Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 334 Fighting the Death Knell Again

Chapter 334 Fighting the Death Knell Again
The green light energy simulated by the light ring was condensed into the shape of the blade and formed in Eric's hand, and the green light of the star point surrounded the sword body as the center.The figurative blade collided with the physical long sword in Deathstroke's hand suddenly, and sparks fell together with the green light.

"You are really weak, brat." Deathstroke laughed lowly, "If it was you in the last fight, I would have no chance of winning even with the strengthening of this suit of armor. Speaking of which, you are still fighting for this team. It's really hard work, I don't know what you will think when you know that you have been cheated from the beginning."

"What do you mean?" Eric asked.

The death knell slammed away Eric's green sword, and the tip of the sword turned and pointed directly at Eric's forehead.

"It means that you never belonged to this team!" Deathstroke swung his sword and shouted, "From the very beginning, you were just an outsider and even from a standpoint, you should stand on the opposite side of the Suicide Squad."


The long sword he slashed with all his strength was held firmly by the transparent shield condensed in mid-air, Eric said lightly: "Ah, I know."

The green light emitted from the simulated light ring transformed into the shape of a fist in mid-air, and punched Death Knell on the cheek with a whistling piercing through the air.The figurative fist made a crisp sound on the metal armor. After the death knell stepped back two steps in embarrassment and stood still, he looked at Eric with some surprise.

"you know?"

"I noticed a little bit." Eric said lightly, "I'm not an idiot, I can tell that I don't belong to this team."

"Then why stay?"

"I don't know, I just want to stay instinctively." Eric said, "If I have to say it, I think it's probably because the team gave me a place when I had nowhere to go."

Deathstroke snorted, apparently dismissing the sentimentality.

For Deathstroke, if there's anything worth fighting for in this damn world, it's the one thing everyone believes in - money.Money is the root of everything. Those so-called righteousness and feelings are just naive fantasies, and their value is not as real as a box of gold bars to a person like Deathstroke.

"Naive idea."

With a cold evaluation, Death Knell stepped forward and rushed forward again.The exoskeleton armor on his body also looks extremely light and agile. Under the boost of the power system, there is wind under his feet, like a cheetah sprinting at full speed.

Eric raised his hand and picked up a Gatling, and the dense green bullets poured towards the death knell in the sprint like a storm.But seeing that Death Knell was not afraid at all, without the slightest pause under his feet, the sword blade in his hand swung into an airtight net, and the invisible sword light domineeringly intercepted all the bullets shot at him, every green bullet The moment the bullet hit the blade, there was a crisp "ding", and then dissipated into the air.

The death knell's two swords danced together, and the arms dancing at high speed seemed to have disappeared. The sword light seemed to form an airtight and absolute defense, blocking all the bullets.

Eric pouted.

That being the case, how do you block this?

The sharp piercing sound was mixed with the "chug" sound of the machine gun, and the missile with a green tail flame roared towards the death knell.The pupils under the death knell's helmet shrank, and the footsteps in the rush stopped suddenly, and the body turned around, and the direction was abruptly reversed to avoid it.The missile exploded at the position where he was a few tenths of a second ago, and the broken rocks that exploded on the ground were thrown high into the air seven or eight meters high, falling like raindrops.

But this is not over yet, Eric roared, and more missiles, bullets, and light beams poured out, and the green light seemed to form an overwhelming curtain, and you were almost unavoidable in front of it.

The black dots tore the green light, and the death knell finally rushed out!He really rushed out like a Terminator with round after round of bombardment and ear-piercing explosions. His armor was damaged all over, and even the helmet seemed to have cracks.But he still didn't stop, and rushed to Erik's face fiercely, his sword was so fast that it almost seemed to melt into a part of the blast.

The green light force field of the body shield was cut open, and the blade passed by Eric's armor. The gun hit Eric directly, and the armor-piercing bullets shot out at zero distance.The powerful impact knocked back on the spot and the barrel of the gun exploded, but the bullets did break through the armor and hurt Eric's body, knocking him half-kneeling to the ground.

"Compared to the past, you are indeed much weaker." The death knell snorted coldly, and raised the blade again, "Now you, the consciousness of fighting is like a child, and your imagination is also vulnerable, defeating the current you I hardly feel any glory at all."

Unexpectedly, Eric, who was kneeling on the ground, violently jumped up, and the Dragon Fist with a green light band slammed Death Knell's face hard.The mask that already had cracks shattered, blood droplets flew, and the death knell fell to the ground with an "ah".

"You overlooked one part," Eric panted, clenching his fist, with a green ring attached to the back of his fist, "that's me and my fist."

The death knell shook his head and was about to get up, and he seemed a little dizzy.Eric didn't say anything, and punched him unceremoniously at the broken part of his helmet, which immediately blacked out his eyes and completely passed out.

"Fortunately, you should be able to smash the heads of ordinary people now." Eric gasped, "But you just can't hang up, can you?"

But by now, he was almost exhausted.At this moment, due to amnesia, the neural link of the armor has been in a very unstable state. The direct result of this is that the matching degree is extremely low and the energy consumption is exaggerated.The battle had just ended, and as soon as the tense nerves relaxed, the armor automatically entered the dormant mode and was lifted back to the back.

But at any rate, it was successfully resolved, and the next thing is to find the rest of the team and leave this ghost place.
As soon as he thought of this, there was an unexpected throbbing in the depths of his heart, as if he had sensed a familiar and kind breath.

The faint purple magic rose from the ground, surrounding him like smoke.A translucent figure quietly appeared behind him, and he could even smell a faint fragrance.

Raven quietly appeared behind him, pressing his hands lightly on his temples.

"Relax, Eric," she said softly, "You can rest now."

My heart seemed to relax involuntarily.Eric didn't resist, and gently closed his eyes, which felt like opening his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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