins, and book friend 1603210031 for the 100 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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